Our Last Weekend

Our Last Weekend

What a whirlwind the last few days have been since Hannah finished work for the summer. Back-to-school shopping. Every outing with her seems like an adventure. We explored Cadillac Mountain - something we see from a distance on our end of the...

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Pipers and Plovers

Pipers and Plovers

With just a week before she heads back to school, Hannah had the chance to cut her work day short. Of course, we went to the beach. I love August and September because the migrating shorebirds visit in large numbers. These Semipalmated Plovers...

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New to the SHOP: Ruby-throated and Calliope Hummingbirds

New to the SHOP: Ruby-throated and Calliope Hummingbirds

I had the privilege of sitting under a tent in the pouring rain at the Farmers' Market today for Incredible Edible Milbridge. Since few braved the rain, I spent my time reworking the Ruby-throated Hummingbird and Calliope Hummingbird patterns so...

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Sunset on the Barrens

Sunset on the Barrens

It’s blueberry harvest season and Hannah is in the thick of it. This is her third summer working for Jasper Wyman & Son. After her first couple of weeks working with HR gearing up for the season, she’s been in charge of one of the scales...

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She’s 19 today. Hannah – the brightest star in my universe. There are so many things I love about this young woman. Her big heart.  Her willingness to stand up for what’s right.  Her work ethic.  Her wacky sense of humor. Her sharp mind.  Her...

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New to the SHOP: Timberdoodle and Dark-eyed Junco

New to the SHOP: Timberdoodle and Dark-eyed Junco

My American Woodcock or Timberdoodle, as I prefer to call them, along with the Dark-eyed Junco have joined the other wildlife felt ornament kits in the SHOP. In addition to the 24 ornament pattern kits in the shop, you’ll individual felt sheets,...

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The Sandpipers are Back!

The Sandpipers are Back!

The blueberry harvest is upon us and Hannah is in her third summer working at Wyman's. The first couple weeks she worked with HR, then she moved over to operate one of the scales that weighs pallets of berries the trucks bring in from the fields....

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Our Happy Place

Our Happy Place

When your girl has had a miserable day and comes home feeling blue, there's only one thing to do. Go to your happy place. A few minutes in the salty breeze, wading in the frigid tide and you could see her anxiety deflate just a little. I'd do just...

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The Tiniest of Backyard Birds

The Tiniest of Backyard Birds

I love these tiniest of backyard birds. It seems like I never have time these days to lie in wait for the hummer's acrobatics. Yet yesterday, I found myself in the right place at the right time. And managed to focus the camera just right. I do much...

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The ducklings are grounded!

The ducklings are grounded!

Since we moved the ducklings outside into the halfway house, Squeak has taken to hanging outside their run. He's a lonely duck. After ten days living outdoors, we gave the ducklings a bit of freedom to start the unification process with Squeak....

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Piping Plover, Sandpiper, and Felt Join the Shop

Piping Plover, Sandpiper, and Felt Join the Shop

Two shorebirds join the Wildlife Felt Pattern Kits in the Shop – the Piping Plover and the redesigned Semipalmated Sandpiper. I've also added felt sheets to the Shop including: A Wildlife Patterns Starter Pack that includes 15 6x9-inch sheets of...

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Introducing Baby Downy Woodpecker

Introducing Baby Downy Woodpecker

I apologize for the poor pictures. I finally relented and put the screen back in the living room window. This makes photographing birds at the feeder less than ideal. This was a first for me. Mama Downy Woodpecker brought her youngster to the suet...

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Independence Day

Independence Day

The significance of Independence Day is singular for each of us. For me, the Fourth of July was freedom from livestock in the mudroom. The ducklings have officially moved into the ducky halfway house. The halfway house is a portable critter house...

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Of Lilacs and Lupines

Of Lilacs and Lupines

June is the month of lilacs and lupines. Each year I eagerly await the arrival of the lilacs. They last only a week to ten days, but oh, how I enjoy them while they’re showing. And so does Squeak. They give him good cover in the yard. The Yellow...

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Introducing Downeast Thunder Farm Felt Pattern Kits!

Introducing Downeast Thunder Farm Felt Pattern Kits!

Introducing my new Downeast Thunder Felt Pattern Kits for sale! My felt pattern obsession started out as a hobby in 2011. To date I've created over 160 patterns! Sharing them online seemed like a natural thing to do. Hearing from so many people who...

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Ducklings First Swim

Ducklings First Swim

Join us as the ducklings (Puddles, Murphy, and Doodle) have their first swim. And meet Mr. Duck (aka Squeak). https://youtu.be/sIGenXIR1mo

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A Good Way to End the Day

A Good Way to End the Day

After I returned from an all-day meeting in Bangor, Hannah felt the need to get out and about so we found a spot to lounge on the rocks and take in the evening. Soft light, warm breeze, and good company. Not a bad view for a bit of contemplation....

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California Peeps

California Peeps

Meet Murphy, Puddles, and Doodle, straight from California. I still amazes me that three ducklings can be shipped in a box across the country. These babies are one of Hannah's summer projects. She's determined to raise ducks that "will love us". Or...

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In Search of Goslings

In Search of Goslings

Hannah and I went on a brief photo journey in search of goslings. Last summer we spotted some off Beals Island. We returned to the scene and were not disappointed. I admire the goose family unit - mama and papa watching over their babies with...

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A Mama and Her Babies

A Mama and Her Babies

Last month while visiting my parents, Hannah and I visited Boiling Springs and walked the lake. We spent quite a bit of time watching the Mallard mama with her babies. A flotilla coming into shore. Taking a mid morning break on the boat ramp. A...

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A Lonely Duck

A Lonely Duck

It was a rough winter at Downeast Thunder Farm. Not only did we lose a chicken to the local bobcat, but we lost two of our ducks as well. During the middle of the day something, perhaps a fox, absconded with Oscar the last of our original ducks...

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One of the highlights of my trip to Ohio and Pennsylvania was photographing Bluebirds.  Tucked in the woods I don't have the wide open spaces they like, so I've only seen one over the years at my feeder. This guy was spotted on the Bio Reserve at...

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