On the Marsh Today

On the Marsh Today

A lull between meetings today had me sitting on the edge of a marsh listening, watching, and snapping pictures. Two herons scurried away as I settled in to watch. I feel it's a gift each time I see a heron. They're so ungainly yet majestic at the...

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Beauty in the Ordinary

Beauty in the Ordinary

Sometimes it's the truly mundane that catches my eye. The other day, when I was wandering the Incredible Edible Milbridge Market Garden, I spied this absolutely stunning cabbage. Yup, a cabbage. Somewhat ordinary, but so beautiful in shape and...

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Pushing Tomatoes

Pushing Tomatoes

This year, the garden tomatoes are so prolific that it looks a bit like Christmas in the greenhouse. Those little red gems are like ornaments on a tree. One evening walk through of the greenhouse yielded this bucket tomatoes, plus a few cucumbers....

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An Evening on Pigeon Hill

An Evening on Pigeon Hill

The last couple of days have been a little frazzling. My computer died on Wednesday. I knew it was on its way out, but didn't anticipate having to replace it just now when I've got a couple of deadlines looming. Thankfully I had a good backup and...

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Blueberry Hound

Blueberry Hound

This year, the blueberry crop around the pond is especially good - probably because I've kept the chicken's in their coop since we rebuilt their run. I got to the berries before the chickens this season. I went out this afternoon to pick some more...

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Chasing Rainbows

Chasing Rainbows

Hannah and I spied this rainbow when leaving an after work meeting tonight. Generally heading toward home, we followed the rainbow, looking for better views. You can just see the second rainbow here. And here, the clouds eclipse the colors. Perhaps...

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Heron Family

Heron Family

I paused this morning to admire a heron family wading in the river shallows of an outgoing tide. The moment made my day. Save

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Seventeen years ago, I welcomed this child into the world. Who knew then that this journey with Hannah would be the very best part of my life? She's experienced so many milestones this last year that illustrate she's not my little girl anymore, but...

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Anniversary No. 19

Anniversary No. 19

You know that your life has become too crazy and overwhelming when it takes an email from your father's friend, Bob, wishing you a Happy Anniversary to realize it's your wedding anniversary. It's a good thing Bob cc'd Paul on this message too...

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Osprey Family

Osprey Family

Over the past two days I've been stalking the Ospreys nesting atop a platform in Whiting. There appear to be three youth with Mama and papa watching over them from nearly trees. I could have spent the entire day watching them watching me, all the...

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How does your garden grow?

How does your garden grow?

Although I’ve paid my garden little attention since planted, it seems to be growing strong. As are the weeds! I've managed to keep the weeds in the beds to a minimum, but between the beds is another matter. Still, there are hits a misses here and...

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Panoramic Blueberry Barrens

Panoramic Blueberry Barrens

Despite the fact that it was a hot and muggy day, I talked Hannah into helping me load and haul months worth of recycling to the bins in town. The ac in the car felt so good that we opted not to head straight home. Three hours later we'd covered a...

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A Favorite View Revisited

A Favorite View Revisited

This morning, I played hooky. Rather than plugging away at my work to-do list, I took a class on paper collage with a local artist. Tearing and gluing  paper was fun and even a bit therapeutic. My inspiration was a picture snapped of one of my...

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Field of Gold

Field of Gold

We made a whirlwind visit to Massachusetts this weekend to visit the last of the colleges on Hannah's list of schools. She now has one big yes and a few backup schools. It's been fun watching her explore the possibilities and learn more about what...

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Here's little pop of beauty on this otherwise cold, damp, dreary summer day (I think we hit a high of 60 degrees F). At first glance I thought this was a field of dandelions, but it's actually millions of tiny buttercup flowers.

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Heirloom Reinvented

Heirloom Reinvented

I have this leather-topped writing desk built by the Maddox Table Co. of Jamestown, NY. It was my grandmother's desk, a piece that came from the furniture store my grandparents owned when I was a child - The Jordan Store. In my mind, I can still...

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July 4 at Eagle Hill

July 4 at Eagle Hill

This 4th of July found my family at the top of Eagle Hill in Stueben. We hiked the network of trails with Gidget scampering along. Gidget was a trooper, scaling all but the largest of rocks and steep climbs. Then curiously, a branch across the pass...

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Downeast Thunder Farm 7 Grain Whole Wheat Pizza Dough

Downeast Thunder Farm 7 Grain Whole Wheat Pizza Dough

Eighteen months ago, Paul turned over a new leaf - he adopted a plant based, low-oil diet. Now that's totally counter-intuitive for someone who loves meat and raised meat chickens, but here we are. Part of this new paradigm is eating only whole...

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All’s Well that Ends Well

All’s Well that Ends Well

This morning I bounced back and forth between working at my desk and helping Paul work on the new chicken run for the hen house. While I was outside, I turned on the soaker hose in greenhouse. Unfortunately, I forgot about it until Paul came in for...

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Osprey Sighting

Osprey Sighting

I've passed this nest many times over the last few months and finally spied an Osprey perched there today. Given the gray overcast day, the photo isn't as spectacular as that of last year's nesting pair, but the sighting made my day nonetheless....

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Bold Skies Over a Solitary Tree

Bold Skies Over a Solitary Tree

I so enjoy this solitary pine standing tall over the blueberry barrens. This morning, while the sun was still low, the sky looked so bold and so close. Other solitary tree posts: 16 January 2016: Sunrise Over a Solitary Tree 29 October 2015:...

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Early Morning Lupines

Early Morning Lupines

Lupines at 5:30 am. Although they're fading, they're still beautiful. I can't get enough of them and they'll be spent for the season in a manner of days.

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A Favorite View

A Favorite View

This is one of my favorite views heading east on US Route 1. There's something about that road rambling through the barrens and over the hill going to who knows where. Although, if I knew where it led, I might not find the vista so appealing. Save

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A Ride on the Downeast Scenic Railroad

A Ride on the Downeast Scenic Railroad

Paul is bit of a train enthusiast so for Father's Day Hannah and I took him for a ride on the Downeast Scenic Railroad. Yup, we played tourist in our own backyard. The 90 minute excursion likely covered all of five miles and the scenery was mostly...

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In The Garden Today

In The Garden Today

It was a stupendous Maine day - warm weather cool breeze, and a chilly night.  There was lots of activity in the garden. There were all manner of hummers. Hummingbirds... Hummingbird moths - or clearwing moths... I love the way you can see her...

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