First Sea Glass of the Season

First Sea Glass of the Season

I finally made my first trip to the beach this year. Granted, I drive by the ocean almost every day, but this is the first day I've taken time for a walk with my girl. We both needed the fresh air and the sound of the waves. Bundled as we were the...

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The Great American Bison

The Great American Bison

The American Bison (or Buffalo) has been an often-requested pattern. For me, getting this felt critter right has been all about texture since they are shaggy beasts. I used Light Brown for the body and Safari Brown (a heathered felt) for the upper...

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Sunny and Sixty. In February.

Sunny and Sixty. In February.

Sunny and 60 degrees - in February. Ten hours and 47 minutes of glorious daylight. The momentum toward spring is eclipsed only by Friday's forecast of 19 degrees and 7 inches of snow.

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The Maine Bobcat

The Maine Bobcat

My next pattern book will feature my critters. I'm trying to work through the other Maine animals that need to be included - like the bobcat. Trying to find just the right felt color for this one is challenging. You can choose to make him with a...

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The Impressive Yellow-headed Blackbird

The Impressive Yellow-headed Blackbird

Struggling a bit to find my creative mojo again, I tackled this Yellow-headed Blackbird. He's not something you'll find in Maine, but the basic color pattern appealed to my desire for uncomplicated. You all west of the Mississippi are likely...

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Wood Veneer Column Lights

Wood Veneer Column Lights

In December, I shared my first project created with my Cricut Maker 3 - Downeast Thunder Farm birds made from wood veneer. At the same time, I was working on another Cricut Maker 3 project that I couldn't share until after Christmas. Inspired by...

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Family and Tradition

Family and Tradition

My paternal grandfather, John Reynolds Bender, attended Wittenberg University in the early 1930s. My mom attended in the late 1950s, and the tradition continued when I graduated from Wittenberg in 1986. This picture of grandpa is from the 1934 WU...

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A Most Curious Experience

A Most Curious Experience

The snow had just started to fall this morning as I lounged on the sofa, sipping my coffee. A swoop outside the window caught my attention. A Red-tailed Hawk sat high in the branches of the birch tree. I ran for my camera, but he was gone when I...

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Empty Nest Once Again

Empty Nest Once Again

Yesterday was a momentous day. We moved Hannah into her first apartment. It's a lovely little one-bedroom situated over a barn just 2.25 miles away.Finding rents Downeast is a challenge. Good rentals are far and few between. In this instance, a...

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Christmas Deer Friends

Christmas Deer Friends

One of my favorite things about living where we do is the wildlife that comes to visit. This weekend is was a quartet of Christmas deer grazing by the pond. Their arrival never fails to make us all pause what we're doing and linger at the window. 

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The Playful Opossum

The Playful Opossum

Here's a new project for your post-holiday crafting. I've never spotted an opossum, but it has been one of the most requested critters over the years. I've dabbled with a design on and off for years, never quite happy with the result. I like the...

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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve has dawned sunny, very cold and icy. Rains the other night washed away the snow and left us with a thin layer of frosty ice. No white Christmas this year - despite the weather man's assurance there would be. My gifts have been sorted,...

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A Note From Santa’s Helper

A Note From Santa’s Helper

I received a most unexpected letter in the mail today from Santa's Helper. As a child, Hannah wrote Santa; the envelope addressed to "Santa Clause, North Pole."Santa's Helper returned to me two of her letters - this one written in Hannah's hand....

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Downeast Thunder Farm Wood Veneer Birds

Downeast Thunder Farm Wood Veneer Birds

I splurged this fall. One little idea spotted on Pinterest that used wood veneer, and I went down the rabbit hole. After tons of research, I purchased a Cricut Maker 3. A couple of small projects behind me, and I started devising wooden birds from...

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It’s Beginning to Look Like Christmas

It’s Beginning to Look Like Christmas

It never fails. I'm so focused on WHRL's Winter Tree Festival that Christmas decorating at home takes a back seat. I finally managed to get a simple wreath up yesterday with a rustic Merry Christmas sign Paul carved the other year. Sunny and mild,...

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Hogwarts Magical Tree and Custom-themed Monopoly

Hogwarts Magical Tree and Custom-themed Monopoly

Holy moly, it's been a race leading up to WHRL's Winter Tree Festival. While I've shared some of what I've been working on, Hannah has invested her energy into two things. The first is a Whale in Sweaters wreath that is just darling. However, it's...

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Judy Returns

Judy Returns

This summer, Hannah named our resident bunny “Judy” based on the Zootopia movie. She was befuddled when I showed her this photo one morning back in June. Are they all Judy? I spotted as many as four Judys at a time in our yard. It was a banner...

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First Snowfall

First Snowfall

This morning was the season's first snow. It's perhaps the latest snowfall I can remember in the 17 years that we've lived Downeast. I delight in the first snow; I delight in almost every snow, even if I wish it away by March. Snow cover outside...

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Maine Vintage Map Trees

Maine Vintage Map Trees

This entry for WHRL's Christmas Tree Festival and Auction is a trio of minimalist vintage Maine Map Christmas Trees. A vintage map tree I spotted on Pinterest from Bombus in the UK inspired these designs. Paul cut three triangles of wood culled...

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The Two Sides of Downeast Thunder Farm

The Two Sides of Downeast Thunder Farm

The other morning I was visiting this little doe in the front yard. I stood on the porch talking to it and snapping pictures - Gidget oblivious of her for a bit. I returned inside and sat at my desk, unloading the deer pictures onto my computer,...

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The Stealthy Northern Shrike

The Stealthy Northern Shrike

When the request for a Northern Shrike came in last week, I realized that I'd started the design for this fellow some time ago, but never finished the ornament. Here he is for your weekend crafting pleasure. Enjoy! Note: If you are reading this...

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The Enchanting Winter Woodland Owl Wreath

The Enchanting Winter Woodland Owl Wreath

The Enchanting Winter Woodland Owl Wreath is my second entry for WHRL's 2021 Winter Tree Festival. Inspired by a wreath I spotted on Pinterest, I scoured the woods for some young trees with thumb-sized branches. Four lengths snipped 14" long were...

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Maine Lobster Buoy Christmas Tree

Maine Lobster Buoy Christmas Tree

With WHRL's Winter Tree Festival & Auction just a month away, I'm relieved to be ahead of the game and have my first entry finished.This summer, I spent many hours on my porch painting these little wooden lobster buoys. I strung the individual...

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archive of felt animal patterns
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