by Susan | Sep 19, 2020 | Give-a-ways, Perching Bird Patterns
I first spotted a Common Yellowthroat Warbler in the marshy area next to the beach. A few weeks later I spied one lurking in the branches of my lilac bushes. I haven’t seen once since, but I’ve heard the song. Enjoy! Common YellowthroatDownload Now!1088...
by Susan | May 10, 2020 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
A friend shared a photo of a Magnolia Warbler on Instagram. Intrigued, I sat down yesterday to design one. This morning, as I was cutting out the pieces to sew him, I spotted a flash of yellow out the window. I popped up to take a closer look – a Magnolia...
by Susan | Apr 26, 2020 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
I have a “to-do” list for my backyard bird books, but lately, my inspiration wants to go other directions (see last weekend’s puffin square). Today, I buckled down to create the Red-bellied Woodpecker and check it off my list before I venture into...
by Susan | Apr 1, 2020 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
Another project for these COVID Quarantine days as I work my way through the list of birds I want to create for a backyard bird pattern book. Enjoy! And please stay as safe as possible in these crazy times. Carolina WrenDownload Now!2120...
by Susan | Mar 23, 2020 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
How quickly the world changes. Two weeks ago, I was planning a trip to my folks in Pennsylvania. I’d be there today if it weren’t for Covid-19 or the Coronavirus. Instead, I’m hunkered down with my family, working from home as are many of you. So...
by Susan | Mar 1, 2020 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
A shy bird, the Song Sparrow is native to North America and can be found in most areas of the United States. Tucked into the woods the way we are, we are more likely to hear their song than see them. Enjoy! Song SparrowDownload Now!1901...
by Susan | Oct 29, 2017 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
If you live in the western sections of North America, you’re likely familiar with the Steller’s Jay. This is the first bird I’ve drawn on my iPad rather than on my computer. I hope you enjoy him! Right click here and select “save target/link...
by Susan | Oct 15, 2017 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
You won’t find this Bullfinch Maine – or anywhere in the United States for that matter. I had to search for this finch when the suggestion came through for him. They’re darling and I wish they dined at my feeders. Hope you enjoy. Right click here and...
by Susan | Jun 3, 2017 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
It seems that I haven’t had a moment to breath since my Mother’s Day outing with Hannah. A crazy work schedule, Hannah’s softball games, and the end of senior year activities have ruled my life. On our Mother-Daughter Adventure Day, one of our stops...
by Susan | Mar 10, 2017 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
This one is for you folks across the pond – a European robin to help welcome spring. It wasn’t until Nancy from the Netherlands shared a picture of her robin did I appreciate that the American and European robin varieties differ so much. The trick here is...
by Susan | Mar 4, 2017 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
Although spring is all but around the corner, it was entirely too windy and bitter cold today to venture outside for long. I opted to play with a pattern and thought I’d try something that brings warmer climates to mind. This little Budgie pattern is simple, but...
by Susan | Jan 29, 2017 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
I receive more suggestions for patterns to create than I will ever have time to design. This is a hobby for me and if there isn’t something about a bird or critter that I find appealing, designing feels like work rather than fun. This week I received a...
by Susan | Jan 8, 2017 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
Here’s a colorful Canada Warbler to brighten a winter’s day. They summer in Maine as well as Canada, but at the moment they’re likely wintering someplace much warmer than here! Right-click on this link and select “save target/link as” to...
by Susan | Dec 23, 2016 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
The cardinal is the female bird I have been asked to make over and over again. While I often played with her, the girl’s coloring is so much more subtle than the male’s that I couldn’t find the right felt for the pattern. This time, I approached the...
by Susan | Jun 12, 2016 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
I often spy these energetic little birds sitting on telephone lines that run along the river. When I’m lucky, I’ll see one swoop down, diving into the water with a splash to scoop up a meal. Hope you enjoy him! Right click here and select “save...
by Susan | Jun 5, 2016 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
This bird is inspired by the huge Ravens that have been visiting the farm this last week. In flight they’re so big that I first thought they were eagles. Enjoy! Right click here and select “save target as” to save this free Raven printable PDF to...
by Susan | Sep 13, 2014 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
This pattern is inspired by the cedar waxwing I snapped a picture of on a foggy morning a few weeks ago. For a bird with such silky, sleek lines, it was challenge to create a pattern of his likeness. Finding the right color of brown for the body is the trick here. I...
by Susan | Aug 12, 2014 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
This little indigo bunting is for Lea, who won the drawing on Your Mist Wished for Bird Pattern. I’ve not seen one on the farm, but friends nearby report many sightings. The biggest challenge with this bird is finding felt “blue enough” to do him...
by Susan | Jul 5, 2014 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
There’s nothing like the remnants of a hurricane to keep me indoors on a holiday weekend. It gave me time to create this little scarlet tanger without feeling as if I ought to be outdoors. I’ve only seen this bird once and the sighting was so fleeting that...
by Susan | May 22, 2014 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
Just about every backyard birdwatcher in Downeast Maine has reported seeing a rose-breasted grosbeak this week – except me! Maybe this will give them a little inspiration to stop by for a visit. Right click here and select “save target as” to save...