Susan’s Felt Patterns
All Bird Patterns
The Humble Rock Pigeon
The Rock Pigeon is a fixture in our landscapes. You'll spot them in urban public streets and squares, and rural areas like ours, they soar under bridges to perch on the frame. This humble and often maligned bird is still a beauty. Enjoy this free felt ornament...
The Territorial Pacific Loon
Loons are among my favorite birds. Their haunting calls and striking appearance make them icons of northern waterways. It was a very cold beach outing for this Pacific Loon's photo shoot. Since they're native to the Alaska region, the snowy seascape seems fitting....
The Bold American Oystercatcher
Sitting inside watching the snow fly, I'm clearly dreaming of warmer times as I designed my first felt bird of the year–the striking American Oystercatcher shorebird. He waded gracefully along the tide at Roque Bluffs Beach for a photo shoot. If you ignore the snowy...
Owl Tree Topper Experiment
A few years ago, I turned my Joyful Owl into a tree topper that now sports a jaunty red scarf. This gray-colored owl looked sweet on past trees, but not this year's Christmas tree, which has a more natural white, green, and brown theme. What to do?In October, I spent...
The Sleepy Snowy Owl
Visiting Dad in Pennsylvania presents an opportunity for shopping–or, more accurately, window shopping–every day. I think there may be more stores per square mile in his town than in the entire state of Maine. I spied a snowy owl on a floral pick in the Christmas...
The Gregarious Bobolink
Here's another design from last fall languishing in my files: the Gregarious Bobolink. I found him a difficult one to get accurate in felt! Enjoy. Note: if you're reading this in your email, click "Continue Reading" at the bottom to visit the blog to download....
The Playful Purple Martin
This Playful Purple Martin has been on my drawing board for ages. I finally finished him a couple of weeks ago. I struggled with just the right felt colors. I'd love to see what you use for yours. Enjoy! Note: if you are viewing...
The Cagey Brown-headed Cowbird
The Brown-headed Cowbird is a fascinating songbird; they lay their eggs in the nests of other birds and let the other mamas do all the work. I've occasionally spotted them at our feeder and the edge of the woods. He's on my list today because I happened to have these...
The Curious European Starling
The European Starling is a beautiful bird with glossy black feathers and a yellow beak. It's a challenge to create a shiny feathered bird from felt. I designed this Starling while in Pennsylvania, spending time with Dad. This means that I'm not in the retail desert...
The Peppy Tufted Puffin
I've had numerous requests for the Tufted Puffin from folks along the Pacific west coast and Alaska. He was on my to-do list, but so much in my life has gotten in the way of my to-do list in the last year. Recently, a friend who runs a boat charter business spotted...
The Curious Gray Catbird
I first saw a Gray Catbird when visiting with my parents in Pennsylvania this past spring - it was nesting in mom's rose bushes. This summer, I recorded it on the Merlin app at home. We've got them in our woods, too - but I thought it was a fox or some other animal....
The Nimble Northern Parula
Yesterday, I enjoyed one of the first sunny days in weeks on the porch. Using the Merlin app, I recorded a great variety of birds in my little patch of woods, including a Crow, Overnbird, Hairy Woodpecker, American Robin, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Eastern Phoebe, Hermit...
The Winsome Nashville Warbler
My creative mojo has been hard to find lately. Maybe starting with something relatively easy will help me get my groove back. A Nashville Warbler has been popping up in the sound recordings on my Merlin app this spring. Here he is in felt. I hope these pretty birds...
The Blazing Blackburnian Warbler
Sitting here with my mom on a Saturday afternoon in Pennsylvania, I started exploring birds common to the area. Most of them I have already designed. The Blackburnian Warbler caught my attention - a bird who visits Maine in the summer. Click below to download the...
Minimalist Chickadee
For Christmas, I received the book "Beguiled By The Wild" by Charley Harper from Hannah. About his style of painting, Charley Harper coined it "minimal realism." He said, "Instead of trying to put everything in when I paint, I try to leave everything out. I distill...
Joyful Owl Tree Topper
It's been a stressful year with mom's health challenges, feeling overwhelmed with work, job changes, and Hannah moving home (exciting things on that front coming), to name a few. I've felt less spunky, less resilient than normal. For the first time in, well, forever,...
Birds on Branches Christmas Ornaments – Round 2
I had so much fun with my Birds on Branches last week that I had to make more. Last week I experimented with a lightly stuffed felt Blue Jay ornament and mixed media collage ornaments. This mourning dove, my favorite of the new designs, is finished flat. When I...
Birds on Branches Christmas Ornaments
This week, I've spent my evenings in front of the television playing with these Birds on Branches Christmas Ornaments. They are four-inch circle bird scenes. Because the birds are so small to fit in this space, I slightly simplified the designs from my bird ornaments....
Autumn Shabby Chic Joyful Owls
Last weekend I started working on felt Joyful Wreath Owls - thinking ahead to this year's Winter Tree Festival and Auction. I love making these gray felt wreath owls. Then I started thinking about something a little different. How could I switch things up. I'd yet to...
The Foraging Blue-headed Vireo
Some of my backyard birds you have to go searching the edges of the woods for; otherwise, you can only hear them. The Blue-headed Vireo is one that I've been recording daily on Merlin; I've yet to spot this guy. A challenging part of this bird is finding the right...
The Familiar White-throated Sparrow
The White-throated Sparrow may be the unsung hero of my backyard. Unassuming, always around either at the feeder or rustling around beneath the lilac bushes. I'm past due creating a felt pattern for this guy. Enjoy! If you are reading this post via email, click...
The Belligerent Black-and-white Warbler
Black-and-white Warblers have been singing and keeping me company from the edge of the woods these past few days. This design was a happy way to spend the afternoon on the porch. Enjoy! If you are reading this post via email, click Continue Reading at the bottom and...
The Impressive Yellow-headed Blackbird
Struggling a bit to find my creative mojo again, I tackled this Yellow-headed Blackbird. He's not something you'll find in Maine, but the basic color pattern appealed to my desire for uncomplicated. You all west of the Mississippi are likely familiar with him. Enjoy!...
The Stealthy Northern Shrike
When the request for a Northern Shrike came in last week, I realized that I'd started the design for this fellow some time ago, but never finished the ornament. Here he is for your weekend crafting pleasure. Enjoy! Note: If you are reading this post via e-mail, click...
The Tiny Golden-crowned Kinglet
Cleaning the living room yesterday, I discovered this Golden-crowned Kinglet pattern that had slipped under the sofa. I designed it at some point but never crafted him. A gray Sunday morning was a good time to take him from paper to felt. Enjoy! Note: If you are...
The Singing Red-eyed Vireo
The Green-eyed Vireo is another songster in my woods I've discovered through song identification apps. I haven't been able to find a good olive green in felt - the color called for on this bird. I dabbled with some wool fabric for the back and wing. Some iron-on...
The Whistling Black-throated Green Warbler
The Black-throated Green Warbler is another songster that I've detected in my backyard via song. Another bird I've yet to spot, but whose song I hear with gusto lately. This July 4 weekend is chilly and rainy - after days of 90s weather - the perfect time for a bit of...
The Downeast Thunder Farm Ovenbird
Since exploring who is singing in my backyard, I've discovered that the most common song I hear is that of the Ovenbird - a Wood Warbler. I've never seen one - apparently, they keep to the woods but their song is loud and clear. My challenge with this pattern was...
The Lively American Redstart
It's warbler migration season here in Maine. This little American Redstart warbler has been my rainy day project. We haven't had that many rainy days lately so it's taken me a while to finish him! Enjoy!
The Bustling Black-throated Blue Warbler
Warblers in Maine are such a happy sign of Spring. I've had this Black-throated Blue Warbler on my list for ages. Download the pattern for free below, or order a kit in the SHOP. I've also added the Yellow-rumped Warbler to the SHOP. He first appeared as a free...
The Humble Hairy Woodpecker
The Hairy and Downy woodpeckers at my suet feeders bring such joy. I designed the Downy Woodpecker a few years ago. I've planned to create a Hairy Woodpecker for some time, but they are so similar to Downy Woodpeckers. How to make him different? In addition to the...
The Pugnacious Rufous Hummingbird
It's a little challenging to shoot a realistic photo of a hummingbird in Maine - in the winter. He surely looks out of place! I struggled with the colors for this throat. The color "Rufous" is a brownish-red. Yet when they sun hits this little guy, he lights up. So, I...
The Striking Barrow’s Goldeneye
The Goldeneye duck I spotted earlier in the week while beachcombing inspired this little guy. I returned home to draw him and realized that I'd already designed a Common Goldeneye. So, I chose his cousin, Barrow's Goldeneye, for a pattern. I carted him along on our...
The Radiant Red Crossbill
Such a curious bird with their large ungainly bills. My new red felt - Strawberry Dreams is the perfect shade for this Red Crossbill felt ornament. Enjoy!
The Greedy Grackle
If you've ever had Grackles at your feeder, you'll understand why in bird-speak that flock is called a "plague." They will clean out a feeder faster than any other bird I've seen. Yet yesterday, a beautiful, inky, iridescent Grackle came to visit. He didn't partake at...
Announcing Downeast Thunder Farm’s Backyard Birds Book
Welp, I've pulled the trigger, and my second pattern book, Downeast Thunder Farm Backyard Birds I: Felt Ornament Patterns, is now available for pre-order. This book has been in the works since February. You'd think COVID-19 quarantine would have given me more time to...
The Covert Common Yellowthroat
I first spotted a Common Yellowthroat Warbler in the marshy area next to the beach. A few weeks later I spied one lurking in the branches of my lilac bushes. I haven't seen once since, but I've heard the song. Enjoy! [sdm_download id="36553" fancy="1" new_window="1"...
The Marvelous Magnolia Warbler
A friend shared a photo of a Magnolia Warbler on Instagram. Intrigued, I sat down yesterday to design one. This morning, as I was cutting out the pieces to sew him, I spotted a flash of yellow out the window. I popped up to take a closer look - a Magnolia Warbler!...
The Bright Red-bellied Woodpecker
I have a "to-do" list for my backyard bird books, but lately, my inspiration wants to go other directions (see last weekend's puffin square). Today, I buckled down to create the Red-bellied Woodpecker and check it off my list before I venture into uncharted creative...
Puffins on Rocks Square
Earlier in the year, I designed the Felt Loon at Cadillac square. At the time, it was a one-off type of thing. A few days ago, I woke up in the middle of the night with designs for two more felt squares clearly outlined in my mind. I grabbed my iPhone and emailed...
The Cute Carolina Wren
Another project for these COVID Quarantine days as I work my way through the list of birds I want to create for a backyard bird pattern book. Enjoy! And please stay as safe as possible in these crazy times. [sdm_download id="35175" fancy="1" new_window="1"...
The Lively Yellow-rumped Warbler
How quickly the world changes. Two weeks ago, I was planning a trip to my folks in Pennsylvania. I'd be there today if it weren't for Covid-19 or the Coronavirus. Instead, I'm hunkered down with my family, working from home as are many of you. So here's a new project...
The Shy Song Sparrow
A shy bird, the Song Sparrow is native to North America and can be found in most areas of the United States. Tucked into the woods the way we are, we are more likely to hear their song than see them. Enjoy! [sdm_download id="34881" fancy="1" new_window="1"...
Felt Loon at Cadillac
The inspiration for this project was a painted coaster I spotted in a gift shop a couple of years ago. My design has the silhouette of Cadillac Mountain in the background with a full moon. The day after drawing this design, Hannah and I visited Schoodic, where you'll...
The Spiffy Spectacled Owl
Only at Downeast Thunder Farm will you find this Spiffy Spectacled Owl in the woods. He's more inclined for warmer climates. You can download this free plan here or pickup a kit in the SHOP. Either way, she's a good project for a snowy afternoon. The Flammulated Owl...
Owl Christmas Stockings
I'm not sure what got into me this year. Just four days before Christmas I decided we needed new, custom Downeast Thunder Farm Christmas stockings. I enlarged my Barred, Western Screech, and Great Gray Owls (mine, Hannah's, and Paul's) and appliqued them on felt. I...
Joyful Owl Christmas Wreath
It's my favorite time of year - WHRL Christmas Tree Festival time. I've got a few trees and wreaths planned for the event, but this is my favorite. I've updated my Barred Owl pattern and created her in grays for this wreath. Truth be told it's a story of three owls....
The Delightful Spotted Owl – Free Pattern
I'm working through my list of North American Owls trying to create them all out of felt. The Spotted Owl brings me a bit closer to the finish line. Hope you enjoy him! Purchase a complete kit with expanded instructions...
Whoooo’s Home for Christmas
Whoooo's Home for Christmas is my wreath contribution to this year's WHRL's Christmas Tree Festival & Auction. It features the face of a barn owl peeking out from the wreath. The felt owl in the wreath is about 5" tall, but you can size him appropriately for your...
A Tiny White-faced Scops Owl
In my search for another owl to create, I stumbled across the tiny White-faced Scops owl. I like the crisp black, white, and grey markings of this little owl. I hope you enjoy making him!
The Striking Steller’s Jay
If you live in the western sections of North America, you're likely familiar with the Steller's Jay. This is the first bird I've drawn on my iPad rather than on my computer. I hope you enjoy him! Right click here and select "save target/link as" to save this printable...
The Busy Bullfinch
You won't find this Bullfinch Maine - or anywhere in the United States for that matter. I had to search for this finch when the suggestion came through for him. They're darling and I wish they dined at my feeders. Hope you enjoy. Right click here and select "save...
The Wonderful Wood Thrush
It seems that I haven't had a moment to breath since my Mother's Day outing with Hannah. A crazy work schedule, Hannah's softball games, and the end of senior year activities have ruled my life. On our Mother-Daughter Adventure Day, one of our stops was Birdsacre...
The Handsome Hooded Merganser
You had to know that there was a Hooded Merganser duck pattern coming after my photos of a pair at the beaver pond last week. The male is so distinctive looking that he's almost cartoonish. Their arrival on is a wonderful sign of spring as we gear up for 2-3 inches of...
The Downeast Thunder Farm European Robin
This one is for you folks across the pond - a European robin to help welcome spring. It wasn't until Nancy from the Netherlands shared a picture of her robin did I appreciate that the American and European robin varieties differ so much. The trick here is having just...
The Bonny Budgie
Although spring is all but around the corner, it was entirely too windy and bitter cold today to venture outside for long. I opted to play with a pattern and thought I'd try something that brings warmer climates to mind. This little Budgie pattern is simple, but...
The Roseate Tern
I used Monday's snow day to finish up this Roseate Tern that I started weeks ago. Summertime you'll find these little birds scooting across the surface of the water and then diving for fish. I'm not sure where they spend their winters - if they're smart it's not in...
The Superb Fairy-wren
I receive more suggestions for patterns to create than I will ever have time to design. This is a hobby for me and if there isn't something about a bird or critter that I find appealing, designing feels like work rather than fun. This week I received a suggestion for...
The Woodland Barred Owl
Owls have been in my thoughts lately. Although I created a pattern for one a few years ago, recent Barred Owl sightings and the sad loss of one piqued my interest to design another. I only wish I had just the right colors for her, these felt choices are a little off....
The Watchful Western Screech Owl
Meet the tiny watchful Western Screech Owl. Owl number 18 of my collection, she may be one of my favorite owls so far. I like the way she turned out. She was a good project for a winter day that was entirely too cold to venture outdoors. Enjoy! Right-click on this...
The Colorful Canada Warbler
Here's a colorful Canada Warbler to brighten a winter's day. They summer in Maine as well as Canada, but at the moment they're likely wintering someplace much warmer than here! Right-click on this link and select "save target/link as" to save this free printable PDF...
A Canty Cardinal Pair
The cardinal is the female bird I have been asked to make over and over again. While I often played with her, the girl's coloring is so much more subtle than the male's that I couldn't find the right felt for the pattern. This time, I approached the design from a...
The Snowy Owl Family
This new Snowy Owl and her owlets were designed for my wreath donation to the WHRL's Christmas Tree Festival. I hope they give you some inspiration for your Christmas decorations! Right click here and select "save target as" to save this printable owl pattern to your...
The Energetic Belted Kingfisher
I often spy these energetic little birds sitting on telephone lines that run along the river. When I'm lucky, I'll see one swoop down, diving into the water with a splash to scoop up a meal. Hope you enjoy him! Right click here and select "save target as" to save this...
The Common Raven
This bird is inspired by the huge Ravens that have been visiting the farm this last week. In flight they're so big that I first thought they were eagles. Enjoy! Right click here and select "save target as" to save this free Raven printable PDF to your computer....
The Wonderful White Stork
Last evening, I stumbled across this wonderful video about a stork pair in Croatia. The female was injured and cannot fly, yet her mate returns from his winter home in South Africa every year to nest with her - for fourteen years! Of course I had to sit down and...
The Winsome Wood Duck
One of the enduring signs of spring (if you're paying attention) is the return of the Wood Duck to the ponds and rivers here in Maine. I was reminded of this when a friend shared a picture of a lone Wood Duck swimming on his pond this week. I find Wood Ducks one of...
The Elegant Sandhill Crane
The inspiration for this pattern came from a news story I watched on television this morning about the migration of the Sandhill Crane. These graceful birds are making their way to their summer breeding grounds in Canada. It must be a sight to see when the stop over...
Snow Goose on a Snow Day
I've been thinking about drawing this Snow Goose since last spring when I spied a lone snow goose swimming among a flock of Canadian Geese. It was my first sighting of one and he looked entirely out of place! He was a good project for a snowy day. Right click here and...
The Fanciful Flamingo
What better way to spend a winter's day than creating this Fanciful Flamingo and dreaming of warmer places? You won't find this guy in Maine during the best of times. And while it was sunny today, it was a bitter, blustery walk through the snow to get to the beach for...
The Fun Flammulated Owl
Meet the flammulated owl. A tiny little thing with dark eyes, unlike other owls. A good project for a winter day! Right click here and select "Save target as" to save this PDF owl pattern to your computer.
Great Gray Owlets
My Christmas wreath this year features my Great Gray Owl along with her babies. Here's a quick pattern for some gray owlets! Right click on this link and select "save link as" to save this PDF baby owl pattern to your computer.
The Tiny White Breasted Nuthatch
The tiny White Breasted Nuthatch is resident in the stand of maple woods here behind the house. I often see them hopping about as they scale the sides of trees - often upside down. Have fun creating this cute little bird. Right click here and select "Save link as" to...
Osprey in Felt
Ospreys have been a theme in my life lately. They first appeared on my radar a couple of weeks ago when I photographed a pair of nesting osprey. Then, on three different occasions, I've spied a pair of them in town, diving for fish in the river, or simply soaring...
Roaming Red Knot
You're lucky if you spot red knots as they stop briefly on their way from South America to the Arctic tundra. The trick with this ornament is trying to find colors that do justice to the subtle colors of this little bird. Have fun! To download the Red Knot pattern to...
The Charming Common Goldeneye
The only sign of spring in these parts lately is the opening of the water on area rivers. What was once completely covered in ice now boasts open pools for paddling. Inspired by the ducks congregating on the Narraguagus this week, I bring you the common goldeneye....
The Tiny Bufflehead Duck
This little bufflehead duck was inspired by buffleheads I spied in the waters surrounding Schoodic Point on Saturday. They are the cutest little ducks with a most ungainly, wobbly flight - and pink feet! Right click here and select "save target as" (on a PC) to save...
Edgar the Great Egret
Meet "Edgar." When we were kids, my baby brother (okay, he's 43) named the egret in the creek Edgar. In fact, every egret he saw was Edgar. We'd be cruising down the road and hear him pipe up, "There's Edgar!" This version of "Edgar" was inspired by a recent marsh...
The Nomadic Northern Hawk Owl
Native to Alaska and Canada, the Northern Hawk Owl has occasionally been spotted in the northern reaches of Maine. He's been on my drawing board for quite a while. I've started him so many times only to abandon the pattern because I didn't like the way he was coming...
The All American Turkey
Just in time for Thanksgiving, I bring you the turkey! I can't tell you how many times I've started and then abandoned a turkey pattern. When the bird's colors are so subtle and of the same family it's challenging to come up with a design that is easy to create from...
The Rythmic Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker
This yellow-bellied sapsucker first appeared on my drawing board this spring when he routinely performed a morning tattoo on an old television antennae. It took a rainy day for me to dust him off and finish him. Right click here and select "Save target as" to save...
The Nomadic Cedar Waxwing
This pattern is inspired by the cedar waxwing I snapped a picture of on a foggy morning a few weeks ago. For a bird with such silky, sleek lines, it was challenge to create a pattern of his likeness. Finding the right color of brown for the body is the trick here. I...
A Brilliant Indigo Bunting
This little indigo bunting is for Lea, who won the drawing on Your Mist Wished for Bird Pattern. I've not seen one on the farm, but friends nearby report many sightings. The biggest challenge with this bird is finding felt "blue enough" to do him justice! Right click...
The Captivating Calliope Hummingbird
The Calliope Hummingbird is touted as the smallest bird in the United States. I think the the male's pinkish-red beard is perfectly endearing! Hope you enjoy this new hummingbird! Right click here and select "save target as" to save this free PDF calliope hummingbird...
A Stunning Scarlet Tanager
There's nothing like the remnants of a hurricane to keep me indoors on a holiday weekend. It gave me time to create this little scarlet tanger without feeling as if I ought to be outdoors. I've only seen this bird once and the sighting was so fleeting that I'm not...
Beautiful Rose-Breasted Grosbeak
Just about every backyard birdwatcher in Downeast Maine has reported seeing a rose-breasted grosbeak this week - except me! Maybe this will give them a little inspiration to stop by for a visit. Right click here and select "save target as" to save this PDF rose...
A Precious Piping Plover
In Maine, and many other states, the Piping Plover is endangered. In the spring, these little shorebirds return to nest along the sandy beaches of the Atlantic coast. Recently, the first nesting pair of the season was spotted in Southern Maine. I created my Piping...
The Familiar Eastern Phoebe
While hauling in maple sap, I heard the distinctive song of the Phoebes. They're back for the season! I had such fun watching them last year and their nests are still tucked up near the rafters of the lean-to. Right click here and select "Save Target As" (on a PC) to...
The Peculiar Pelican
What's peculiar about this pelican? No self-respecting pelican would be caught on this freezing windswept beach in Downeast Maine! Right click here and select "Save Target As" (on a PC) to download this PDF pelican pattern to your computer.
A Simple Snow Bunting
In Maine, the snow bunting is a winter visitor who will soon be returning to its favored arctic region - a sure sign that spring is on its way! Right click here and select "Save target as" (on a PC) to save this PDF snow bunting pattern to your computer.
The Melodious Meadowlark
This meadowlark was a recent request. I confess, I've never seen one before - probably because I don't have a meadow tucked up here in the woods the way were are. But, he's a pretty little songbird worth the effort. Right click here and select "Save Target As" (on a...
The Charming Burrowing Owl
This burrowing owl was inspired by a picture snapped by a friend during her recent trip to Florida. I don't imagine any self respecting burrowing owl would be caught in the this much snow. They're smart enough to fly south for the winter! Right click here and select...
The Bountiful Red-wing Blackbird
The red-winged blackbird is one of the most abundant birds - found virtually everywhere in the United States. He's also been very popular in the request list. Enjoy! Right click here and select "Save Target As" (on a PC) to save this free red-winged blackbird pattern...
The Territorial Eastern Towhee
Another snowy day, another project! Eastern Maine may be a little too "east" for the eastern towhee, but he's such a pretty bird. His distinctive pattern makes it easy to create his likeness from felt. Right click here and select "save target as" to save this eastern...
The Retiring Boreal Chickadee
The Boreal Chickadee is not as gregarious as it's cousin, the black-capped chickadee, which we see here daily. The Boreal Chickadee seems shy in comparison and doesn't seem to enjoy being caught on camera. Right click here and click "save target as" (on a PC) to save...
The Gregarious Evening Grosbeak
If you live anywhere in the northeast, you should probably be home, safe and sound out of the weather today. So what to do with an unexpected snow day? This evening grosbeak is the perfect project. They are year-round residents in Maine, but you're lucky if you spot...
The Gentle Northern Flicker
When readers suggested that I create a northern flicker, I didn't know where to begin. Although they're native to this neck of the woods, I've never seen one. With this pattern, you can make a yellow-shafted flicker, found in the east, or a red-shafter flicker, found...
The Gaudy Ring-neck Pheasant
One of the most requested birds at Downeast Thunder Farm is, surprisingly not a feeder bird, but a pheasant. After spying one strutting about the edge of our drive the other day, I decided to take a stab at designing it. Their color pattern is quite intricate - I hope...
The Pretty Purple Finch
Not long ago a visitor pointed out that what I thought was a house finch was really a purple finch. So, of course I had to make a felt purple finch. This is the only one I've seen on the farm lately! Right click on this link and select "Save target as" (on a PC) to...
Sprightly Tree Sparrow
I've so enjoyed the tree sparrows who are wintering in our yard. Sprightly with an endearing musical twitter, they have been frequent visitors to the feeders and provide much entertainment. Right click here and select "Save target as" (on a PC) to save this tree...
The Precious Pygmy Owl
I ventured into this work of creating bird patterns three years ago with my Downeast Thunder Farm owl family of ornaments. So, it seems appropriate that my first pattern of 2014 be another owl. Although no self respecting pygmy owl would be found in Maine – especially...
Happy House Sparrow
The house sparrow seems to be everywhere. Lately he's been a frequent visitor to my feeders. In his honor, I've created him out of felt. Right click on this link and select "Save Target As" to save this house sparrow pattern to your computer (on a PC).
The Curious Scrub Jay
My latest bird was inspired by Julie who wrote: My grandfather used to feed the scrub jays peanuts. They would fly in and land all over him-from his head to arms to be fed peanuts in the shells. If he was late feeding them they would peck at his screen and doors. They...
The Spectacular King Eider Duck
The King Eider is a sea duck prized among hunters. A sighting in this neck of the woods is rare. The male is spectacular with his bright, bold coloring. Our hike last weekend where we spotted a variety of ducks reminded me that this guy was on my "to do" list. Right...
The Blue Billed Ruddy Duck
Not long ago, a Mrs. Ruddy wrote and asked me to make a Ruddy Duck pattern. Not being familiar with her namesake, I googled it. Once I saw how fun he was, I knew I had to make him. His blue bill makes him quite unique! Right click here and select "Save Target As" (on...
Northern Saw-whet Owl 2013
I first designed a saw-whet owl last year. I was never particularly happy with with the way he turned out. As I was working on my Owl Be Home For Christmas Tree for a local non-profit auction (read more about this here - you can bid on this tree through 6:45 December...
Simply Sweet Short Eared Owl
This short-eared owl’s heart-shaped face makes her appear simply sweet. Right click here and select “Save Target As” to save this free Short-eared Owl pattern to your computer (on a PC). Purchase a complete kit with expanded instructions to make this updated...
The Beguiling Boreal Owl
You won’t find the boreal owl in the woods of Maine, but as I work my way through patterns for owls (my favorite birds to design) I couldn’t pass up making this little guy. So, to the ladies in Alaska who brought him to my attention, thank you and enjoy! Right click...
The Elegant Trumpeter Swan
A reader recently requested a trumpeter swan - the first such request I've received. I loved the idea and had fun coming up with the design for this double-sided felt swan ornament. I think he turned out quite nice! Right click here and select "save target as" (on a...
The Tiny Elf Owl
This little elf owl is among the tiniest of owls. You're not likely to see one in Maine, but Hannah and I fell in love with the sweet Gylfie elf owl from the Guardians of Ga'Hoole movie. Right click on this link and select "Save target as" (on a pc) to download this...
Spiffy Barn Swallow
I've read that male barn swallows must always put their best foot forward or the females will move on in search of a new guy. So does that make the females fickle or simply smart to keep those boys on their toes? Either way, a Barn Swallow for you to fashion out of...
The Quaint California Quail
This humble little bird has the honor of being the most requested bird pattern at Downeast Thunder Farm. We don't have these little birds in our neck of the woods, but I certainly had fun designing him. Enjoy! Right click on this link and select "save target as" to...
Sandpiper on the Mudflats
I was inspired to make this little Sandpiper after my walk on the Sunrise Trail Friday. This pattern can be used for a Least Sandpiper or a Semipalmated Sandpiper. You choose! Right click on this link and select “save target as” to download this free pattern to your...
A Saucy Seagull
The Seagull is possibly to most common bird seen along the Maine coast, but I tend to overlook them. They are sometimes a nuisance, sometimes comical, but always present - soaring over the bay, bobbing in the water, roosting on the rooftops, or strutting along in the...
The Grand Great Gray Owl
Recently, Sheena wrote: I would love you to produce a great grey owl pattern. My daughter had a great grey owl fly up the isle at her wedding land on her husband's arm and deliver their rings. It was stunning, I'd love to make her one for her first wedding...
The Curious Gray Jay
The past couple of days, a cute gray bird has perched on the fence outside my office. I've never seen him visit the feeder in the front, he just sits on this fence and surveys his surroundings. Studying the grainy pictures taken through the window and screen, I...
Darling Delaware Hen
Inspired by some of our latest chick additions to the farm and a rainy day, here's a Delaware hen felt bird. To download this pattern, right click here and select "Save target as" to save this PDF to your computer. Share your pics if you decide to make this little...
America’s Majestic Bald Eagle
It never fails to thrill me when I see a Bald Eagle. Living along the coast it's not uncommon to sight one of these majestic birds, but it's always a treat! To download the free pattern to your computer, right click here and select "Save target as." Purchase a...
A Cute Little Timberdoodle
Known as a Timberdoodle in some places, the evening sounds of the American Woodcock in the spring blend in with the chirps and croaks of other woodland insects and critters. Right click here and select "Save target as" to save the free Woodcock PDF pattern to your...
The Misplaced Prairie Warbler
As it turns out, the Prairie Warbler doesn't really live on the prairie at all, but in fields and forests. Living so far north, this may be the only Prairie Warbler we see. Right click here and select "Save target as" to save this Prairie Warbler PDF pattern to your...
Elusive Long Eared Owl
Long-eared Owls are fairly common, but not often seen. He's a good project for a snowy winter's day. Right click here and select "Save target as" to save this PDF pattern to your desktop. Comment with a link to a picture of your owl or share your Long-eared Owl on...
Striking Red Headed Woodpecker
This Red Headed Woodpecker is so striking with its crimson head and checkerboard colors. Lately I've heard a number of Woodpeckers at work, but they're unlikely to be this pretty little bird. Right click here and select "Save target as" to save this Red Headed...
The American Kestrel
This female American Kestrel, is America's tiniest falcon. Although they're hunters, she's got such a pretty profile, I couldn't resist making her. To download the American Kestral pattern, right click here and select "Save target as" to save to your computer. If you...
“Hoot” the Barred Owl at Downeast Thunder Farm
After the excitement of my first owl sighting earlier in the week, it was only natural that my next bird pattern would be a Barred Owl, also affectionately known as the Hoot Owl. Right click here and select "Save target as" to download this Barred Owl (pdf) pattern to...
Flashy Little Dark-eyed Junco
We have lots of these little Dark-eyed Junco flitting in and out of the brush along the edge of the woods. This fall, they particularly liked the brush piles we created when cutting wood. They rarely sit still long enough to snap a picture. To download the free...
The Iconic Pileated Woodpecker
The Pileated Woodpecker, distinctive for its wild bright red cap, is possibly one of the most iconic birds thanks to the Woody Woodpecker cartoons. This bird, with its bold markings, is a perfect project for a snowy day! Right click here and selected "Save as" to save...
The Fearless Eastern Screech Owl
I started my collection of bird ornaments with an owl last December, so it only seems fitting that I finish out the year with an owl. This diminutive Screech Owl is my new favorite felt ornament so far! Right click to here and select "Save target as" to save this PDF...
A Bold and Beautiful Peacock
I asked my friend Carol what her favorite bird was. I'm sure she knew why I was asking, given my penchant for my felt birds. She said, "A Robin for what it represents, but I should say a Peacock!." She should know me well enough by now that I could not let that pass....
The Pine Grosbeak A Winter Visitor
A few years ago, when we had an extremely cold winter with loads of snow, a flock of Pine Grosbeaks descended upon our bird feeder. Unfamiliar with the bird, I had to look them up to identify them. They stayed for a couple of weeks before departing and I've yet to see...
The Pilgrim Goose Felt Ornament
A goose is on the list of critters I'd like to add to the farm. The Pilgrim Goose would make a good sentinel for the property. However, until we have more open space and a budget that includes feed for the geese, I'll have to settle for this goose. Right click here...
A Silent Mockingbird
A little bird with a big personality - this may be the quietest Mockingbird you ever see. You can download a printable pattern for this ornament (right click on the link and select "save target as" to save to your computer). Comment here to share a link to a picture...
An un-Common Kingfisher
When folks suggested that I make a Kingfisher, I had to look it up because I wasn't familiar with the bird. A Google search delivered this darling bird. Only when I finished him and looked up more information about Kingfishers did I realize that this little guy is a...
The Proper Penguin
Penguins look so proper and stoic. This Adelie Penguin, somewhat out of place skating on the duck pond, is stylish in his winter scarf. Click here to download the free pattern (right click and select "save as" to save this to your computer). Leave a comment to share a...
The Laughing Loon
The call or "laugh" of a loon is an eerie, soul touching sound. It's a treat to see one of these birds on the water. I hope you enjoy making this felt loon for your Christmas tree. Click here to download the felt loon pattern (right click and select "save link as" to...
A Lively Painted Bunting
I confess that I didn't even know what a Painted Bunting was until a few readers requested a pattern for one. They are such a lively, beautiful little bird. My selection of felt colors did not do this cute bird justice! Sadly, I will never see one of these at my bird...
Whistling Baltimore Oriole
An often requested pattern, the Baltimore Oriole has a sweet whistling song. This little guy may be the only one I ever see at my bird feeder here in Maine! Click here to download the pattern for the Baltimore Oriole.
Great Blue Heron Ornament
In honor of the Great Blue Heron who visited our humble pond on the eve of Hurricane Sandy, I've designed an ornament in his likeness. Click here to download the Blue Heron pattern.
Plucky Magpie Felt Ornament
Magpies are not a breed we see here in Maine. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen a real Magpie. However, this bird is the most requested bird ornament from readers, and a pretty bird he is. Click here to download the pattern. Please share your Magpie pics!
Meet the Tiny Northern Saw-whet Owl
The Northern Saw-whet owl is one of the most common owls found in Maine. It was only after a blog visitor suggested I make a pattern for this owl that I read more about them. After listening to the call sounds on, I'm certain that we have a Northern...
The Ominous Red-tailed Hawk
Red-tailed Hawks are really very beautiful. Unless you have nineteen chickens and six ducks. Then they become quite ominous. In honor of the hawks circling over head this past week, and the readers who requested it, here's a Red-Tailed hawk ornament. Click here to...
Friendly House Finch
At my house, these colorful House Finches flutter around the edge of the woods, dodging in and out of the debris of downed trees. This felt ornament is a good project for an autumn afternoon - click here to download the Friendly House Finch Felt Pattern. Visit again...
Wee Winter Wren
Have you seen a Winter Wren? This tiny little bird visits in the summer here in Maine. I tend to hear their sweet song more often than I see them. They've left for the winter now, but this cute little felt ornament will be a reminder on my Christmas tree this year....
The Clever Crow
When the fog rolls in off the water and the crows roost in the treetops, their cawing voices eerily echo. Though they are not visitors at my feeders, the crows are a constant presence around the farm. This crow ornament, created from felt, perches on a twig with...
Spritely Little Nuthatch
I spent the day outside working with Paul. Together we cut trees to thin out the area around the pond. While I worked, a tiny little nuthatch energetically flitted in an out of the trees. The wood has been cut and stacked for burning in the wood boiler, but I...
A Partridge For Your Pear Tree
This felt partridge will make a nice ornament for your pear tree. He's done in natural colors here, but you could get colorful and creative for your Christmas ornament. Click here to download this pattern. If you make one, comment here to share a picture link!
Tiny Tufted Titmouse Felt Ornament
Here's a tiny Tufted Titmouse ornament made from felt. I've only seen a few at my feeder over the years, but they always delight me. Here's the pattern if you'd like to make this little bird. Click here to download the Tufted Titmouse felt pattern. (Right click on...
Sweet Mourning Dove Felt Ornament
This little mourning dove is reminiscent of the birds to frequent the garden feeder and birdbath. After a summer hiatus from drawing bird patterns this little dove inspired me! Click here to download the free Mourning Dove pattern. If you make this little bird, I'd...
A Downeast Thunder Farm Snowy Owl
This little owl is reminiscent of Hedwig of the Harry Potter fame. While we don't see Snowy Owls in our neck of the woods, there is a stuffed Hedwig living in Hannah's room. Click here to download this free Snowy Owl felt pattern. Purchase a complete kit with expanded...
Ruby Throated Hummingbird Felt Ornament
Soon I'll be filling the feeders for the return of these little hummingbirds. Invariably they return on May 12 - give or take a day. A feeder right outside the kitchen window provides us with lots of free entertainment! You can download the free pattern here. Purchase...
Just Ducky: Mallard Felt Oranament
A snowy Easter afternoon seemed like a good time to finish this little Mallard Duck felt ornament. Click here to download the pattern. Hope you have fun making him!
Arrival of the Canada Goose Felt Pattern
The past couple of weeks, Canada Geese have been flying overhead returning north for the summer. I love to hear the honking sound as they fly by - there's something nostalgic about the sound. This little goose is a quick and easy ornament to make. Click here to...
Cheery Goldfinch Felt Ornament
It's a little early for me to find a Goldfinch at the feeder, but I'm sure it won't be long with the warm days we've had lately. In the meantime, this felt Goldfinch adds a little sunny cheer to the landscape. Click here to download this free Goldfinch pattern....
Arrival of the Bluebird – Felt Ornament
This little Bluebird seems quite content perched on the feeder. Tucked in the woods like we are, it's a rare treat for us to have a Bluebird visit! You can download the pattern here. If you make this little Bluebird, comment to share a link to a picture of yours!
A Rooster In My Garden Felt Ornament
I don't make a very good patient. I've been stuck home with bronchitis. In between naps, whining about being sick, and nagged about keeping my behind in bed, I worked on this little rooster. Inspired by our Bantam roosters, Pepper and Clover, you can play with the...
Feathery Felt Barn Owl Ornament
This little barn owl is my favorite felt ornament yet. With individual feathers and buttons for eyes, I can imaging her perching on the barn rafters. If we had a barn. Click here to download the pattern. If you make this little owl, please comment with a link to a...
Bold Blue Jay Felt Ornament
A Blue Jay that won't raid my bird feeder and scare the dinky birds away. You can download this Blue Jay pattern here. If you make this little guy, comment herewith a link to a picture of yours!
Downy Woodpecker Felt Ornament
On our walk through the woods yesterday the only bird we came across was our resident woodpecker. He gets the honor of being featured in my felt ornament collection. You can download the pattern here. I'd love to see your ornament. If you make him, post a comment here...
Longing for Spring Felt Robin Ornament
It's going to be some time before Robins make an appearance here. Spring is a ways off - according to the calendar and to Mother Nature. A snowstorm has everything cancelled in our little corner of Maine today, so I whiled away the afternoon making this felt robin...
Great Horned Owl Felt Ornament
We share our property with a great horned owl. On nights when the window is open and I'm doing my 2:30 a.m. night owl routine, I can often hear her "who-who-who." Despite my searching, I've yet to spy this elusive critter. This little felt owl may be the closest I get...
A Buff in the Box – Felt Chicken Ornament Pattern
This little felt chicken ornament was inspired by our own Buff Orpington chickens. Often when we check for eggs, there's a Buff in the Box - that is a Buff in the nesting box getting settling to lay an egg. We have 12 chickens, six nesting boxes, and they all like to...
Atlantic Puffin Felt Ornament
In Maine, the Atlantic Puffin resides on a few islands off the coast. Almost gone from Maine in the early 20th century, their populations are now thriving or stable due to the help of Project Puffin. These cute little sea birds have a colorful, almost clown-like...
Dilly the Duck Felt Pattern
Dilly is a special duck at Downeast Thunder Farm. She inspired this little felt duck ornament. You can read more about Dilly here. Click here to download this free duck felt ornament pattern.
Felt Cardinal on a Snowy Afternoon
School was called off early and the snow is coming down. It's a good afternoon to hunker down with a movie and a project. Today I finished a felt cardinal ornament that I've been puttering with. She joins the collection with my chickadee and owl family. I've put the...
Felt Chickadee Ornament
Now that the holidays are over I find myself at loose ends. Feeling the need for a project I drew this pattern for a felt chickadee ornament using a photograph for inspiration. I think she turned out pretty cute. Click here to download the chickadee pattern and...
Owl Family Felt Ornament Patterns
Hannah and I have had great fun making these little owl ornaments to decorate our Christmas gift bags this year. For those of you looking for a fun felt project, I've put these in a pattern for you to download. Happy sewing! Click here to Download the Downeast Thunder...
All Critter Patterns
Avoiding Bird Strikes
Our house is tucked away in the woods. When we built it 20 years ago, I wanted to bring the outdoors inside as much as possible. If my budget had supported it, I would have had walls of windows. Instead, I have five tall cottage-style windows and a set of French doors...
Melville the Dachshund Felt Ornament
Melville, the mini dachshund, was the first dog that Paul and I welcomed into our new family shortly after we married. Also known as “Bud” or “Little Buckeroo,” he was as loveable as he was a challenge. The spots on my wall-to-wall carpet in that old house were a...
The Spirited Scottie
Spending the week with Dad, I dabbled with this Scottish Terrier design. It's a fun, quick sew. I opted to make him using plaid Christmas ribbon for his coat. I put tape on the back of the ribbon to keep the edges from fraying. Since I didn't have my felt stash, I...
The Darling White-tailed Deer
The White-tailed deer first appeared in my latest pattern book, Animals of the Northeast. Leave the antlers off, and it's a doe to go along with my White-tailed Fawn. Enjoy! Enjoy the free download below – or purchase the White-tailed Deer felt kit here. [sdm_download...
The Secretive Gray Fox
First introduced in my book Downeast Thunder Farm Animals of the Northeast here is my Secretive Gray Fox pattern. I've only spied red fox on the farm here but the gray is abundant in southern and mid-coast Maine - and throughout much of the United States. Enjoy!...
Christmas Cats and Dogs
These little cats and dogs have kept me busy in the evenings - the perfect project to help keep me awake during TV-time. I plan to use these as little extras tied to Christmas packages. The cat design was inspired by a Pinterest picture from this website. The dog...
The Little Brown Bat
Inspired by the Halloween decorations in the stores, I designed the Little Brown Bat - an often requested pattern. I'm on vacation with my folks in Pennsylvania and don't have my felt supplies at hand, so the prototype for this guy is in Halloween black felt with a...
The Majestic Mountain Lion
The presence of mountain lions in Maine is often debated. In 2018 federal officials declared the Eastern Cougar extinct. However, every year there are reported sightings that leave us wondering. Friends shared that they spotted one outside their home - tail dragging...
The Prickly Porcupine
The Prickly Porcupine represents the many porcupines that live in the Maine woods. I opted to use washed wool-poly blend felt for this guy to give him more texture. He's a simple pattern from my punch list of critters for the critter pattern book that I hope to...
The Solitary Groundhog
Having been born in Punxsutawney, PA, my father's hometown, groundhogs (aka woodchucks and marmots) have long been part of our family culture. Gobbler's Knob (where Punxsutawney Phil emerges every February 2nd) was just a walk up the road from my grandparent's house....
The Great American Bison
The American Bison (or Buffalo) has been an often-requested pattern. For me, getting this felt critter right has been all about texture since they are shaggy beasts. I used Light Brown for the body and Safari Brown (a heathered felt) for the upper body. To give them...
The Maine Bobcat
My next pattern book will feature my critters. I'm trying to work through the other Maine animals that need to be included - like the bobcat. Trying to find just the right felt color for this one is challenging. You can choose to make him with a variety of shades of...
The Playful Opossum
Here's a new project for your post-holiday crafting. I've never spotted an opossum, but it has been one of the most requested critters over the years. I've dabbled with a design on and off for years, never quite happy with the result. I like the critters to look as...
The Boundless Border Terrier
It's been a while since I've played with a dog pattern. Here's a scrappy little Border Terrier. They have so many variations in coloring that I've provided some options. The general shape of this pup can be modified to fit a variety of floppy-eared dogs. If you make...
The Musical Bowhead Whale
The Bowhead whale - one of the longest living whales found only in the Arctic regions. A fitting start to my 2021 patterns. Enjoy!
The Leisurely Right Whale
Hannah has started putting whales in sweaters. It started with this Christmas wreath she created for the WHRL Christmas Tree Festival and Auction earlier in the month. Her whale enchantment continues there, so I, too, am back on the whale theme. My last felt critter...
The Playful Pig
When folks ask for or suggest a pattern, I don't always jump on it. My life is a little crazy, with multiple part-time jobs that make up the whole. And then there's my love of designing these felt birds and critters - the side gig. The pattern suggestion has to vibe...
The Charismatic Kangaroo
I loved this recent pattern suggestion given the devastating extent of the recent bush fires in Australia. So the Charismatic Kangaroo joins his fellow Australian, The Kindly Koala, as a free pattern. If you decide to make a Charismatic Kangaroo or Kindly Koala,...
The Gentle Manatee
I've not had the pleasure of seeing a manatee in person, but they seem like such gentle giants. She's been a popular pattern request over the years. You'll find her an easy weekend project! Have fun!
The Happy Hippo
Thinking outside of the Downeast Maine box, here's a Happy Hippo felt pattern for your weekend enjoyment. Have fun!
Gregarious Nubian Goat
Sitting and watching television is a challenge for me - I need something to do, or I fall asleep. Every time. When picking out movies, Paul and Hannah tell me, "We saw that one - you slept through it." So this little Lop-eared, or Nubian goat, was my evening project....
The Singular Chinook Salmon
It's not every day that I can jump on a pattern suggestion. The idea has to resonate with me, and I have to have time. These days I'm so time-poor, it's almost silly. I received a request for a Chinook Salmon. Folks from the non-profit Port Townsend Marine Science...
The Solitary Seal
Since spotting what I think of as "Hannah's Seal" in the bay last month, I knew I had to create a seal. Although this little guy is a fair bit cuter than our resident seal who looks like a grumpy old man. Have fun!
Ellie the Endearing Elephant
When the suggestion for an elephant hit my inbox, it immediately resonated. I'm fascinated by elephants. They have such human-like emotions. I love that they are good mamas, banding together to raise their babies. And what's cuter than a baby elephant? I hope you...
The Heartwarming Holstein Cow
Many a visitor has suggested a cow pattern. She spoke to me yesterday as I was tinkering with designs. With a snow day in the forecast, she's the perfect project for shoveling procrastination! Download the free plan below or purchase a complete kit with expanded...
The Boisterous Bottlenose Dolphin
It's been a bit of a dry summer on the new pattern front. With Hannah home and I working more than I can ever recall, I've not spent much time being creative. This Boisterous Bottlenose Dolphin has been in the works for a few weeks, but only today as I sit at home...
The Gentle Gray Whale
Earlier this week, Sharyn wrote to say, "Your recent series of whales got me inspired to go whale watching on the California coast. I've lived in California over 30 years, but had not traveled to go whale watching. One thing I've learned is that we have lots of gray...
Happy the Hedgehog
Happy the Hedgehog has been a long time coming. She has been a most popular request since I started sharing my felt ornament designs. We don't have hedgehogs in the wild in the USA so she wasn't at the top of my to do list, but she was fun to make. Enjoy!...
Unicorn of the Sea – The Narwhal
The Narwhal looks a bit mystical with it's giant tooth. If you're going for a more realistic look, you might choose a pale gray and add many more "spots" to your ornament. I hope you enjoy this addition to my whale series created for my nephew, baby Elijah. Have...
The Awesome Orca
Until I started on this pattern as part of my whale series, I didn't appreciate that while called a "killer whale" the Orca is actually part of the dolphin family. They are such magnificent animals, so easily recognizable with their black and white markings. I hope...
The Gregarious Beluga Whale
Sightings of Beluga Whales are pretty scarce in this neck of the woods. This Beluga Whale pattern is super easy ornament to make. My whale is a pale blue, but white or off white would be more accurate. I so like their "smiles" - they seem such happy creatures. Hope...
The Majestic Humpback Whale
The Majestic Humpback Whale is number three in my whale series. He's already off to grace baby Elijah's room (my nephew). Found on both coasts of the United States, the Humpback is a summer visitor to the coast of Maine. Have fun! [sdm_download id="30288" fancy="0"...
The Endangered Blanding’s Turtle
This turtle design grew out of an email I received from Nancy. A fourth-grade teacher, Nancy raises two Blanding's Turtle hatchlings with her class each year. Once grown, they release the turtles into the wilds of Massachusetts. This is my second attempt at the...
The Benevolent Blue Whale
Whale number two in my whale series is the Benevolent Blue Whale, designed with love for my new nephew. He's too young to appreciate them, but I'm having fun designing them for him. I hope you have fun with him! ...
The Wondrous Sperm Whale
When I learned that my new nephew's bedroom was being decorated with whales, I went to work designing them. If you've been visiting for a while, you know that I prefer to design realistic looking ornaments. And while I tried to do this for the sperm whale, he turned...
The Lonesome Lobster
This lobster pattern has been a long time coming. It took me numerous starts before I was happy with the pattern. The challenge is in how narrow the legs are - there's not a lot of substance to them. I wonder what would happen with pipe cleaners for legs? If you have...
The Bodacious Beaver
During my travels Downeast I've seen many beaver lodges - the pile of sticks peeking out of an estuary, pond or marsh. On occasion, I watched a beaver swim along, but I've never seen one actively working on their home. Yet it's clear that they've been busy, I'll spot...
Downeast Thunder Farm Boo Kitty
When putting up our Christmas tree last month, Hannah pointed out that we have Ginger, Gidget, and Cinder ornaments, but no Boo. So, Snape (aka Boo) makes it on the tree the last day before we take the tree down until next Christmas. Meet Boo Kitty! Right-click this...
The Rambunctious River Otter
Occasionally I see a river otter frolicking around the river bank. Their tracks in the snow are very curious because of the long, thick tail they drag behind them. It almost looks as if they like to slide along the snow rather than walk - although there's little snow...
Gracie the Border Collie
Gracie was a sweet Border Collie rescued by friends some years ago. She enjoyed a loving, happy home in her senior years, but sadly passed away this fall. I designed this ornament to honor Gracie. While this pattern was designed to match Gracie's marking, you can mix...
The Charming Chipmunk
Who doesn't find a chipmunk charming? There's been one squatting under the little crate on my stoop. When I open the door, he scurries by, startling me every time. With this cold weather coming, he's seemingly got this sights set on moving in! enjoy. Right click here...
The Regal Reindeer
As the weather begins to turn colder, my thoughts are jumping ahead to holiday projects. Yes, I know - it's not yet Halloween but a reindeer is definitely in order! Enjoy! Right-click here and select "save target as" to save this printable Reindeer pattern to your...
The Lively Sea Otter
Hannah provided the inspiration for this Sea Otter when she shared with me pictures of Sea Otters with frolicking with their babies. This little otter can snuggle a sea otter pup, or a clam shell. I provide both with this pattern. Hannah went to the beach with me...
The Watchful Wolf
The Wolf is possibly my most requested pattern. It's also the pattern that I've struggled over more than any other. Wolves come in so many shades and markings - there's no one "right" pattern. This is the third wolf I've drafted and stitched over the last few weeks....
Myrtle the Sea Turtle
The Sea Turtle is one of Hannah's favorite creatures, so I designed this critter for her. Paul dubbed her "Myrtle the Turtle". I took Myrtle to the beach today for a photo shoot; the lure of the ocean is strong. See that wave rolling up the beach? Yup, that wave...
The Gentle Garden Mouse
I had company working in the greenhouse yesterday. A little garden mouse has taken up residence. Probably spent the whole winter in there. Probably had babies in there. He didn't seem to mind sharing the space with me. Although my screech did seem to startle him into...
The Sassy Sheep
I had more fun planning this little ewe. The inspiration came from a sheep wall hanging that appeared in the office last week. Rather than using felt for this girl, I scoured the house for something that would give the body a wooly texture - fleece, boiled wool,...
The Kindly Koala
When I was a teeny-bopper we lived in Friedburg, Germany. My father, an Army officer, was stationed there for three years. During that tour of duty, an Australian soldier visited with us for a time. When he departed for home, he gifted me with a stuffed Koala. It's my...
The Spunky Skunk
No woodland creature collection would be complete without a skunk. I was always a bit amused by skunks, if not their smell. Early on, Paul taught Hannah and me Arlo Guthrie's song "There's a Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road" which we sing religiously when we drive...
The Peaceful Panda
Looking for something "easy" to work on this weekend, I thought I'd stick with the bear theme after finishing the Great Grizzly. I saw my first Panda during a visit to the National Zoo in the late 70s when I was just a teen. A trip to the same zoo some 25 years later...
The Great Grizzly
This Great Grizzly, along with the Bashful Black Bear and the Fearless Polar Bear, rounds out my collection of North American bears. You won't find him in Maine, but he'll make a good addition to your critter collection. To download this printable Grizzly PDF pattern,...
A Welsh Corgi Named Oji
Oji was a wonderful rescue Welsh Corgi my friends adopted three or four years ago. He was lively and playful and was a wonderful companion for them. When Oji died after being hit by a car last month, Chris said that all the joy seemed to leave their house. After...
The Bruno Sheltie Ornament
My nephew and his fiance have their first apartment together - and their first Christmas tree. Their "baby" is Bruno the Mini Sheltie, so their tree now sports a Bruno ornament. This pattern was specifically designed to match Bruno's markings. Aaron and Rylinn opened...
Downeast Thunder Farm Kitty
Our Christmas tree went up this year with my Much Loved Ginger and Gidget Puppy ornaments on it. It didn't seem fair that the kitties weren't represented, so I created this pattern with Cinder as the subject. She's the only one who will sit long enough to pose! Right...
A Gidget Puppy Ornament
A Gidget Puppy will grace our Christmas tree this year along with a Much Loved Ginger Beast ornament. If only there was a way I could depict her in constant puppy motion! To save this PDF Yorkie pattern to your computer, right click on this link and select "Save link...
A Much Loved Ginger Beast
You knew this pattern was coming, didn't you? I just had to wait until I didn't tear up every time I thought about Ginger. She passed away in June at 14 years-old. Ginger was a rescue puppy who came to us around 6-8 months of age. She was part Lab and part Beagle, so...
The Fearless Polar Bear
I've been waiting to share on this last felt ornament of 2014, waiting for just a little bit of winter for a good photo backdrop. Following the mildest Christmas on record, the pond has just started to ice over again, providing a bit of natural habitat for my ice...
The Wiley Coyote
The sound of the yip-yip-yipping of the coyotes in the distance at night never fails to give me the shivers. This coyote was on the drawing board for my Maine Woods Christmas tree, but I ran out of time, so he stands alone. Right-click here and select "save link as"...
A Winter’s White Tail Fawn
This little white-tail deer fawn made her first appearance on my Maine Woods Christmas Tree. I do believe she is my favorite ornament to date. Do I say that about them all? I hope you have as much fun with her as I have! Here's how I handled the flip side of the deer....
The Shy Snowshoe Hare
One of the things I enjoy most about winter is being able to easily follow and identify the tracks of the critters who live in our woods. The snowshoe hare has already made an appearance in the dark of night. Here's hoping he doesn't find my lilac bushes a tasty meal!...
The Bashful Black Bear
Bashful you ask? That's what our neighborhood bear seems to be, spotted only on wildlife camera. Now, this is a good thing. You'll find this bear much more fun to have around! Right click here and select "save target as" (on a PC) to save this bear pattern to your...
The Entertaining Red Squirrel
We enjoy the little red squirrels that live in our woods. Their antics as they try to raid the bird feeders are so very entertaining and provide lots of great photo ops. Your bird feeders are safe from this squirrel who comes with his own acorn. To save this squirrel...
That Rascally Raccoon
Raccoons, as cute as they are, are not welcome visitors at Downeast Thunder Farm. They long to eat my chickens and steal my suet feeders. A few years ago I found the suet feeder hanging from my my porch post open, the suet cake missing. I replaced the suet cake and...
The Moose is Loose!
The moose is loose on Downeast Thunder Farm. At least the felt version. It's been years since I saw a moose standing outside my window late one summer night. The crunch of his hooves in the gravel woke me and I froze in fear at the noise. When I finally drummed up the...
Never Trust a Smiling Fox
This red fox is my first attempt at a non-bird pattern. He's inspired by the fox that visits Downeast Thunder Farm all too often. This guy is a friendly looking fox. However, my advice to you: never trust a smiling fox! Right click here and select "Save target as" (on...
All Insect Patterns
Avoiding Bird Strikes
Our house is tucked away in the woods. When we built it 20 years ago, I wanted to bring the outdoors inside as much as possible. If my budget had supported it, I would have had walls of windows. Instead, I have five tall cottage-style windows and a set of French doors...
Nancy’s Eastern Tailed-Blue Butterfly
My recent trip home to my parent's home was supposed to be purely fun. What was unanticipated was mom spending a week in the hospital and undergoing emergency surgery. I sewed this little butterfly while sitting in the OR waiting room, trying to keep my mind busy so I...
The Lively Ladybug
.I found this ladybug pattern languishing on my iPad. I designed it some time ago but never made it. I'm not very good at cutting nice even circles so I used a paper hole bunch for these. I hope you enjoy this little weekend project! If you are reading this via email,...
The American Copper Butterfly
The next installment in the butterfly theme is the American Copper. Once again, the limitations of felt colors challenged me. But an endless supply of felt colors could be a problem for me! Rather than tiny pieces of felt for the spots, I used beads, but you can also...
The Handsome Black Swallowtail Butterfly
Hannah has a vision for a butterfly tree for this year's WHRL Christmas Tree Festival. She gave me a punch list of butterflies to work my way through. The Black Swallowtail is the first of a few to come. Enjoy! If you're reading this from your email, click "Continue...
The Beautiful Buckeye Butterfly
The Common Buckeye is such a pretty butterfly with its big, colorful "eyes." For something so small, there's a lot of detail in recreating them in felt. I've tried to do her justice! Enjoy!
The Maine Mourning Cloak
I first discovered the Mourning Cloak butterfly during my trip with Hannah to the Coastal Maine Botanical Garden this summer. I learned that this big, bold, butterfly actually overwinters in Maine. This is a one-sided ornament that I turned into a magnet. Repeat the...
The Dazzling Dragonfly
I enjoy designing patterns that are realistic looking. I didn't quite hit the mark with the dragonfly. It was a challenge with their see-through iridescent wings; I opted for white. Make the body any color that suits your fancy. In my test dragonfly pictured, I used...
The Beguiling Bumble Bee
Yesterday, after I'd finagled my morning coffee from a camp stove on the porch due to the power outage, I sat down and designed this little Bumble Bee. Since starting on butterflies a couple of years ago, this has been a much-requested design - a perfect spring...
Eastern Swallowtail Butterfly
The Eastern Swallowtail Butterfly is the most common butterfly visitor to my garden. When the Asian Lilac is in bloom they flit and fly about feasting on the blooms. I've been known to park a chair next to the lilacs and lie in wait with my camera. Enjoy!...
The Lovely Luna Moth
Luna Moths are so beautiful and graceful. Count yourself lucky if you've seen one - they live such short lives. Just a couple of months and it will be the season for these elegant creatures. Dream of summer as you create this moth! [sdm_download id="30457" fancy="1"...
The Magnificent Monarch Butterfly
It's finally spring! And as I'm waiting for the two feet of snow in my garden to melt away, my thoughts are turning to preparation for Milkweed and Monarchs. This butterfly is a bit oversized, measuring 5.5" from wing-tip to wing-tip. A piece of wire tacked on the...
All Sea Life Patterns
Avoiding Bird Strikes
Our house is tucked away in the woods. When we built it 20 years ago, I wanted to bring the outdoors inside as much as possible. If my budget had supported it, I would have had walls of windows. Instead, I have five tall cottage-style windows and a set of French doors...
The Musical Bowhead Whale
The Bowhead whale - one of the longest living whales found only in the Arctic regions. A fitting start to my 2021 patterns. Enjoy!
The Leisurely Right Whale
Hannah has started putting whales in sweaters. It started with this Christmas wreath she created for the WHRL Christmas Tree Festival and Auction earlier in the month. Her whale enchantment continues there, so I, too, am back on the whale theme. My last felt critter...
The Gentle Manatee
I've not had the pleasure of seeing a manatee in person, but they seem like such gentle giants. She's been a popular pattern request over the years. You'll find her an easy weekend project! Have fun!
The Singular Chinook Salmon
It's not every day that I can jump on a pattern suggestion. The idea has to resonate with me, and I have to have time. These days I'm so time-poor, it's almost silly. I received a request for a Chinook Salmon. Folks from the non-profit Port Townsend Marine Science...
The Solitary Seal
Since spotting what I think of as "Hannah's Seal" in the bay last month, I knew I had to create a seal. Although this little guy is a fair bit cuter than our resident seal who looks like a grumpy old man. Have fun!
The Boisterous Bottlenose Dolphin
It's been a bit of a dry summer on the new pattern front. With Hannah home and I working more than I can ever recall, I've not spent much time being creative. This Boisterous Bottlenose Dolphin has been in the works for a few weeks, but only today as I sit at home...
The Gentle Gray Whale
Earlier this week, Sharyn wrote to say, "Your recent series of whales got me inspired to go whale watching on the California coast. I've lived in California over 30 years, but had not traveled to go whale watching. One thing I've learned is that we have lots of gray...
Unicorn of the Sea – The Narwhal
The Narwhal looks a bit mystical with it's giant tooth. If you're going for a more realistic look, you might choose a pale gray and add many more "spots" to your ornament. I hope you enjoy this addition to my whale series created for my nephew, baby Elijah. Have...
The Awesome Orca
Until I started on this pattern as part of my whale series, I didn't appreciate that while called a "killer whale" the Orca is actually part of the dolphin family. They are such magnificent animals, so easily recognizable with their black and white markings. I hope...
The Gregarious Beluga Whale
Sightings of Beluga Whales are pretty scarce in this neck of the woods. This Beluga Whale pattern is super easy ornament to make. My whale is a pale blue, but white or off white would be more accurate. I so like their "smiles" - they seem such happy creatures. Hope...
The Majestic Humpback Whale
The Majestic Humpback Whale is number three in my whale series. He's already off to grace baby Elijah's room (my nephew). Found on both coasts of the United States, the Humpback is a summer visitor to the coast of Maine. Have fun! [sdm_download id="30288" fancy="0"...
The Benevolent Blue Whale
Whale number two in my whale series is the Benevolent Blue Whale, designed with love for my new nephew. He's too young to appreciate them, but I'm having fun designing them for him. I hope you have fun with him! ...
The Wondrous Sperm Whale
When I learned that my new nephew's bedroom was being decorated with whales, I went to work designing them. If you've been visiting for a while, you know that I prefer to design realistic looking ornaments. And while I tried to do this for the sperm whale, he turned...
Myrtle the Sea Turtle
The Sea Turtle is one of Hannah's favorite creatures, so I designed this critter for her. Paul dubbed her "Myrtle the Turtle". I took Myrtle to the beach today for a photo shoot; the lure of the ocean is strong. See that wave rolling up the beach? Yup, that wave...
All Other Patterns
Avoiding Bird Strikes
Our house is tucked away in the woods. When we built it 20 years ago, I wanted to bring the outdoors inside as much as possible. If my budget had supported it, I would have had walls of windows. Instead, I have five tall cottage-style windows and a set of French doors...
Downeast Thunder Farm Red-Capped Mushroom
This little mushroom is a departure from my normal designs. I was inspired by some mushroom Christmas ornaments I spotted while shopping last weekend with Hannah. It made the perfect project for Sunday afternoon football watching. Enjoy! Download the free pattern...
Felt Autumn Leaves
It was football Sunday, but I'm not good at just sitting in front of the television, so I drew up and stitched these felt autumn leaves. They're super simple and quick. I particularly like the oak and can envision a wreath made of them. I tucked wire down the middle...
Spooky Season Ghost Garland
Realistic patterns are what I usually create, but with Spooky Season around the corner, I couldn't resist creating this super easy Ghost Garland. Creating a ghost garland from felt is a fun and creative DIY project that can add a spooky touch to your Halloween...
Christmas Cats and Dogs
These little cats and dogs have kept me busy in the evenings - the perfect project to help keep me awake during TV-time. I plan to use these as little extras tied to Christmas packages. The cat design was inspired by a Pinterest picture from this website. The dog...
Downeast Thunder Farm Penguin Christmas Stocking
The design bug hit yesterday, and I started dabbling with a new set of Christmas Stockings. Here's the first; an all-felt stocking that uses my Adele Proper Penguin pattern (enlarged to 6 inches) in a wintery landscape. I think she's sweet. Thanks to the reader who...
The Little Brown Bat
Inspired by the Halloween decorations in the stores, I designed the Little Brown Bat - an often requested pattern. I'm on vacation with my folks in Pennsylvania and don't have my felt supplies at hand, so the prototype for this guy is in Halloween black felt with a...
Christmas Mouse
Why a Christmas Mouse, you wonder? I have no idea, but it's been on my mind for a couple of years, and I've been in the designing groove now that the weather is cooling down. For this critter, I've used Silver Gray (mouse), Barnyard Red (scarf), Strawberry Dream...
Woodland Christmas Tree
Clearly, I'm gearing up for Christmas. Last weekend it was the Woodland Gnomes. This weekend it's this simple Woodland Christmas Tree. There are many ways you can create this. Use two coordinating green colors for the tree or use the same color throughout. Mix up the...
Woodland Christmas Gnomes
Magical little nature spirits, gnomes have found a place in Christmas holiday traditions. While I'm not a fan of the garden gnome, I had lots of fun creating these felt versions. These woodland Christmas gnomes will make darling gift decorations or tree ornaments....
Felt Lobster Buoy Ornament
After creating my wooden buoy garland and my Maine Lobster Buoy Adirondack chairs, creating a felt buoy pattern was a no-brainer. Enjoy! Note: If you are reading this post via e-mail, click the "Continue Reading" link at the bottom...
Downeast Thunder Farm Christmas Flower
While in Pennsylvania last month, I picked up a couple of these flower decorations from the Christmas section at Hobby Lobby. I very much like how they look on my Joyful Owl wreaths. Last week during our trip to the big city (Bangor), I hoped to pick up some more...
The Cool Christmas VW Bus
Sometimes I forget that I've made patterns. Or I make patterns and forget to share them. The Cool Christmas VW Bus felt ornament pattern is one I designed but never got around to creating. If I wait for that to happen, another Christmas will go by without you...
White-tail Deer Fawn Christmas Stocking
Our WHRL Christmas Tree Festival is three weeks away. We've made the difficult decision, due to COVID-19, to have the event entirely online this year. A month ago, the plan was to have bidding online, but an extended window of time for folks to stop in and view the...
Downeast Thunder Farm Moose Christmas Stocking
I'm still struggling with ideas for this year's WHRL Christmas Tree Festival. I seriously lack inspiration for trees and wreaths beyond the Joyful Owl Wreath I do in some form each year. I could repeat some of the other felt bird and critter trees I've done, like the...
Sweet Snowflake Ornaments
I'm searching for inspiration and playing with ideas for WHRL's Christmas Tree Festival. I designed these snowflake patterns with thoughts of decorations for a Christmas wreath. I'm not sure where that idea is going but thought I'd share the snowflake patterns. I used...
Bring on Fall with DTF’s Free Vintage Autumn Truck Pattern
In our neck of the woods, the nights have suddenly turned crisp - a reminder that we're on the downside of summer. The stores have dishes, signs, and textiles featuring trucks loaded with pumpkins. While I'm not ready to break out the pumpkin spice, I thought I'd take...
Felt Loon at Cadillac
The inspiration for this project was a painted coaster I spotted in a gift shop a couple of years ago. My design has the silhouette of Cadillac Mountain in the background with a full moon. The day after drawing this design, Hannah and I visited Schoodic, where you'll...
The Little White Church
My dreaming and scheming for the WHRL Christmas Tree Festival left me with more ideas than I had time (or energy) for. One of those thoughts was a wreath filled with a village of little New England houses. I never got beyond the Little White Church. Rather than let it...
Retro Christmas Camper
After living in a 27’ camper with one man, a 5-year-old child, and a dog for more than a year while building the Maine House, I thought I’d never want to stay in a camper again. Yet, lately, I’ve begun to dream about a little retro camper that Paul and I could use for...
Downeast Thunder Farm Snowman
Is it ever too early to think about Christmas gifts? The weeks leading up to Christmas get busier and busier, so I'm starting early with my plans when I have snippets of time. This free snowman pattern is joining ranks with my other Christmas patterns. If you prefer a...
A Christmas Classic Volkswagen Bug
Yes, we're months away from December, but what's wrong with a bit of Christmas in July? I had so much fun with my Vintage Truck last year that I've been pondering over a VW bug. I've had this on my mind for quite a while and finally finished it. You can purchase the...
Owl Christmas Stockings
I'm not sure what got into me this year. Just four days before Christmas I decided we needed new, custom Downeast Thunder Farm Christmas stockings. I enlarged my Barred, Western Screech, and Great Gray Owls (mine, Hannah's, and Paul's) and appliqued them on felt. I...
Vintage Red Truck with Christmas Tree
The vintage pickup truck carrying a tree is such a popular theme right now that I'm creating a Christmas wreath around this wood version I designed. It was only after I had it cut out and painted that it occurred to me I could have made it out of felt. So I did. A bit...
Christmas Angel
I prefer creating life-like wildlife patterns, but with the WHRL Christmas Tree Festival a little over a month away, this angel will the be the centerpiece on one of the wreaths I'm designing for the event. It's available here as a free download. However, you can...
Felt Christmas Stocking from Downeast Thunder Farm
I've wanted to find another way to use my felt birds for the holiday. I created this Christmas stocking just big enough to feature an owl and to tuck a few goodies inside. The possibilities are endless. Use a wool or wool-blend felt for a sturdy stocking in your...
A Saint Nicholas for the Season
This ornament pattern deviates from my more realistic nature designs. Initially inspired by my husband's beard now that he's moving into "winter mode", here is a Saint Nicholas ornament to welcome the Christmas season. ...