Hershey Gardens Butterfly Atrium

Hershey Gardens Butterfly Atrium

Hannah's and my trip to Pennsylvania is ending - just one more day before we return to Maine on Saturday. Our only agenda item for this trip was a visit to Hershey Gardens. After days of rain, the weather finally cooperated today. The trip's...

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The Little Brown Bat

The Little Brown Bat

Inspired by the Halloween decorations in the stores, I designed the Little Brown Bat - an often requested pattern. I'm on vacation with my folks in Pennsylvania and don't have my felt supplies at hand, so the prototype for this guy is in Halloween...

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The Majestic Mountain Lion

The Majestic Mountain Lion

The presence of mountain lions in Maine is often debated. In 2018 federal officials declared the Eastern Cougar extinct. However, every year there are reported sightings that leave us wondering. Friends shared that they spotted one outside their...

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A Late Afternoon Linger

A Late Afternoon Linger

Hannah and I had a late afternoon linger on the beach today. And it's my favorite time of year -  shorebird migration season. We spotted common plovers, sandpipers, yellow legs, and a great blue heron. #summertimeinmaine  

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August Visit to Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens

August Visit to Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens

A visit to Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens was part of our punch list for this summer. We checked that one off the list - my fifth visit to the gardens in Boothbay. From a distance, the view colors were glorious. Looking closer, it became clear...

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Muddy Bald Eagle

Muddy Bald Eagle

Close to low tide this afternoon on the Pleasant River - a muddy Bald Eagle enjoying a sea worm. Just the two of us and a couple of crows.

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#23 Birthday Woes

#23 Birthday Woes

Hannah's birthday was on Friday (Happy 23!). Given that she's adulting and had to work both Friday and the better part of Saturday, we planned to celebrate Saturday evening. Unexpectedly, our 18-year-old oven stopped working on Friday. An early...

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Evening Dragonfly

Evening Dragonfly

Dragonflies - fascinating little flying machines that bring such delight. This one likes the volunteer cattails that sprouted in the pond this year.

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Twenty-five Years With This Man

Twenty-five Years With This Man

Twenty-five years.A quarter of a century.The best years of my life have been with this man.Thank you, Paul, for your love, your patience, the adventures, the quiet times, the crazy times, and a wonderful child who is more like you every day.I love...

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Long-awaited Disappointment

Long-awaited Disappointment

When I was young, my maternal grandparents lived in Montgomery, Ohio. From my earliest visits to their home, I have snapshots of memories; no great detail but hazy pictures. My grandpa's radio. Going to school with my grandmother. The Hadley potter...

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Happy Birthday, Dad!

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Today we celebrate my dad's 86th birthday. It's been a rough year for my family, with mom in the hospital twice. I've made four trips to Pennsylvania so far to visit with mom and dad, and I've treasured every one of them. The older I get, the more...

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Magical Moments

Magical Moments

Early this morning, I was enjoying my coffee on the porch. A rustle in the woods put Gidget on alert. No barking, yet she was standing at attention at the edge of her fence. I looked up and caught the hint of a White-tail doe. And then a tiny...

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A Busy Day in the Garden

A Busy Day in the Garden

If you don't look too closely at my garden, you won't notice that the grass is as tall as my milkweed. While I love flowers, I'm not such a great gardener. Weeds and grass grow exponentially to the time I have to tend the garden. Thankfully, the...

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Moments of Joy

Moments of Joy

Hannah worked Saturday and ended up with today off. So, I worked a half-day and then lured her to the beach. Believe it or not, it's our first beach chair, toes in the water beach day of the season. I think Hannah's finding that adulting and...

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What I Didn’t Miss

What I Didn’t Miss

The Broad-winged Hawk has been a frequent visitor to our yard all season long. This morning my work day started from home. Working from the porch, I heard the bird's loud, high-pitched call. It took a few moments before I spotted him perched in a...

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Downeast Thunder Farm Owl Sign

Downeast Thunder Farm Owl Sign

Some time ago, Paul asked me to convert my Downeast Thunder Farm logo owls into an image file he could use with his X-Carve machine. His first test run with that simplified design was on the garden trug he made for me a couple of weeks ago. Last...

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The Lure of Chives

The Lure of Chives

The chive blossoms were the most popular flower in my yard this weekend. The lure of these dainty purple flowers is strong. 'Tis pollinator season!

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My New Garden Trug

My New Garden Trug

Each year, Women for Healthy Rural Living has a raffle auction - except for the last two COVID summers. I've often been able to talk Paul into making and donating an item. In the past, he's built a rowing dinghy and a child's pedal Bugatti car,...

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Every year about this time, Hannah and I venture out in search of goslings. Tonight we enjoyed watching two Canada Goose families noodling about the shore on Beals Island. A lovely evening with my girl.

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May in Bloom

May in Bloom

As May comes to a close, I thought I'd share how Maine has come to life this last month. Although my gardens are just emerging, the wild blooms have nourished the pollinators and my soul. Ferns are emerging. Ash tree (maybe?) in bloom. Wild...

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The Foraging Blue-headed Vireo

The Foraging Blue-headed Vireo

Some of my backyard birds you have to go searching the edges of the woods for; otherwise, you can only hear them. The Blue-headed Vireo is one that I've been recording daily on Merlin; I've yet to spot this guy. A challenging part of this bird is...

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The Familiar White-throated Sparrow

The Familiar White-throated Sparrow

The White-throated Sparrow may be the unsung hero of my backyard. Unassuming, always around either at the feeder or rustling around beneath the lilac bushes. I'm past due creating a felt pattern for this guy. Enjoy! If you are reading this post via...

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The Belligerent Black-and-white Warbler

The Belligerent Black-and-white Warbler

Black-and-white Warblers have been singing and keeping me company from the edge of the woods these past few days. This design was a happy way to spend the afternoon on the porch. Enjoy! If you are reading this post via email, click Continue Reading...

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