Sunset from Baseline

Sunset from Baseline

With just enough time to spare after dinner, Hannah and I cruised out to Baseline Road to capture the sunset over the barrens. It was a gorgeous evening with big clouds and a light breeze - perfect sweatshirt weather. Two weeks from today we'll be...

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My Bespoke Worktable

My Bespoke Worktable

It's been more than a year since I began creating and selling my felt pattern kits. During much of this time I monopolized the dining room table before moving a folding table into my office as a work space. Neither were ideal as I like to stand...

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Black Swallowtail Butterfly

Black Swallowtail Butterfly

Yesterday, we lunched in Castine for Hannah's birthday. While there, I spotted this Black Swallowtail Butterfly feasting on the clover atop one of the bunkers at Fort George along the Penobscot River. I would have loved for the images to be just a...

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Post Birthday Fun

Post Birthday Fun

Today, Gidget discovered the joy of a birthday balloon today. No worries - she wasn't allowed to play with it alone. We had a blast and she's one tired pup tonight! Watch the video and smile.

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The greatest joy in my life turns 20 today. Still my child, yet no longer a girl, but a curious, creative, courageous woman. I couldn't be prouder of the person you're becoming, your sensitivity, the way you see the world. Thank you for your humor,...

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Chasing Clouds

Chasing Clouds

We returned to Poplar Hill tonight. Hannah wanted to film and record the sound of the Timberdoodles. I was fascinated by clouds. Tall cloud formations met the horizon over the barrens. The sunset, unique every night, was not as spectacular as last...

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Sunset on Poplar Hill

Sunset on Poplar Hill

Last night Hannah and I adventured to Poplar Hill to photograph the sunset over the blueberry barrens. Here are some of my favorite shots. While she worked, I was on self-appointed bear watch duty....

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Milkweed, Monarchs, and Missteps

Milkweed, Monarchs, and Missteps

Monarchs Butterflies are so fanciful dancing about the Milkweed as if they haven't a care in the world. They seem to flit about with no rhyme or reason and are difficult to photograph (in focus) during flight. For the past two summers, Hannah and I...

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Upland Sandpipers on the Barrens

Upland Sandpipers on the Barrens

After roasting while working at the Farmer's Market yesterday, Hannah and I decided to take a ride so we could enjoy the car air conditioning. We cruised through the barrens scoping out locations for Hannah to film in the upcoming weeks. (Photo...

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My “Navigating Maine” Coffee Table

My “Navigating Maine” Coffee Table

Each year the Women's Health Resource Library has an auction during Milbridge Days. As part of this event, local artisans paint or decorate items that will be offered in a silent auction. This year, the silent auction theme is "Paint Outside the...

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DUTY: A Soldier’s Life

DUTY: A Soldier’s Life

Today is my father's 83rd birthday. He retired from the Army in 1986 and continued to have a second career in emergency management retiring from that just weeks after 9/11. After catching up on years of lost sleep, dad began writing his memoirs. He...

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The Solitary Seal

The Solitary Seal

Since spotting what I think of as "Hannah's Seal" in the bay last month, I knew I had to create a seal. Although this little guy is a fair bit cuter than our resident seal who looks like a grumpy old man. Have fun! [sdm_download id="32922"...

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Just a simple dragonfly today. They may be my new favorite critter. Do you know that a single dragonfly can eat 30 to hundreds of mosquitoes per day?

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Summer Opportunities

Summer Opportunities

Hannah has been a jet setter this summer. She took a year of Arabic language her freshman year and ended up being invited by her Arabic professor to film the oral histories of Arab immigrants in the Columbus, Ohio area as part of a grant. As a...

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The Doodle Dilemma

The Doodle Dilemma

Doodle, our littlest Blue Swedish duck has been broody for about three weeks now. We've watched her move her nest from one corner of the coop to another corner with the help of our "ducky cam." We started noticing eggs that may have been pushed out...

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A Christmas Classic Volkswagen Bug

A Christmas Classic Volkswagen Bug

Yes, we're months away from December, but what's wrong with a bit of Christmas in July? I had so much fun with my Vintage Truck last year that I've been pondering over a VW bug. I've had this on my mind for quite a while and finally finished it....

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A Gidget in the Lupines

A Gidget in the Lupines

Two of my favorite things - a Gidget in the Lupines. She doesn't like to sit still for very long. She had to be bribed with "cookies".

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A One Dollar Treasure

A One Dollar Treasure

Hannah and I went exploring the other day. We landed in Corea, Maine – the spot of one of Maine's most picturesque Harbors. There's a little art gallery called Chapter Two that I'd never been to but had heard about. This trip was my first visit,...

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Loving Lupines

Loving Lupines

June is Lupine time in Maine. I love seeing the countryside dotted with the spires of purple, pink and white. Although the blooms are a touch passed prime, Hannah and I spent the last two days photographing Lupine landscapes. Our travels took us to...

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Porch Company

Porch Company

Our new bunny visitor is this young cottontail rabbit (I think). She's much smaller than the rabbit we typically see hanging around. This little visitor and took up residence on the porch for the afternoon.

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Ducky Cam

Ducky Cam

For the second year in a row, we have a broody chicken. And no rooster. Hannah took pity on chicky mama and tucked a few duck eggs under her with hopes that she can finally hatch a baby. What we’ll do if this works, I don’t know. Do the ducks stay...

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Father’s Day Confusion

Father’s Day Confusion

Understand that it's been a crazy week here. Between Hannah traveling internationally for the first time (and her second plane travel excursion) the Wyman's Wildly Better work day at the WHRL's new home, and just life, I've been doing everything I...

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A Lazy Saturday Seal

A Lazy Saturday Seal

Hannah and I raced out the door at 8am this Saturday morning to attend a workshop in town. As we cruised over the bridge, Hannah spotted a great big seal sunning himself on a rock in the river. Of course, neither of us brought our camera along....

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Two Trips to Schoodic

Two Trips to Schoodic

Hannah and I started our week running errands. Since we were in the neighborhood, we took a spin through Schoodic Point. The weather was glorious. A bank of fog hung low on the bay. As always, the requisite mother/daughter selfie. The fog moved in...

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