by Susan | Nov 20, 2021 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns
When the request for a Northern Shrike came in last week, I realized that I’d started the design for this fellow some time ago, but never finished the ornament. Here he is for your weekend crafting pleasure. Enjoy! Note: If you are reading this post via e-mail,...
by Susan | Oct 10, 2021 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
Cleaning the living room yesterday, I discovered this Golden-crowned Kinglet pattern that had slipped under the sofa. I designed it at some point but never crafted him. A gray Sunday morning was a good time to take him from paper to felt. Enjoy! Note: If you are...
by Susan | Jul 4, 2021 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
The Black-throated Green Warbler is another songster that I’ve detected in my backyard via song. Another bird I’ve yet to spot, but whose song I hear with gusto lately. This July 4 weekend is chilly and rainy – after days of 90s weather – the...
by Susan | Jun 26, 2021 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
Since exploring who is singing in my backyard, I’ve discovered that the most common song I hear is that of the Ovenbird – a Wood Warbler. I’ve never seen one – apparently, they keep to the woods but their song is loud and clear. My challenge...
by Susan | Jun 6, 2021 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
It’s warbler migration season here in Maine. This little American Redstart warbler has been my rainy day project. We haven’t had that many rainy days lately so it’s taken me a while to finish him! Enjoy! American RedstartDownload Now!1065...
by Susan | Mar 21, 2021 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
Warblers in Maine are such a happy sign of Spring. I’ve had this Black-throated Blue Warbler on my list for ages. Download the pattern for free below, or order a kit in the SHOP. I’ve also added the Yellow-rumped Warbler to the SHOP. He first appeared as a...
by Susan | Feb 13, 2021 | Bird Patterns, Tree Clinging Bird Patterns
The Hairy and Downy woodpeckers at my suet feeders bring such joy. I designed the Downy Woodpecker a few years ago. I’ve planned to create a Hairy Woodpecker for some time, but they are so similar to Downy Woodpeckers. How to make him different? In addition to...
by Susan | Jan 17, 2021 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Waterfowl and Seabird Patterns
The Goldeneye duck I spotted earlier in the week while beachcombing inspired this little guy. I returned home to draw him and realized that I’d already designed a Common Goldeneye. So, I chose his cousin, Barrow’s Goldeneye, for a pattern. I carted him...
by Susan | Dec 20, 2020 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
Such a curious bird with their large ungainly bills. My new red felt – Strawberry Dreams is the perfect shade for this Red Crossbill felt ornament. Enjoy! Red CrossbillDownload Now!1013 Downloads...
by Susan | Oct 18, 2020 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
If you’ve ever had Grackles at your feeder, you’ll understand why in bird-speak that flock is called a “plague.” They will clean out a feeder faster than any other bird I’ve seen. Yet yesterday, a beautiful, inky, iridescent Grackle came...
by Susan | Oct 3, 2020 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns
Welp, I’ve pulled the trigger, and my second pattern book, Downeast Thunder Farm Backyard Birds I: Felt Ornament Patterns, is now available for pre-order. This book has been in the works since February. You’d think COVID-19 quarantine would have given me...
by Susan | May 10, 2020 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
A friend shared a photo of a Magnolia Warbler on Instagram. Intrigued, I sat down yesterday to design one. This morning, as I was cutting out the pieces to sew him, I spotted a flash of yellow out the window. I popped up to take a closer look – a Magnolia...
by Susan | Apr 26, 2020 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
I have a “to-do” list for my backyard bird books, but lately, my inspiration wants to go other directions (see last weekend’s puffin square). Today, I buckled down to create the Red-bellied Woodpecker and check it off my list before I venture into...
by Susan | Apr 19, 2020 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Squares
Earlier in the year, I designed the Felt Loon at Cadillac square. At the time, it was a one-off type of thing. A few days ago, I woke up in the middle of the night with designs for two more felt squares clearly outlined in my mind. I grabbed my iPhone and emailed...
by Susan | Apr 1, 2020 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
Another project for these COVID Quarantine days as I work my way through the list of birds I want to create for a backyard bird pattern book. Enjoy! And please stay as safe as possible in these crazy times. Carolina WrenDownload Now!2120...
by Susan | Mar 23, 2020 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
How quickly the world changes. Two weeks ago, I was planning a trip to my folks in Pennsylvania. I’d be there today if it weren’t for Covid-19 or the Coronavirus. Instead, I’m hunkered down with my family, working from home as are many of you. So...
by Susan | Mar 1, 2020 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Perching Bird Patterns
A shy bird, the Song Sparrow is native to North America and can be found in most areas of the United States. Tucked into the woods the way we are, we are more likely to hear their song than see them. Enjoy! Song SparrowDownload Now!1901...
by Susan | Jan 8, 2019 | Bird Patterns, Owl and Raptor Patterns
Only at Downeast Thunder Farm will you find this Spiffy Spectacled Owl in the woods. He’s more inclined for warmer climates. You can download this free plan here or pickup a kit in the SHOP. Either way, she’s a good project for a snowy afternoon. The...
by Susan | Nov 25, 2018 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Owl and Raptor Patterns
It’s my favorite time of year – WHRL Christmas Tree Festival time. I’ve got a few trees and wreaths planned for the event, but this is my favorite. I’ve updated my Barred Owl pattern and created her in grays for this wreath. Truth be told...
by Susan | Oct 14, 2018 | Bird Patterns, Felt Patterns, Owl and Raptor Patterns
I’m working through my list of North American Owls trying to create them all out of felt. The Spotted Owl brings me a bit closer to the finish line. Hope you enjoy him! The Delightful Spotted OwlDownload Now!3649 Downloads Purchase a complete kit with expanded...