by Susan | Jun 3, 2024 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
Here’s another design from last fall languishing in my files: the Gregarious Bobolink. I found him a difficult one to get accurate in felt! Enjoy. Note: if you’re reading this in your email, click “Continue Reading” at the bottom to visit the...
by Susan | Jan 30, 2024 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
The Brown-headed Cowbird is a fascinating songbird; they lay their eggs in the nests of other birds and let the other mamas do all the work. I’ve occasionally spotted them at our feeder and the edge of the woods. He’s on my list today because I happened to...
by Susan | Jan 26, 2024 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
The European Starling is a beautiful bird with glossy black feathers and a yellow beak. It’s a challenge to create a shiny feathered bird from felt. I designed this Starling while in Pennsylvania, spending time with Dad. This means that I’m not in the...
by Susan | Aug 7, 2023 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
I first saw a Gray Catbird when visiting with my parents in Pennsylvania this past spring – it was nesting in mom’s rose bushes. This summer, I recorded it on the Merlin app at home. We’ve got them in our woods, too – but I thought it was a fox...
by Susan | Jul 9, 2023 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
Yesterday, I enjoyed one of the first sunny days in weeks on the porch. Using the Merlin app, I recorded a great variety of birds in my little patch of woods, including a Crow, Overnbird, Hairy Woodpecker, American Robin, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Eastern Phoebe, Hermit...
by Susan | May 13, 2023 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
My creative mojo has been hard to find lately. Maybe starting with something relatively easy will help me get my groove back. A Nashville Warbler has been popping up in the sound recordings on my Merlin app this spring. Here he is in felt. I hope these pretty birds...
by Susan | Mar 4, 2023 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
Sitting here with my mom on a Saturday afternoon in Pennsylvania, I started exploring birds common to the area. Most of them I have already designed. The Blackburnian Warbler caught my attention – a bird who visits Maine in the summer. Click below to download...
by Susan | May 29, 2022 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
Some of my backyard birds you have to go searching the edges of the woods for; otherwise, you can only hear them. The Blue-headed Vireo is one that I’ve been recording daily on Merlin; I’ve yet to spot this guy. A challenging part of this bird is finding...
by Susan | May 20, 2022 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
The White-throated Sparrow may be the unsung hero of my backyard. Unassuming, always around either at the feeder or rustling around beneath the lilac bushes. I’m past due creating a felt pattern for this guy. Enjoy! If you are reading this post via email, click...
by Susan | May 12, 2022 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
Black-and-white Warblers have been singing and keeping me company from the edge of the woods these past few days. This design was a happy way to spend the afternoon on the porch. Enjoy! If you are reading this post via email, click Continue Reading at the bottom and...
by Susan | Feb 12, 2022 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
Struggling a bit to find my creative mojo again, I tackled this Yellow-headed Blackbird. He’s not something you’ll find in Maine, but the basic color pattern appealed to my desire for uncomplicated. You all west of the Mississippi are likely familiar with...
by Susan | Oct 10, 2021 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
Cleaning the living room yesterday, I discovered this Golden-crowned Kinglet pattern that had slipped under the sofa. I designed it at some point but never crafted him. A gray Sunday morning was a good time to take him from paper to felt. Enjoy! Note: If you are...
by Susan | Jul 12, 2021 | Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
The Green-eyed Vireo is another songster in my woods I’ve discovered through song identification apps. I haven’t been able to find a good olive green in felt – the color called for on this bird. I dabbled with some wool fabric for the back and wing....
by Susan | Jul 4, 2021 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
The Black-throated Green Warbler is another songster that I’ve detected in my backyard via song. Another bird I’ve yet to spot, but whose song I hear with gusto lately. This July 4 weekend is chilly and rainy – after days of 90s weather – the...
by Susan | Jun 26, 2021 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
Since exploring who is singing in my backyard, I’ve discovered that the most common song I hear is that of the Ovenbird – a Wood Warbler. I’ve never seen one – apparently, they keep to the woods but their song is loud and clear. My challenge...
by Susan | Jun 6, 2021 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
It’s warbler migration season here in Maine. This little American Redstart warbler has been my rainy day project. We haven’t had that many rainy days lately so it’s taken me a while to finish him! Enjoy! American RedstartDownload Now!1063...
by Susan | Mar 21, 2021 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
Warblers in Maine are such a happy sign of Spring. I’ve had this Black-throated Blue Warbler on my list for ages. Download the pattern for free below, or order a kit in the SHOP. I’ve also added the Yellow-rumped Warbler to the SHOP. He first appeared as a...
by Susan | Feb 7, 2021 | Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
It’s a little challenging to shoot a realistic photo of a hummingbird in Maine – in the winter. He surely looks out of place! I struggled with the colors for this throat. The color “Rufous” is a brownish-red. Yet when they sun hits this little...
by Susan | Dec 20, 2020 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
Such a curious bird with their large ungainly bills. My new red felt – Strawberry Dreams is the perfect shade for this Red Crossbill felt ornament. Enjoy! Red CrossbillDownload Now!1011 Downloads...
by Susan | Oct 18, 2020 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
If you’ve ever had Grackles at your feeder, you’ll understand why in bird-speak that flock is called a “plague.” They will clean out a feeder faster than any other bird I’ve seen. Yet yesterday, a beautiful, inky, iridescent Grackle came...