It’s Creepy Out There!

I'm familiar with Spring Peppers and I love their sound. However, these Wood Frogs seem to be a new addition to the pond this year. Frankly, I find them a little bit creepy when outside in the dark with the Gidge!

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Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Passing by the Narraguagus River in Cherryfield yesterday, I spied this majestic bald eagle perched in a tree surveying the river. Big fat snowflakes fell against a gray sky as I snapped these pictures from the comfort of my car. Why is it that I...

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A Museum of Cedar Waxwings

A Museum of Cedar Waxwings

What should have been a quick stop at the Post Office on this drizzly morning turned into a bit of a distraction. Perched in a tree outside the door was this flock (or museum) of beautiful Cedar Waxwings feasting away on berries, looking like...

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The Winsome Wood Duck

The Winsome Wood Duck

One of the enduring signs of spring (if you're paying attention) is the return of the Wood Duck to the ponds and rivers here in Maine. I was reminded of this when a friend shared a picture of a lone Wood Duck swimming on his pond this week. I find...

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Spring Arrives in Maine

Spring Arrives in Maine

Given the unseasonable beautiful weather we've been blessed with as of late, the first full day of spring was a rude beginning. A month since we had any measurable snowfall and today's Snow Day No. 4 feels like a step backward in the march towards...

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Ice Out

Ice Out

Ice out on the pond was last Sunday, March 13th. It seems that after two months of frozen water, the ducks had forgotten all about it. They are definitely creatures of habit. I was able to snatch up Dilly, our physically challenged duck, and drop...

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The Spunky Skunk

The Spunky Skunk

No woodland creature collection would be complete without a skunk. I was always a bit amused by skunks, if not their smell. Early on, Paul taught Hannah and me Arlo Guthrie's song "There's a Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road" which we sing...

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Goldeneye in Flight

Goldeneye in Flight

I pulled off the road the other day to admire this pair of Golden-eye ducks meandering along. Before I could manage a decent photo, my presence startled them and they took off in flight, leaving me feeling a little sad that I'd disturbed their...

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Eagles Among Us

Eagles Among Us

I have to wonder if seeing five Bald Eagles in one day is a sign of some sort. I'm thrilled when I spy just one or maybe a pair soaring in the sky. Today they seemed to be everywhere - flying alongside the car as if we were soaring together,...

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From My Window

From My Window

I work from home a couple of days a week. The bulk of that time I'm glued to my computer, the time passing without notice. Yet, there are those moments when I wander to the kitchen for coffee or chase down a too quiet puppy, and I find myself...

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The Elegant Sandhill Crane

The Elegant Sandhill Crane

The inspiration for this pattern came from a news story I watched on television this morning about the migration of the Sandhill Crane. These graceful birds are making their way to their summer breeding grounds in Canada. It must be a sight to see...

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On Top of the World

On Top of the World

In Maine, sweatshirt weather in February calls for a celebration. This morning found both Hannah and I dragging. It was 2:30 a.m. before I made it to bed following the high school state championship basketball game last night. (They won!) It was so...

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Catching Gold Fever

Catching Gold Fever

Gold fever has taken over at our house, in school, and in our community. Hannah's high school girls basketball team is going to the state championships (class "c") in Augusta tomorrow evening. Each night this week has been filled with Hannah's...

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The Peaceful Panda

The Peaceful Panda

Looking for something "easy" to work on this weekend, I thought I'd stick with the bear theme after finishing the Great Grizzly.  I saw my first Panda during a visit to the National Zoo in the late 70s when I was just a teen. A trip to the same zoo...

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February at Jasper Beach

February at Jasper Beach

Jasper Beach, a half-mile of natural rock beach, is where we found ourselves on this mild, overcast February day. More like spring than winter, I felt the lure of the outdoors, but was thought most of the trails would be mucky as we’re having a...

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Still Standing

Still Standing

Sprinter. I didn't coin the term, but it fits the weather we've had lately. Winter one minute, spring-like the next. The switch from below zero to 50 degree temps in just 24 hours was enough to spur some wild weather. Earlier in the week, we...

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The Great Grizzly

The Great Grizzly

This Great Grizzly, along with the Bashful Black Bear and the Fearless Polar Bear, rounds out my collection of North American bears. You won't find him in Maine, but he'll make a good addition to your critter collection. To download this printable...

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He Gets Me

He Gets Me

A little known fact about me is that I am incapable of cooking a grilled cheese without burning it. I am forever scraping carbon off the burned side. I'm an okay cook, but there are so many things going on in my mind at any given time, that I tend...

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An Owl in the Snow

An Owl in the Snow

The aftermath of two snow storms - almost back to back - has left us feeling as if winter has finally arrived. Just when I'm starting to count down to spring! Despite the snow and the bitter cold, I couldn't help but smile when I saw this shadow...

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The Power of the Cookie on a Snowy Walk

The Power of the Cookie on a Snowy Walk

A walk on Friday during Snow Day No. 2 was full of joy for Gidget. She romped and played running circles around me until she ventured too far ahead. View the power of the cookie.

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Snow Goose on a Snow Day

Snow Goose on a Snow Day

I've been thinking about drawing this Snow Goose since last spring when I spied a lone snow goose swimming among a flock of Canadian Geese. It was my first sighting of one and he looked entirely out of place! He was a good project for a snowy day....

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What’s in a Name?

What’s in a Name?

In our house, it seems that it's only a matter of time before our loved ones are labeled with nicknames. Hannah was just a wee one when she became Roo or Hannah-Roo (much to her dismay today). Purfessor Snape, our black kitty is most often called...

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The Fanciful Flamingo

The Fanciful Flamingo

What better way to spend a winter's day than creating this Fanciful Flamingo and dreaming of warmer places? You won't find this guy in Maine during the best of times. And while it was sunny today, it was a bitter, blustery walk through the snow to...

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That Dog!

That Dog!

It's safe to say, that dog will eat anything. And everything. This morning, as I was gearing up to clean, the roll of paper towels fell off the counter and off she went. She had a grand old time trying to keep away from me. Unfortunately, it's not...

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