Felt Christmas Stocking from Downeast Thunder Farm

Felt Christmas Stocking from Downeast Thunder Farm

I've wanted to find another way to use my felt birds for the holiday.  I created this Christmas stocking just big enough to feature an owl and to tuck a few goodies inside.  The possibilities are endless.  Use a wool or wool-blend felt for a sturdy...

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The Season’s First Snow

The Season’s First Snow

It's official. We're in winter mode. This was the sight greeting us this morning. We spent yesterday procrastinating, only moving into winter prep when the first flakes began to fall. Yard clear of stuff; check. Snow shovels distributed to all...

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Addicted to Christmas Wreaths

Addicted to Christmas Wreaths

I admit it. I've become a bit addicted to decorating Christmas wreaths. It started with my Whooo's Home for Christmas wreath. Then we had some extra undercoated wreaths from our WHRL Christmas Tree Festival that I felt compelled to do something...

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A Patriotic Christmas

A Patriotic Christmas

Our Christmas Tree Festival and Auction at the WHRL is but a memory except for the cleanup. This year's tree was inspired by an Adirondack chair we had leftover from our "Chairity" auction this summer.  Paul said he wanted to paint it up for us and...

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An Upcycled Pallet Tree

An Upcycled Pallet Tree

It's Christmas Tree Festival time here in town. The past few years I decorated trees with my owls, birds, and woodland critters. I'd planned to follow in that theme, but just didn't have the time and was in the mood to do something different (I did...

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A Saint Nicholas for the Season

A Saint Nicholas for the Season

This ornament pattern deviates from my more realistic nature designs. Initially inspired by my husband's beard now that he's moving into "winter mode", here is a Saint Nicholas ornament to welcome the Christmas season. [sdm_download id="30294"...

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A New Custom Designed House for the Ducks

A New Custom Designed House for the Ducks

A new duck house has been on my "Honey Do" list for more than a year now. Peep, Squeak, and Oscar have been living in a makeshift house that was recycled from another project. The old house was never designed for ducks and was too big for our trio...

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Whoooo’s Home for Christmas

Whoooo’s Home for Christmas

Whoooo's Home for Christmas is my wreath contribution to this year's WHRL's Christmas Tree Festival & Auction. It features the face of a barn owl peeking out from the wreath. The felt owl in the wreath is about 5" tall, but you can size him...

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Too Short a Visit

Too Short a Visit

At last! I finally got Hannah home from college for a glorious week. I made the three day round trip drive (13 hours of driving per day) to Ohio to pick her up and bring her home. We packed a lot into six days at home - shopping, movie theater, a...

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A Tiny White-faced Scops Owl

A Tiny White-faced Scops Owl

In my search for another owl to create, I stumbled across the tiny White-faced Scops owl. I like the crisp black, white, and grey markings of this little owl. I hope you enjoy making him! ...

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Morning Frost

Morning Frost

A couple of degrees below freezing this morning as I ventured out for my day. I relented and dug out a jacket and gloves and then sat in the car watching the sun rise over the trees waiting for my windshield to defrost. How pretty a morning frost...

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Hairy Woodpecker

Hairy Woodpecker

After a morning of planting garlic (100 cloves), I enjoyed hanging out on the porch photographing this hairy woodpecker. The feeder visitors have been mostly of the blue jay and morning dove variety. I didn't fill the feeders for much of the summer...

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The Lonesome Lobster

The Lonesome Lobster

This lobster pattern has been a long time coming. It took me numerous starts before I was happy with the pattern. The challenge is in how narrow the legs are - there's not a lot of substance to them. I wonder what would happen with pipe cleaners...

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The Striking Steller’s Jay

The Striking Steller’s Jay

If you live in the western sections of North America, you're likely familiar with the Steller's Jay. This is the first bird I've drawn on my iPad rather than on my computer. I hope you enjoy him! Right click here and select "save target/link as" to...

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Clouds Over Cadillac

Clouds Over Cadillac

I've been working a lot lately and as a result, feeling a bit sedentary. I miss my hikes with Hannah. Paul's been a sport coming out with me a few times, but he doesn't like the types of hikes I enjoy. Wendlilee invited me out for a walk at Petit...

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Garnet Fields

Garnet Fields

When the splendor of the maples has dimmed and the oaks and aspens alone give color to the landscape, there are the barrens. Magnificent, garnet-colored blueberry fields sweeping to the horizon. Save

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A Cat In Need of Love

A Cat In Need of Love

When Hannah left for college in August, the toughest part of leaving home for her was leaving Snape, aka Boo, behind. While we have two cats and a dog, Hannah is Boo's human. Since Hannah's departure, Snape has moved into our room taking up...

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The Busy Bullfinch

The Busy Bullfinch

You won't find this Bullfinch Maine - or anywhere in the United States for that matter. I had to search for this finch when the suggestion came through for him. They're darling and I wish they dined at my feeders. Hope you enjoy. Right click here...

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Autumn on Cadillac

Autumn on Cadillac

When the weekend forecast looked gray, I played hookey on Friday and headed to Acadia National Park with Paul. My end game was to see Cadillac Mountain in full autumn color.  At home, color has mostly faded, the leaves losing their hold on the...

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Out and About in Castine

Out and About in Castine

In search of an adventure, Paul and I headed down the coast to Castine this first Saturday in October. A small coastal town home to Maine Maritime Academy, Castine had all but rolled up her carpet for the season. I was delighted by the architecture...

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Moments of Peace

Moments of Peace

Before I turned on the radio this morning. Before I learned of the horror that occurred in Las Vegas. Before this Monday turned sad, I had these beautiful, peaceful, moments.

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Friday Distractions

Friday Distractions

I love Fridays. They are my work from home day. I can wake without the alarm and roll out of bed to enjoy coffee at my desk. My routine involves a pattern of working and puttering, working and puttering. My puttering might be doing the dishes,...

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No Hunting!

No Hunting!

I stumbled across this picture Hannah snapped for me during one of our outings. The sign reads, "No Hunting or Trespassing." Do you think those ducks can read?

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Garden of Neglect

Garden of Neglect

I always start the gardening season with such hope.  This year, so many things interfered with my gardening motivation. I overextended on both the work and volunteer fronts. At the same time, I didn’t want to miss any of Hannah’s senior activities....

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Pipers Under Pressure

Pipers Under Pressure

The sun was shining when I left my house for the beach with Paul in tow. In the twenty minute drive (and one ice cream stop), the skies turned dark. A spot rainstorm followed us to the beach leaving it empty. I'd timed our visit a couple of hours...

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