Picturesque Pleasant River

Picturesque Pleasant River

The tide was high and the waters still as I headed into work this morning. It was so pretty out that I made quick a detour down to one of my favorite spots along the Pleasant River. I could have spent all morning admiring the view and listening to...

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More Lupines

More Lupines

Today I was fortunate enough to discover a stand of Lupines edging a field with the river as the backdrop. I want a field of these in my front yard! Save Save Save

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The Energetic Belted Kingfisher

The Energetic Belted Kingfisher

I often spy these energetic little birds sitting on telephone lines that run along the river. When I'm lucky, I'll see one swoop down, diving into the water with a splash to scoop up a meal. Hope you enjoy him! Right click here and select "save...

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Lovely Lupines

Lovely Lupines

Hannah offered to be my chauffeur when I wanted to photograph lupines. Her ulterior motive was to rack up more driving hours so she can finally apply for her driver's license. I may have waited a bit too long to capture the lupine this year -...

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Magnificent Morning on the Barrens

Magnificent Morning on the Barrens

I'm not sure if this front over the blueberry barrens this morning was moving in or moving out, but the expansive barren in bloom with bees a buzzing was a beautiful sight! It was a magnificent morning after a night of torrential rain and thunder...

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The Common Raven

The Common Raven

This bird is inspired by the huge Ravens that have been visiting the farm this last week. In flight they're so big that I first thought they were eagles. Enjoy! Right click here and select "save target as" to save this free Raven printable PDF to...

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Days Like This

Days Like This

It's days like this that reward us for surviving seven months of heating season (aka winter). We're officially off the wood boiler for the season. It's days like this that require me to pause along the side of the road and watch geese meander the...

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Lupine Leaf Patterns

Lupine Leaf Patterns

A flat of lupine seedlings ready for planting present the most compelling picture - pattern upon pattern.

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Goslings on the River

Goslings on the River

I found a flock of Canada Geese loitering on the riverbank at the end of our road. I parked and scooted across the road to snap some pictures. They didn't appreciate my presence and the adults promptly led the goslings to the river's edge. The...

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Bears Among Us

Bears Among Us

Yesterday I was sharing about our squirrel issue. Today it seems as if we have a bear issue. Twelve years at Downeast Thunder Farm and we've never had a bear "problem". We know they're on the property because we've seen signs - footprints, scat,...

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Not To Be Outwitted By A Squirrel

Not To Be Outwitted By A Squirrel

We've had a bit of a squirrel issue this last week. One of these cute little red squirrels took up residence in the garage. This is not a good thing! He (or she) was making a nest of fiberglass insulation in the overhead. Paul discovered this when...

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Herons on the Marsh

Herons on the Marsh

Not the best of photos (I need a bigger lens!), but I was thrilled to see one of these herons come in wings spread wide for a sweeping landing in the marsh. I've never spotted more than one heron at a time. Perhaps they're a mating pair? On my...

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When Turkeys Fly!

When Turkeys Fly!

It's been a few years since we raised turkeys and I've missed having them around. They're such funny creatures and have quite entertaining personalities. We often see wild turkeys around. A few years ago we spotted a mama and her seven babies...

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The Gentle Garden Mouse

The Gentle Garden Mouse

I had company working in the greenhouse yesterday. A little garden mouse has taken up residence. Probably spent the whole winter in there. Probably had babies in there. He didn't seem to mind sharing the space with me. Although my screech did seem...

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New Goldfinch Feeder

New Goldfinch Feeder

After spying my first Goldfinch of the season, I treated myself to a new feeder and a ridiculously expensive bag of Nyjer seed. It appears the investment was worth it. I snapped this photo from the comfort of my living room sofa this afternoon.

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We once had as many as 18 egg layers at Downeast Thunder Farm. The numbers have dwindled over time and we now have just two girls in the hen house. It's been a few years since we've had farm babies (other than Gidget!). I heard the local feed store...

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The Sassy Sheep

The Sassy Sheep

I had more fun planning this little ewe. The inspiration came from a sheep wall hanging that appeared in the office last week. Rather than using felt for this girl, I scoured the house for something that would give the body a wooly texture -...

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A Peaceful Morning on the Pond

A Peaceful Morning on the Pond

I love the days when I can work from home. This morning was one of those days and despite the crazy late-April chill, it was a perfect, peaceful morning. I spent a few minutes with my coffee sights and sounds on the pond....

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Owls Among Us

Owls Among Us

My birthday passed quietly last month. Mom (a.k.a. Granny Gadget) honored it (as she did last year) with a cute little metal owl. Last year's pair resides by the front door welcoming visitors. This new one I put up on the post at the end of our...

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While I Was Away…

While I Was Away…

Hannah and I did a whirlwind trip to Grandma and Papa's house in Pennsylvania. Paul stayed behind to manage critters and the wood boiler. There's no question that Paul was a busy man while I was away. He cut down the monster fir tree that loomed...

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A Week’s Worth of Miscellany

A Week’s Worth of Miscellany

Experimenting with the iPhone camera. I get better close-up images with my iPhone 6S than I do with my Cannon. We had a wildly stormy day or two this week with crazy high tides. These gulls were flying into the wind, but going nowhere. The scene...

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The Wonderful White Stork

The Wonderful White Stork

Last evening, I stumbled across this wonderful video about a stork pair in Croatia. The female was injured and cannot fly, yet her mate returns from his winter home in South Africa every year to nest with her - for fourteen years!  Of course I had...

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Early Morning Ruffed Grouse

Early Morning Ruffed Grouse

Gidget gave me an early morning wake-up call. As I stood outside with her in my crocks and jammies, I spied what I first thought was a Mourning Dove in a tree. Too big for a Dove, I headed back inside for my camera.  'Twas a Ruffed Grouse dancing...

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The Beginning of a Friendship?

The Beginning of a Friendship?

This morning, with little fanfare, I spied Gidget and Cinder sharing the same space. No  barking, no hissing. This is a first! Miss Kitty submitted to gentle sniffing and snuffling. Their tiny little noses gently touched. Might this be the...

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The Kindly Koala

The Kindly Koala

When I was a teeny-bopper we lived in Friedburg, Germany. My father, an Army officer, was stationed there for three years. During that tour of duty, an Australian soldier visited with us for a time. When he departed for home, he gifted me with a...

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archive of felt animal patterns
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