That Dog!

That Dog!

It's safe to say, that dog will eat anything. And everything. This morning, as I was gearing up to clean, the roll of paper towels fell off the counter and off she went. She had a grand old time trying to keep away from me. Unfortunately, it's not...

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Sunrise over a Solitary Tree

Sunrise over a Solitary Tree

An eye-catching sunrise over my solitary tree this morning. Other solitary tree posts: 29 October 2015: Solitary Tree Through the Fog 13 May 2015: Blackened Barrens 24 February 2015: A Solitary Tree 7 February 2014: Winter Barrens

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The Fun Flammulated Owl

The Fun Flammulated Owl

Meet the flammulated owl.  A tiny little thing with dark eyes, unlike other owls. A good project for a winter day! Right click here and select "Save target as" to save this PDF owl pattern to your computer.

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Snow Day No. 1

Snow Day No. 1

Did you know there's such a thing as a Snow Day Calculator online that predicts the chance of school being cancelled? With snow in the forecast, the kids were checking this every hour yesterday hoping and praying for a snow day today. I admit that...

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A New Normal

A New Normal

It's hard to believe that Gidget has been with us for four months now. This little ball of fluff with the perpetually bad hair day is closing in on seven pounds. Despite her mini size, the vet says she's on the pudgy side, so we've had to scale...

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Nesting Season

Nesting Season

There's something about this time of year that drives me into nesting mode. Maybe it's the cold that has driven me indoors - or because it's a season of new beginnings. Regardless the reason, I've spent the last few days cleaning, organizing, and...

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A Welsh Corgi Named Oji

A Welsh Corgi Named Oji

Oji was a wonderful rescue Welsh Corgi my friends adopted three or four years ago. He was lively and playful and was a wonderful companion for them. When Oji died after being hit by a car last month, Chris said that all the joy seemed to leave...

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Winter’s First Big Snow

Winter’s First Big Snow

I knew that winter weather would catch up with us sooner or later. Today we got our first measurable snowfall of the season here along the coast. No one in my household seems too excited about this change - it was 50 degrees out just two days ago....

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The Calm Before Winter

The Calm Before Winter

This day after Christmas, the temps soared close to 50 degrees outside - so beautiful that I felt guilty sitting inside reading. With the weather man predicting snow twice this coming week, it seemed imperative that I get outside and tackle some...

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Christmas Critter Tree

Christmas Critter Tree

I was feeling a little down when my Christmas gifts to my folks weren't delivered in Pennsylvania when they were supposed to. And of course, I couldn't find my receipt with the tracking number. Finally, on Christmas Eve, Mom called to report that...

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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

The wrapping is finished. I've got a good start on Christmas breakfast and dinner. The house looks somewhat presentable. I'm feeling conflicted - grateful Christmas is a once a year event - and sad that I've not had more time to enjoy the season....

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The Bruno Sheltie Ornament

The Bruno Sheltie Ornament

My nephew and his fiance have their first apartment together - and their first Christmas tree. Their "baby" is Bruno the Mini Sheltie, so their tree now sports a Bruno ornament. This pattern was specifically designed to match Bruno's markings....

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A Winter’s Solstice Sunrise

A Winter’s Solstice Sunrise

Sunrise on the day of the winter's solstice. This last day of autumn began with a frosty 21 degree F morning and ended with a balmy 45 degrees. Winter is entering like a warm breeze. The Christmas Eve forecast is calling for a high of 55 degrees...

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Downeast Thunder Farm Kitty

Downeast Thunder Farm Kitty

Our Christmas tree went up this year with my Much Loved Ginger and Gidget Puppy ornaments on it. It didn't seem fair that the kitties weren't represented, so I created this pattern with Cinder as the subject. She's the only one who will sit long...

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Gidget’s First Christmas Tree Hunt

Gidget’s First Christmas Tree Hunt

The first weekend in December is when we pick out and harvest our Christmas tree. Every year Hannah and I engage in a debate over the best tree. She likes fat and full, I like thinner with a bit of space between the branches for ornaments to hang....

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Paul’s Christmas Dove Wreath

Paul’s Christmas Dove Wreath

This past weekend, while I was busy sewing felt birds for my Maine Backyard Bird Tree and my Owl Wish You a Merry Christmas Wreath, Paul was working on a project using my Christmas Dove pattern. The Christmas Dove has only one piece. Paul taped the...

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Maine Backyard Bird Christmas Tree

Maine Backyard Bird Christmas Tree

I've run out of time to make birds! The WHRL's Christmas Tree Festival is tomorrow evening and I've finished my tree with only 14 birds. I'd hoped to do more, but the clock is working against me. This year's tree is a Maine Backyard Bird Christmas...

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“Owl” Wish You a Merry Christmas Wreath

“Owl” Wish You a Merry Christmas Wreath

"Owl" Wish You a Merry Christmas is the theme for this wreath I created for the WHRL's Christmas Tree Festival and Auction. It started with a bare balsam wreath. I embellished the wreath with bundles of white pine and cedar harvested from the...

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Great Gray Owlets

Great Gray Owlets

My Christmas wreath this year features my Great Gray Owl along with her babies. Here's a quick pattern for some gray owlets! Right click on this link and select "save link as" to save this PDF baby owl pattern to your computer.

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Just Shy of Full

Just Shy of Full

My pictures do not do justice to tonight's moonrise over the Narrauagus River. Just shy of full, the moon was beautiful.

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A Gidget Puppy Ornament

A Gidget Puppy Ornament

A Gidget Puppy will grace our Christmas tree this year along with a Much Loved Ginger Beast ornament. If only there was a way I could depict her in constant puppy motion! To save this PDF Yorkie pattern to your computer, right click on this link...

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Early Morning on the River

Early Morning on the River

Yesterday dawned clear, the promise of a crisp, beautiful day. I left the house extra early so I had time to swing by the river in Columbia Falls. It was a picture perfect morning. A beautiful place to watch the sun take hold. [gallery...

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A Flash of Red

A Flash of Red

Cruising down the road this afternoon, a flash of red caught my attention. Curious, I turned the car around and discovered this bold, beautiful, pileated woodpecker working away at this rotten tree. Leaving the car, I stood in the middle of the...

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Frosty Morning Warnings

Frosty Morning Warnings

A frosty start to the day it was. Beautiful in a crisp, stark way, frost glistened like jewels on the grasses as the sun rose over the hills. Waiting for the car defroster to tackle windshield frost while I sipped my coffee, I pondered our to-do...

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