Taking some time away!

Taking some time away!

I'm taking some time away, so I'll be closing the shop for a few weeks. Orders placed by Thursday, January 18th, will ship before I leave! https://www.downeastthunderfarm.com/shop/

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Gifts from the Heart

Gifts from the Heart

It was a quiet and peaceful Christmas Day at Downeast Thunder Farm - which was good as I'm still feeling a bit out of sorts.There was a bit of fun when Paul and I realized that we gifted each other the very same electronic tire gauge/inflator...

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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

This Christmas Eve, I find myself struggling to feel the Christmas spirit. I have the next week off from work (mostly). The tree is up and decorated with happy lights. We've delivered gifts to friends and family. Hannah and I have a loose plan for...

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Joyful Owl Experimenting

Joyful Owl Experimenting

This weekend, I brought my beloved joyful owl pattern to life in a new way! A Downeast Thunder Farm Christmas pattern book has an ornament-size full-bodied Joyful Owl sporting a Santa hat. I made some of the felt owls this weekend with a bit of a...

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First Snow Day of the Season

First Snow Day of the Season

I felt a bit like a little kid on this first snow day of the season. Paul grumbles. Hannah waffles about working from home or heading into the office. And I'm out at first light filling feeders, snapping photos, and watching the snow fall. I spent...

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Hannah’s Winter Festival Creations

Hannah’s Winter Festival Creations

WHRL's Winter Festival launched today. I have so much fun planning my contributions for this event each year - I love seeing people's reactions to my creations. This year seeing how Hannah's contributions are received is even more delightful.Her...

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My Favorite Time of the Year!

My Favorite Time of the Year!

Oh, it's my favorite time of the year! WHRL's Winter Festival & Auction is just around the corner. I've felt time-poor this season leading up to the event, but I've got new designs and some old favorites for auction entries. I love Charley...

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A Band of Blue Jays

A Band of Blue Jays

I've been home for a week, but yesterday was the first day I had a moment for myself. A gloomy but mild morning, I parked on the porch beneath a blanket with my book, coffee, and camera. A band of blue jays descended upon my freshly filled feeder....

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The Spirited Scottie

The Spirited Scottie

Spending the week with Dad, I dabbled with this Scottish Terrier design. It's a fun, quick sew. I opted to make him using plaid Christmas ribbon for his coat. I put tape on the back of the ribbon to keep the edges from fraying. Since I didn't have...

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November Heron

November Heron

I spotted this lone Heron wading in the shallows of our tiny little spit of riverfront. Discomfited with my presence, she took off across the river, sailing past the late autumn vista.

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The Little Lantern

The Little Lantern

Mom loved hospital gift shops. Well, gift shops of any sort, but she said hospital gift shops carried unusual things. On the last day of Hannah's February visit, the month before Mom passed, we made our rounds to not one but three different...

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Morning on the River

Morning on the River

The first below-freezing morning of the fall dawned with sea smoke rising from the river. And in town over Narraguagus Bay. I've finally had to accept it's time to tuck away my summer shoes. There's no denying the calendar.

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Morning Sun’s Soft Rays

Morning Sun’s Soft Rays

The view at the end of my road on the way to work this morning. I was so taken with this moment that I had to stop and snap the picture. morning sun’s soft rays calm river beneath the mist moments with nature

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Felt Autumn Leaves

Felt Autumn Leaves

It was football Sunday, but I'm not good at just sitting in front of the television, so I drew up and stitched these felt autumn leaves. They're super simple and quick. I particularly like the oak and can envision a wreath made of them. I tucked...

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October Beach Walk

October Beach Walk

A few pictures from a late afternoon October beach walk in Maine. The rhythm of the waves seems to slow down time.

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Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves

A little haiku... autumn leaves descend ripe apples on branches bend nature's gifts transcend

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Nancy’s Tomatoes

Nancy’s Tomatoes

My mom often showed her love by sending surprises in the mail. Many times, the packages came from QVC. Leopard print slippers (I'm so not an animal print kind of girl), a pair of sandals, lavender plants, a Christmas centerpiece, garden lanterns, a...

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Common Ground Fair Colors & Textures

Common Ground Fair Colors & Textures

Friday was my first visit to the Common Ground Fair in years. The experience is eye candy for the senses. These are some of the colors and textures that caught my eye at this harvest festival.

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A Downeast Thunder Farm Christmas Pattern Book

A Downeast Thunder Farm Christmas Pattern Book

My mom, who passed away in March, was an accomplished painter. She loved tole painting and created hundreds of wooden Santas, angels, nativities, and other Christmas-themed items. Her mantle stayed decorated for Christmas all year long. All of us...

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Spooky Season Ghost Garland

Spooky Season Ghost Garland

Realistic patterns are what I usually create, but with Spooky Season around the corner, I couldn't resist creating this super easy Ghost Garland. Creating a ghost garland from felt is a fun and creative DIY project that can add a spooky touch to...

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I spent the last two+ weeks in Pennsylvania with my dad. A long To-do list awaited me, with the biggest item on the list finishing the remediation of his study. In July, the dehumidifier in his study malfunctioned, leaving carpet, wallboard, and...

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Glorious Fields of Yellow and Gold

Glorious Fields of Yellow and Gold

Hannah joined me on this trip to Dad's in Pennsylvania. She flies back to Maine on Wednesday while I stay another week. Today was predicted as the last sunny day before her departure, so we made a spur-of-the-moment morning visit to a sunflower...

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Taking Time Away

Taking Time Away

If all goes as planned, I'll be taking some time off, so the Shop must temporarily close. Orders placed through Sunday, August 20th, will ship out before I leave. I anticipate reopening the second week in September!

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archive of felt animal patterns
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