Return of the Hummers

Return of the Hummers

I find myself leaving my office to visit the kitchen entirely too often to sneak a peek at these little guys out the window. It's been four days since they've returned. It might be more productive for me to put a hummer feeder outside my office...

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Grandma Jordan’s Quilt

Grandma Jordan’s Quilt

I received so many messages when I shared my grandma Jordan's quilts last week. Everything from suggestions for displaying them and things to make with them. And full out horror that I would consider cutting them up at all and ideas for...

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What to do with vintage quilts?

What to do with vintage quilts?

On my last visit with my mom, she sent me home with two quilts from my maternal grandmother. I finally pulled these out of the bag to take a closer look, remembering the quilts from grandma's guestroom beds. I called dad to see if he knew any more...

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April Showers

April Showers

I knew it was snowing last night because the outside security camera kept going off. I thought it was the return of the bear, but the snow was the culprit. Snow is pretty common in early April - like the 8-10 inches of snow we got in 2014. And...

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Spring Chickadee

Spring Chickadee

I finally got around to removing the remnants of my destroyed bird feeders pole.  I'm hopeful that Paul can repair my fancy feeder pole. My lovely red feeder is toast - the central part of it squashed like an accordion. Enjoying the weather, I...

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The History of the Downeast Thunder Farm Pond

The History of the Downeast Thunder Farm Pond

After posting this video on Facebook yesterday, I've had lots of questions about our pond. My favorite one is "Did you look to buy waterfront property?" 😂 I know what you meant, Carol, but I got such a kick out of this as I'm not sure our...

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Life at the Beach

Life at the Beach

I received an exceptional package in the mail today. Hannah sent a birthday gift on Monday for my birthday on Wednesday. She was horrified to learn that USPS 2-day Priority mail isn't - and was disappointed her package wouldn't arrive on time. But...

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Rude Bear

Rude Bear

It was a long night. I woke around 2:30 am and never got back to sleep. In the wee hours of the morning, I heard a sound outside but was too tired to investigate. When I finally dragged my weary behind out of bed to let Gidget out, I spied...

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Monarch Butterfly Gift for Spring

Monarch Butterfly Gift for Spring

Mary sent me this picture of how she's packed up the Monarch butterflies she's created for springtime gifts for family and friends. I shared Mary's work before with her Covid Christmas tree.  I LOVE this presentation - such a cool idea. Thanks for...

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First Bear Sighting of the Season

The video camera was slow to pick up this black bear lumbering passed my bird feeders early this morning. Of course I didn't discover the video until after I'd filled the feeder with new suet cakes.  

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The Beautiful Buckeye Butterfly

The Beautiful Buckeye Butterfly

The Common Buckeye is such a pretty butterfly with its big, colorful "eyes."  For something so small, there's a lot of detail in recreating them in felt. I've tried to do her justice! Enjoy!

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The Bustling Black-throated Blue Warbler

The Bustling Black-throated Blue Warbler

Warblers in Maine are such a happy sign of Spring. I've had this Black-throated Blue Warbler on my list for ages. Download the pattern for free below, or order a kit in the SHOP. I've also added the Yellow-rumped Warbler to the SHOP. He first...

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Welcome Spring Robin Giveaway ~ Winners Announced!

Welcome Spring Robin Giveaway ~ Winners Announced!

It's time to celebrate! Yes, it's the first day of Spring, but I have another reason for celebrating. I've made my last college tuition payment to Denison University. Yippee!  I started selling my kits, then felt, and then books back in 2018 after...

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Family Desk Makeover

Family Desk Makeover

I've been working from home almost exclusively for a year now. You'd think I would have spruced the place up on the front end of the pandemic and quarantine. Paul says it's because it took me this long to figure out how I should arrange the...

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A Year Ago

A Year Ago

A year ago tonight, the notice came that the US's borders were closing due to COVID-19 and Hannah's study abroad program in Denmark was shutting down. We had 48 hours to get her out of the country and on her way home. It was a crazy scramble. The...

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“There is always in February some one day, at least, when one smells the yet distant, but surely coming, summer.”  - Gertrude Jekyll Today was that day.

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One Thing Leads to Another

One Thing Leads to Another

I don't know what it is about February, but it often involves some variety of home project. Last year it was painting our built in book shelves - all 15 feet of them. The year before it was painting the living, dining, and kitchen space. Before...

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The Humble Hairy Woodpecker

The Humble Hairy Woodpecker

The Hairy and Downy woodpeckers at my suet feeders bring such joy. I designed the Downy Woodpecker a few years ago. I've planned to create a Hairy Woodpecker for some time, but they are so similar to Downy Woodpeckers. How to make him different? In...

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The Pugnacious Rufous Hummingbird

The Pugnacious Rufous Hummingbird

It's a little challenging to shoot a realistic photo of a hummingbird in Maine - in the winter. He surely looks out of place! I struggled with the colors for this throat. The color "Rufous" is a brownish-red. Yet when they sun hits this little guy,...

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Sorry! The Space Edition

Sorry! The Space Edition

We have a history of modifying board games. Nine years ago Hannah and I created our Harry Potter Monopoly game. Over Christmas break, Hannah decided that it was time up upgrade our Madagascar-themed Sorry! board game. Her nerdiness in full-swing,...

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Hannah’s Whales in Sweaters

Hannah’s Whales in Sweaters

Hannah's been home for two and a half months. The holidays absorbed some of the time. Working on a marketing and social media advertising certification has kept her busy as well. Yet, it's Whales in Sweaters that have truly shaped this college...

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Lubec to the Pike Lands

Lubec to the Pike Lands

Hannah's feeling the crunch of her last few days at home, so I suggested a beach walk. She chose Mowry Beach in Lubec - one of her favorite spots for hunting sea glass. The tide was out, and the meander was lovely. Still feeling energetic, we...

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The Striking Barrow’s Goldeneye

The Striking Barrow’s Goldeneye

The Goldeneye duck I spotted earlier in the week while beachcombing inspired this little guy. I returned home to draw him and realized that I'd already designed a Common Goldeneye. So, I chose his cousin, Barrow's Goldeneye, for a pattern. I carted...

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January Beach-combing

January Beach-combing I've enjoyed having Hannah home for two months - but we're only ten days out from beginning our journey west to return her to school for the spring semester. That means fitting in as many winter beach trips as we can....

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archive of felt animal patterns
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