The Giving Season

The Giving Season

It's that time of year when the Women's Health Resource Library in town hosts their Christmas Tree Festival. We pluck baby balsam fir trees from the woods, pot them up, and invite folks in the community to adopt one and decorate it. The decorated...

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Family Night Out

Family Night Out

Hannah, Paul and I took a break from the hustle and bustle of life and attend a local paint and sip event. None of us have much experience with painting anything other than a wall, but we had fun! The subject was seascapes. From left to right:...

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The Snowy Owl Family

The Snowy Owl Family

This new Snowy Owl and her owlets were designed for my wreath donation to the WHRL's Christmas Tree Festival. I hope they give you some inspiration for your Christmas decorations! Right click here and select "save target as" to save this printable...

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Autumn Geese

Autumn Geese

I spied this flock of geese late afternoon last weekend. I parked and slowly wandered towards them, snapping pictures with my camera. They were on alert but seemed to grow comfortable with my presence and went back to nibbling whatever they nibble....

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Downeast Thunder Farm Fox on Wood

Downeast Thunder Farm Fox on Wood

Browsing through a craft show yesterday, I spied a display with holiday decorations created from wood discs with wood burned designs. Last year, I cut discs from a downed birch tree, but never did anything with them. I found Hannah's wood burning...

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My Custom Wrought Iron Pot Rack

My Custom Wrought Iron Pot Rack

Last spring, I showed Paul a picture of a wrought iron pot rack I saw on Pinterest. Granny Gadget gave me a wonderful set of pans that have a copper-type finish that easily scratches. A pot rack was the perfect solution to keep my pans off the...

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The Charming Chipmunk

The Charming Chipmunk

Who doesn't find a chipmunk charming? There's been one squatting under the little crate on my stoop. When I open the door, he scurries by, startling me every time. With this cold weather coming, he's seemingly got this sights set on moving in!...

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Exploring McClellan with Gidget

Exploring McClellan with Gidget

A crisp November afternoon found Hannah, Gidget, and me at McClellan Park. We'd planned to walk the short trails but instead spent the afternoon scrambling across the rocks; a picture perfect afternoon! Gidget was a trooper, but Hannah ended up...

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In Denial

In Denial

I've been pretending that this school year is like any other. Going through the motions, trying to ignore the milestones that bring Hannah closer to going off to college. Take senior portraits for example. Since summer, I've watched portrait after...

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The Regal Reindeer

The Regal Reindeer

As the weather begins to turn colder, my thoughts are jumping ahead to holiday projects. Yes, I know - it's not yet Halloween but a reindeer is definitely in order! Enjoy! Right-click here and select "save target as" to save this printable Reindeer...

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A First Last

A First Last

Hannah's senior year started in September. At the beginning of the year, she spoke often about first "lasts", marking somewhat inconsequential milestones in this final year of high school. Her "last" first day of school. Her "last" first day of...

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Enchanted by a Frosty Morning

Enchanted by a Frosty Morning

Gidget was taking her time when I took her outside the other morning. While I dawdled with her, I began to notice the frost. Silly, I know. Yet, ten minutes later I'd snapped numerous iPhone pictures of frosty plants. It started with the clover....

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Block Print Owl

Block Print Owl

I just finished taking a class on Linoleum Block/Stamp Making at the Women's Health Resource Library.  Over the course of two nights, we learned how to carve linoleum block and rubber print-making blocks and then how to ink them and print on paper...

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From the Top of Waggoner’s Gap

From the Top of Waggoner’s Gap

Hannah and I are in Pennsylvania for a quick college exploration visit and Hannah's first college interview. This afternoon, I took Hannah to Waggoner's Gap where dad took me a few of years ago. The sun was in the wrong spot for good photos, but...

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Autumn Dawning

Autumn Dawning

Autumn arrived two weeks ago with little fanfare. Despite lovely warm days, the nights have been downright cold. Every morning this week I've sat in the car waiting for the defroster to melt the frost on the windshield, too lazy to dig out the ice...

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Beach Treasures

Beach Treasures

October 1st. Hannah and I spent another afternoon combing the beach. Last week she was knee deep searching for pretty white rocks to use in some yet to be decided project. Her pockets were bulging, heavy with rocks that she had trouble keeping her...

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Tiny Island at Dusk

Tiny Island at Dusk

After being away at a conference since Monday, it felt so good to be driving home on familiar roads. I always enjoy the view of this tiny island with Cadillac Mountain in the background. This evening found me and hopping out and snapping this...

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The Lively Sea Otter

The Lively Sea Otter

Hannah provided the inspiration for this Sea Otter when she shared with me pictures of Sea Otters with frolicking with their babies. This little otter can snuggle a sea otter pup, or a clam shell. I provide both with this pattern. Hannah went to...

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Island in the Mist

Island in the Mist

This little island in the mist caught my eye during today's travels - 0ne of hundreds dotting the Maine coast. And the fading color of the marsh grasses almost more intense in browns and reds than lush summer green. From the same vantage point...

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The Watchful Wolf

The Watchful Wolf

The Wolf is possibly my most requested pattern. It's also the pattern that I've struggled over more than any other. Wolves come in so many shades and markings - there's no one "right" pattern. This is the third wolf I've drafted and stitched over...

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A Girl and Her Dog

A Girl and Her Dog

A hike with Hannah was the best possible way to end a week that didn't seem as if was ever going to end. Despite the fact that I wanted nothing more than to nap the day away, Hannah and I took Gidget with us on a hike of the Hollingsworth Trail....

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A Field Transformed

A Field Transformed

I've shared pictures of this field before. Here's it is in June with the Lupine in bloom. The same field yesterday as the sun began to set. BikeMaine, a week-long cycling event chose our town for their last night along the Bold Coast of Maine. The...

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An entire summer has passed and I've just made my first outing to the beach. It's not as if it's far away. It's just that life has been so busy for all of us, that we didn't event think about until I needed to photograph Myrtle the Sea Turtle....

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Myrtle the Sea Turtle

Myrtle the Sea Turtle

The Sea Turtle is one of Hannah's favorite creatures, so I designed this critter for her. Paul dubbed her "Myrtle the Turtle". I took Myrtle to the beach today for a photo shoot; the lure of the ocean is strong. See that wave rolling up the beach?...

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Chase’s Daily

Chase’s Daily

Last summer I waxed poetic about the best grilled cheese I'd ever had. Today we returned to Chase's Daily and the 90-minute drive on a gorgeous September day was worth it. Chase's Daily is a busy little farm-to-table vegetarian restaurant located...

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archive of felt animal patterns
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