These are some of the pictures readers have sent of their felt bird projects.
Click on the thumbnail to scroll through the larger size images.
- Mary from Hampton, Virginia’s Covid Tree
- Martha from Maine used fabric paint to create the face of this cardinal.
- A Christmas Advent Calendar by Jenn
- West Virginia bird Tree by Kitty
- Art imitates life! Shared by Linzy from Victoria BC Canada.
- Margarent from California made the owl family!
- Lourdes from Spain created this lovely display of birds!
- Shared by Bev from Tennessee!
- Loraleigh at the Neepawa Public Library in Manitoba had her children’s group make the barn owls. Very cute!
- Lisa made 80 barn owls from recycled sweaters as gifts for her friends and family. 80!
- Debra helps to catch and tag Saw Whet owls in Colorado. Here’s her version of this tiny owl.
- Jacklyn’s Gathering of Birds
- This collection of birds hands in Sue’s father’s room at the nursing home.
- These birds were a Alyssa’s family craft project. Click here for more pics on Alyssa’s blog.
- Here are my birds. This is the FIRST project of this sort I have ever done, and the only sewing class I took was back in 7th grade. Anita.
- Made by Eva from St. Lewis, Labrador
- Patti’s Pillow
- Alisa’s Christmas Stocking
- Alissa’s Sunday School Projects
- Christmas Tree Skirt by Jolene
- Mary’s sea creature mantle