by Susan | Nov 26, 2017 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Owl and Raptor Patterns
Whoooo’s Home for Christmas is my wreath contribution to this year’s WHRL’s Christmas Tree Festival & Auction. It features the face of a barn owl peeking out from the wreath. The felt owl in the wreath is about 5″ tall, but you can size him...
by Susan | Oct 29, 2017 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
If you live in the western sections of North America, you’re likely familiar with the Steller’s Jay. This is the first bird I’ve drawn on my iPad rather than on my computer. I hope you enjoy him! Right click here and select “save target/link...
by Susan | Oct 15, 2017 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
You won’t find this Bullfinch Maine – or anywhere in the United States for that matter. I had to search for this finch when the suggestion came through for him. They’re darling and I wish they dined at my feeders. Hope you enjoy. Right click here and...
by Susan | Jun 3, 2017 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
It seems that I haven’t had a moment to breath since my Mother’s Day outing with Hannah. A crazy work schedule, Hannah’s softball games, and the end of senior year activities have ruled my life. On our Mother-Daughter Adventure Day, one of our stops...
by Susan | Apr 3, 2017 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Waterfowl and Seabird Patterns
You had to know that there was a Hooded Merganser duck pattern coming after my photos of a pair at the beaver pond last week. The male is so distinctive looking that he’s almost cartoonish. Their arrival on is a wonderful sign of spring as we gear up for 2-3...
by Susan | Mar 10, 2017 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
This one is for you folks across the pond – a European robin to help welcome spring. It wasn’t until Nancy from the Netherlands shared a picture of her robin did I appreciate that the American and European robin varieties differ so much. The trick here is...
by Susan | Mar 4, 2017 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
Although spring is all but around the corner, it was entirely too windy and bitter cold today to venture outside for long. I opted to play with a pattern and thought I’d try something that brings warmer climates to mind. This little Budgie pattern is simple, but...
by Susan | Feb 15, 2017 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Waterfowl and Seabird Patterns
I used Monday’s snow day to finish up this Roseate Tern that I started weeks ago. Summertime you’ll find these little birds scooting across the surface of the water and then diving for fish. I’m not sure where they spend their winters – if...
by Susan | Jan 29, 2017 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
I receive more suggestions for patterns to create than I will ever have time to design. This is a hobby for me and if there isn’t something about a bird or critter that I find appealing, designing feels like work rather than fun. This week I received a...
by Susan | Jan 22, 2017 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Owl and Raptor Patterns
Owls have been in my thoughts lately. Although I created a pattern for one a few years ago, recent Barred Owl sightings and the sad loss of one piqued my interest to design another. I only wish I had just the right colors for her, these felt choices are a little off....
by Susan | Jan 15, 2017 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Owl and Raptor Patterns
Meet the tiny watchful Western Screech Owl. Owl number 18 of my collection, she may be one of my favorite owls so far. I like the way she turned out. She was a good project for a winter day that was entirely too cold to venture outdoors. Enjoy! Right-click on this...
by Susan | Jan 8, 2017 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
Here’s a colorful Canada Warbler to brighten a winter’s day. They summer in Maine as well as Canada, but at the moment they’re likely wintering someplace much warmer than here! Right-click on this link and select “save target/link as” to...
by Susan | Dec 23, 2016 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
The cardinal is the female bird I have been asked to make over and over again. While I often played with her, the girl’s coloring is so much more subtle than the male’s that I couldn’t find the right felt for the pattern. This time, I approached the...
by Susan | Nov 29, 2016 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Owl and Raptor Patterns
This new Snowy Owl and her owlets were designed for my wreath donation to the WHRL’s Christmas Tree Festival. I hope they give you some inspiration for your Christmas decorations! Right click here and select “save target as” to save this printable...
by Susan | Jun 12, 2016 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
I often spy these energetic little birds sitting on telephone lines that run along the river. When I’m lucky, I’ll see one swoop down, diving into the water with a splash to scoop up a meal. Hope you enjoy him! Right click here and select “save...
by Susan | Jun 5, 2016 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
This bird is inspired by the huge Ravens that have been visiting the farm this last week. In flight they’re so big that I first thought they were eagles. Enjoy! Right click here and select “save target as” to save this free Raven printable PDF to...
by Susan | Mar 6, 2016 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Shore, Water, and Wading Bird Patterns
The inspiration for this pattern came from a news story I watched on television this morning about the migration of the Sandhill Crane. These graceful birds are making their way to their summer breeding grounds in Canada. It must be a sight to see when the stop over...
by Susan | Feb 6, 2016 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Waterfowl and Seabird Patterns
I’ve been thinking about drawing this Snow Goose since last spring when I spied a lone snow goose swimming among a flock of Canadian Geese. It was my first sighting of one and he looked entirely out of place! He was a good project for a snowy day. Right click...
by Susan | Jan 24, 2016 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Shore, Water, and Wading Bird Patterns
What better way to spend a winter’s day than creating this Fanciful Flamingo and dreaming of warmer places? You won’t find this guy in Maine during the best of times. And while it was sunny today, it was a bitter, blustery walk through the snow to get to...
by Susan | Jan 17, 2016 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Owl and Raptor Patterns
Meet the flammulated owl. A tiny little thing with dark eyes, unlike other owls. A good project for a winter day! Right click here and select “Save target as” to save this PDF owl pattern to your computer.