Anniversary No. 19

Anniversary No. 19

You know that your life has become too crazy and overwhelming when it takes an email from your father’s friend, Bob, wishing you a Happy Anniversary to realize it’s your wedding anniversary. It’s a good thing Bob cc’d Paul on this message too...
Days Like This

Days Like This

It’s days like this that reward us for surviving seven months of heating season (aka winter). We’re officially off the wood boiler for the season. It’s days like this that require me to pause along the side of the road and watch geese meander the...
While I Was Away…

While I Was Away…

Hannah and I did a whirlwind trip to Grandma and Papa’s house in Pennsylvania. Paul stayed behind to manage critters and the wood boiler. There’s no question that Paul was a busy man while I was away. He cut down the monster fir tree that loomed over our...
A Week’s Worth of Miscellany

A Week’s Worth of Miscellany

Experimenting with the iPhone camera. I get better close-up images with my iPhone 6S than I do with my Cannon. We had a wildly stormy day or two this week with crazy high tides. These gulls were flying into the wind, but going nowhere. The scene above, usually a...
Eagles Among Us

Eagles Among Us

I have to wonder if seeing five Bald Eagles in one day is a sign of some sort. I’m thrilled when I spy just one or maybe a pair soaring in the sky. Today they seemed to be everywhere – flying alongside the car as if we were soaring together, crossing my...
Catching Gold Fever

Catching Gold Fever

Gold fever has taken over at our house, in school, and in our community. Hannah’s high school girls basketball team is going to the state championships (class “c”) in Augusta tomorrow evening. Each night this week has been filled with Hannah’s...
He Gets Me

He Gets Me

A little known fact about me is that I am incapable of cooking a grilled cheese without burning it. I am forever scraping carbon off the burned side. I’m an okay cook, but there are so many things going on in my mind at any given time, that I tend to get...
An Owl in the Snow

An Owl in the Snow

The aftermath of two snow storms – almost back to back – has left us feeling as if winter has finally arrived. Just when I’m starting to count down to spring! Despite the snow and the bitter cold, I couldn’t help but smile when I saw this...
What’s in a Name?

What’s in a Name?

In our house, it seems that it’s only a matter of time before our loved ones are labeled with nicknames. Hannah was just a wee one when she became Roo or Hannah-Roo (much to her dismay today). Purfessor Snape, our black kitty is most often called Boo. Yet,...
Nesting Season

Nesting Season

There’s something about this time of year that drives me into nesting mode. Maybe it’s the cold that has driven me indoors – or because it’s a season of new beginnings. Regardless the reason, I’ve spent the last few days cleaning,...
Winter’s First Big Snow

Winter’s First Big Snow

I knew that winter weather would catch up with us sooner or later. Today we got our first measurable snowfall of the season here along the coast. No one in my household seems too excited about this change – it was 50 degrees out just two days ago. I’m just...
The Calm Before Winter

The Calm Before Winter

This day after Christmas, the temps soared close to 50 degrees outside – so beautiful that I felt guilty sitting inside reading. With the weather man predicting snow twice this coming week, it seemed imperative that I get outside and tackle some chores. While I...
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

The wrapping is finished. I’ve got a good start on Christmas breakfast and dinner. The house looks somewhat presentable. I’m feeling conflicted – grateful Christmas is a once a year event – and sad that I’ve not had more time to enjoy the...
A Winter’s Solstice Sunrise

A Winter’s Solstice Sunrise

Sunrise on the day of the winter’s solstice. This last day of autumn began with a frosty 21 degree F morning and ended with a balmy 45 degrees. Winter is entering like a warm breeze. The Christmas Eve forecast is calling for a high of 55 degrees and a low of 45....
Gidget’s First Christmas Tree Hunt

Gidget’s First Christmas Tree Hunt

The first weekend in December is when we pick out and harvest our Christmas tree. Every year Hannah and I engage in a debate over the best tree. She likes fat and full, I like thinner with a bit of space between the branches for ornaments to hang. As fun as it can be...
Frosty Morning Warnings

Frosty Morning Warnings

A frosty start to the day it was. Beautiful in a crisp, stark way, frost glistened like jewels on the grasses as the sun rose over the hills. Waiting for the car defroster to tackle windshield frost while I sipped my coffee, I pondered our to-do lists and what this...
Coffee on the Porch

Coffee on the Porch

This morning was a gift. Sunny and sixty, I spend spent an unusual November morning on the porch with my coffee soaking up vitamin D. It’s been more than a month since I had a full day off to enjoy just being. To be able to spend it on the porch this time of...
Vice Grips and Yankee Ingenuity

Vice Grips and Yankee Ingenuity

I’m not sure what a vice grip as a kitchen faucet handle says about us. The handle that belongs on the faucet has been falling off for two years. Two years! It drove us batty every time we forgot it was loose and the handle fell off, clunking into the sink. The...
Too Short a Weekend

Too Short a Weekend

It was a spectacular weekend here in Downeast Maine. I had plans to attend the Common Ground Fair, one of my absolute favorite things to do. Yet, when it came time to leave on the five hour round-trip to Unity, I realized that I wanted nothing more to be home. This is...