A Magical Evening
The beach was calling our names tonight. Hannah and I rushed through dinner and headed over to Roque Bluffs. The sand and waves have a way of smoothing rough edges. We paused along the way to watch this heron who took exception to our presence. A...

Maine Lobster Buoy Chairs
In the last few years, Women for Healthy Rural Living - or WHRL (formerly Women's Health Resource Library) has had a summer auction. Two years ago, I created my Navigating Maine Coffee Table for the event. Last year, we decided to have local...

Scarborough Marsh
I've longed to visit Scarborough Marsh, enamored by the pictures others have shared online. Hannah was up for the adventure, so we had a short mother/daughter vacation this July. On a Wednesday, we meandered our way along US Route 1 to Freeport,...

The Singing Red-eyed Vireo
The Green-eyed Vireo is another songster in my woods I've discovered through song identification apps. I haven't been able to find a good olive green in felt - the color called for on this bird. I dabbled with some wool fabric for the back and...

A Wander at Old Farm Point
This week my work travels took me to Lubec. I stopped at Old Farm Point to enjoy my brown bag lunch. This is a new park that recently opened and is part of the larger Cobscook Shores park system. A mown path leads you along the edges of a large...

In The Garden Today
Today was the quintessential perfect Maine summer day. It was a lazy day for me. Coffee on the porch, lawn mowing, puttering in the yard and garden. My happiest discovery is that Ms. Monarch, who was here earlier in the week did her job. I...

The Whistling Black-throated Green Warbler
The Black-throated Green Warbler is another songster that I've detected in my backyard via song. Another bird I've yet to spot, but whose song I hear with gusto lately. This July 4 weekend is chilly and rainy - after days of 90s weather - the...

Wild Geese on the River
For the first time in 15 months, I'm back on the road traveling again for work. It's fun to be driving through rural Maine, audible story on the radio, camera by my side just in case. Yet today was a tight schedule, so there wasn't time to admire...

Milkweed in Bloom
This is the view out my kitchen window. It was full of orange butterflies this morning. I was excited as I haven't seen the Monarchs since my first sighting earlier in the month. I abandoned my coffee in favor of a camera and headed outdoors. I...

Vintage Oak Sideboard
Do you know those Honey-do items that languish on the to-do list? This one has been languishing for about 15 years. In part because there have been so many projects on the list and in part because I didn't nag. Years ago, I refinished this old...

Look Who’s Singing in My Backyard
Last week I shared my discovery of the Song Sleuth app for identifying birds by their song. I've had more fun playing with this tool, learning about the less obvious birds in my backyard. A reader mentioned that they use the Merlin app for this....

The Downeast Thunder Farm Ovenbird
Since exploring who is singing in my backyard, I've discovered that the most common song I hear is that of the Ovenbird - a Wood Warbler. I've never seen one - apparently, they keep to the woods but their song is loud and clear. My challenge with...

Some Days
Some days are just out of kilter. From the moment you wake, you feel out of sync with the world. Or something frustrating happens that derails the rest of your day. When this happens, my girlfriends blame it on Mercury in retrograde (apparently,...

Cutler Harbor in the Fog
I joined Hannah this afternoon on an impromptu outing to capture some video for a project she's doing at work. As we drove east, the patchy sun we'd enjoyed all day turned to fog. We stopped in Cutler Harbor, where I snapped this image of boats...

Hummingbird Moth Visitor – Video
While watering my hanging flower pots this evening, this little Clearwing Moth - aka Hummingbird Moth came to visit. With the lilacs all but faded, there's not much in my garden to feast on until the lavender blooms - except for my hanging baskets....

Who’s Singing in Your Backyard?
You likely know by now that I'm an avid, total novice, backyard bird watcher. I've discovered this morning that there are birds singing in my backyard I've never seen before. I'm often focused on the birds at my feeders (which have been put up for...

Subscribe to the Downeast Thunder Farm Blog!
Do you enjoy the Downeast Thunder Farm BLOG? Don't want to miss the latest news? Subscribe to receive an email notice for new posts. Including: Free bird, animal, and butterfly felt patterns for download Notices for new Downeast Thunder Farm SHOP...

Gidget’s Grand Adventure: Pigeon Hill Shore Trail
Gidget loves the idea of traveling in the car. The reality is something different. Her anxiety gets the best of her which makes taking her anywhere stressful for everyone in the car. Yet today, Hannah and I decided to take her with us on a late...

Garden Visitors
The past few days have been miserably hot. Ninety-degree weather on this eastern section of the Maine Coast is a rarity typically saved for a few days in August. To have three days in the 90s in June is unheard of. For years we had no air...

The Lively American Redstart
It's warbler migration season here in Maine. This little American Redstart warbler has been my rainy day project. We haven't had that many rainy days lately so it's taken me a while to finish him! Enjoy!

A Saturday in June
The morning began warm and sunny as I enjoyed my coffee on the porch. I often struggle sitting still and just being. This morning was no different. A Yellow Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly in the lilacs caught my attention, and then I was up and...

Denison University Graduation 2021
Denison Graduation 2021 was a whirlwind of a week. We arrived home last night, and I woke this morning so tired that I could barely think straight. The adventure started last Wednesday with Gidget in tow. She's very attached to us, and we were...

Return of the Black Bear – In Broad Daylight
Yesterday it was a hummingbird on what I've dubbed "the bear cam" since the bear raided our feeder earlier this spring. https://youtu.be/45dgvVNQG94 Today it's the bear that made an appearance. He/she looks like a small one - the base of the...

Maine Cottage Fabric Pot Holders
Maine Cottage has beautiful furniture and fabrics. If I had the means, I just decorate my entire home from their catalog. They were gracious enough to donate fabric to WHRL for curtains and pillow cushions in our new office space. The fabric is...

Weekend Miscellaney
We were blessed with a glorious weekend. I bounced between work, house cleaning, and yard cleanup loving just being at home. I feel accomplished. The tide was out when I headed into town. I paused to photograph this white-tail deer crossing the...