Christmas Mouse
Why a Christmas Mouse, you wonder? I have no idea, but it's been on my mind for a couple of years, and I've been in the designing groove now that the weather is cooling down. For this critter, I've used Silver Gray (mouse), Barnyard Red (scarf),...

Woodland Christmas Tree
Clearly, I'm gearing up for Christmas. Last weekend it was the Woodland Gnomes. This weekend it's this simple Woodland Christmas Tree. There are many ways you can create this. Use two coordinating green colors for the tree or use the same color...

Woodland Christmas Gnomes
Magical little nature spirits, gnomes have found a place in Christmas holiday traditions. While I'm not a fan of the garden gnome, I had lots of fun creating these felt versions. These woodland Christmas gnomes will make darling gift decorations or...

New Bird and Whale Felt Kits added to the SHOP
I have added ten felt pattern kits to the SHOP! They've been a long time coming. You'll find four recent bird designs, including the: American Redstart, Black-throated Green Warbler, Ovenbird, and Common Yellowthroat Warbler. And felt kits for six...

Autumn on Pigeon Hill
A glorious afternoon on Pigeon Hill. No further words are necessary.Other Pigeon Hill hikes:16 March 2020: Afternoon Tea on Pigeon Hill26 December 2018: The Day After Christmas on Pigeon Hill15 January 2018: Winter on Pigeon Hill12 June 2017:...

The Tiny Golden-crowned Kinglet
Cleaning the living room yesterday, I discovered this Golden-crowned Kinglet pattern that had slipped under the sofa. I designed it at some point but never crafted him. A gray Sunday morning was a good time to take him from paper to felt. Enjoy!...

Clever Creations with Downeast Thunder Farm Patterns
With the cooler weather setting in and the holidays coming, it seems like a natural time for handicrafts. I have fun designing my birds and critters, and I'm always delighted by the ways readers use the patterns in their projects. I thought I'd...

Gidget’s Grand Adventure: Taft Point
Hannah and I packed up Gidget and headed over to Taft Point on Flander's Bay yesterday. After a busy Saturday working, I needed the activity and fresh air. Storybook-style mushrooms lined the trail to the shore. Overcast skies loomed low over...

Farewell to Summer Joys
These first days of October are ones of coming to terms. That summer is over, and I must retire my sandals. That that the days of dipping my toes in the surf have passed. That my porch days are becoming a rarity. That the hummingbird who visited my...
Gray Skies
Gray skies. Low tide. Quiet solitude.

New Book and Note Cards Added to the Shop
I've added two new products to the SHOP this week!Update: November 6 Backyard Books 2: Felt Ornament Designs is available for ordering! There is also an accompanying felt pack. In stock now, this new six-pack of flower and pollinator note cards....

Shorebirds In A Fading Landscape
There's a certain melancholy when summer fades to fall. The marsh grasses in their golds and browns reframe the landscape. These late-season shorebirds lingered in a protected marsh pool during high tide. Their reflections muted on this foggy...

September Adventure at Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens
On Saturday, Hannah and I ventured to Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens. This visit is the latest in the season we've enjoyed together. Autumn is unveiling with trees beginning to turn and faded grasses rustling in the breeze. Much of the summer...

September Friday Beach Walk
The wonderful thing about Hannah teaching at the high school this semester is meeting for Friday beach walks. It's been a couple of weeks since we took the time, and it was a lovely September afternoon. The fog rolled in and out. Hannah's sea glass...

Late Summer Hummer
A late summer hummer to brighten up this gloomy, rainy day.

The Boundless Border Terrier
It's been a while since I've played with a dog pattern. Here's a scrappy little Border Terrier. They have so many variations in coloring that I've provided some options. The general shape of this pup can be modified to fit a variety of floppy-eared...

August Shorebirds
Winding down a Monday with a late afternoon beach walk with only the shorebirds and the rhythm of the waves to keep us company. Seagull. Sandpiper. Sandpiper. Plovers in flight. Plover. Plover.

Unexpected Opportunities
As a parent, I've oddly been missing that back-to-school vibe. For the first time since 2004, I haven't participated in the shopping and gear-up for another school year. The rhythm is off now that Hannah's a college grad. After returning from...

A Day At Milbridge Commons
This past week was challenging in a way that leaves you exhausted at the end. Every task a struggle, simple things were all but. One small example was my race to Bangor to have my car serviced on Friday - a 1:45 minute drive one way. Halfway home...

Felt Lobster Buoy Ornament
After creating my wooden buoy garland and my Maine Lobster Buoy Adirondack chairs, creating a felt buoy pattern was a no-brainer. Enjoy! Note: If you are reading this post via e-mail, click the "Continue Reading"...

A Buoy Frame of Mind: Maine Lobster Buoy Garland
Since working on the Maine Lobster Buoy Adirondack chairs for WHRL's Chair-ity Auction, I've been in a buoy frame of mind. I started thinking about a buoy-themed tree for WHRL's Christmas Tree Festival. I rummaged through Paul's scrap wood pile a...

A Day at Gillette Stadium
Yesterday was a wonderfully exciting and rewarding day. The tale starts back in April. I work at Women for Healthy Rural Living one day a week. I've been involved with WHRL since 2005 in one form or another - volunteer, board president, and now...

It’s a girl!
Just as I was lamenting that Christina had 58 Monarch butterfly releases to my zero - this girl emerged from her chrysalis. We enjoyed her for a few moments before she flew away. They grow up and leave home so fast. More to come! Note - if you're...

Kvetina Monarch Hatchery
My friend, Christina Gantz of Kvetina Wildscaping, has taken the concept of raising Monarchs to a new level. She first told me about her plans for a Monarch nursery over the winter. Today, Hannah and I drove over to her hatchery to take a look. It...

22 Trips Around the Sun
It's hard to believe that I've had this wonderful girl in my life for 22 years. Although the weather was gloomy, we still celebrated with our traditional lobster dinner - margaritas, 1.5-pound lobsters, cheesy potatoes, cheddar bay biscuits, and a...