Gregarious Nubian Goat

Gregarious Nubian Goat

Sitting and watching television is a challenge for me – I need something to do, or I fall asleep. Every time. When picking out movies, Paul and Hannah tell me, “We saw that one – you slept through it.” So this little Lop-eared, or Nubian goat,...
The Singular Chinook Salmon

The Singular Chinook Salmon

It’s not every day that I can jump on a pattern suggestion. The idea has to resonate with me, and I have to have time. These days I’m so time-poor, it’s almost silly. I received a request for a Chinook Salmon. Folks from the non-profit Port Townsend...
The Solitary Seal

The Solitary Seal

Since spotting what I think of as “Hannah’s Seal” in the bay last month, I knew I had to create a seal. Although this little guy is a fair bit cuter than our resident seal who looks like a grumpy old man. Have fun! SealDownload Now!1566...
Ellie the Endearing Elephant

Ellie the Endearing Elephant

When the suggestion for an elephant hit my inbox, it immediately resonated. I’m fascinated by elephants. They have such human-like emotions. I love that they are good mamas, banding together to raise their babies. And what’s cuter than a baby elephant? I...
The Heartwarming Holstein Cow

The Heartwarming Holstein Cow

Many a visitor has suggested a cow pattern. She spoke to me yesterday as I was tinkering with designs. With a snow day in the forecast, she’s the perfect project for shoveling procrastination! Download the free plan below or purchase a complete kit with expanded...
The Boisterous Bottlenose Dolphin

The Boisterous Bottlenose Dolphin

It’s been a bit of a dry summer on the new pattern front. With Hannah home and I working more than I can ever recall, I’ve not spent much time being creative. This Boisterous Bottlenose Dolphin has been in the works for a few weeks, but only today as I sit...
The Gentle Gray Whale

The Gentle Gray Whale

Earlier this week, Sharyn wrote to say, “Your recent series of whales got me inspired to go whale watching on the California coast. I’ve lived in California over 30 years, but had not traveled to go whale watching. One thing I’ve learned is that we...
Happy the Hedgehog

Happy the Hedgehog

Happy the Hedgehog has been a long time coming. She has been a most popular request since I started sharing my felt ornament designs. We don’t have hedgehogs in the wild in the USA so she wasn’t at the top of my to do list, but she was fun to make. Enjoy!...
The Awesome Orca

The Awesome Orca

Until I started on this pattern as part of my whale series, I didn’t appreciate that while called a “killer whale” the Orca is actually part of the dolphin family. They are such magnificent animals, so easily recognizable with their black and white...
The Gregarious Beluga Whale

The Gregarious Beluga Whale

Sightings of Beluga Whales are pretty scarce in this neck of the woods. This Beluga Whale pattern is super easy ornament to make. My whale is a pale blue, but white or off white would be more accurate. I so like their “smiles” – they seem such happy...
The Endangered Blanding’s Turtle

The Endangered Blanding’s Turtle

This turtle design grew out of an email I received from Nancy. A fourth-grade teacher, Nancy raises two Blanding’s Turtle hatchlings with her class each year. Once grown, they release the turtles into the wilds of Massachusetts. This is my second attempt at the...
The Wondrous Sperm Whale

The Wondrous Sperm Whale

When I learned that my new nephew’s bedroom was being decorated with whales, I went to work designing them. If you’ve been visiting for a while, you know that I prefer to design realistic looking ornaments. And while I tried to do this for the sperm whale,...
The Lonesome Lobster

The Lonesome Lobster

This lobster pattern has been a long time coming. It took me numerous starts before I was happy with the pattern. The challenge is in how narrow the legs are – there’s not a lot of substance to them. I wonder what would happen with pipe cleaners for legs?...
Downeast Thunder Farm Boo Kitty

Downeast Thunder Farm Boo Kitty

When putting up our Christmas tree last month, Hannah pointed out that we have Ginger, Gidget, and Cinder ornaments, but no Boo. So, Snape (aka Boo) makes it on the tree the last day before we take the tree down until next Christmas. Meet Boo Kitty! Right-click this...
Gracie the Border Collie

Gracie the Border Collie

Gracie was a sweet Border Collie rescued by friends some years ago. She enjoyed a loving, happy home in her senior years, but sadly passed away this fall. I designed this ornament to honor Gracie. While this pattern was designed to match Gracie’s marking, you...