

For more than seven years I’ve passed this blueberry field on the way to work. A solitary tree rising above the blueberry barren like a sentinel, creating focus, depth, and perspective in the landscape. This was the view as I drove into work this week. My...
Showing Off Pigeon Hill

Showing Off Pigeon Hill

My folks made the trip from Pennsylvania for Hannah’s high school graduation. Their visit was short and we didn’t have a lot of free time, but I did my best to give them a snapshot of my Maine. For Mom, outdoors activities include her home and garden. Dad...
Creating Memories

Creating Memories

I’m not a foodie and you’ll find more “oops” stories here at Downeast Thunder Farm than you will recipes. In planning for Hannah’s graduation celebration, I found these little graduation cap cupcakes on Pinterest. They looked pretty...


It’s been a wildly crazy couple of weeks. Watching Hannah wrap up her high school career has been bitter-sweet. Happy for her accomplishments, and sad that this chapter of her life is winding down. Prom, senior night, class night, and finally graduation today....
Happiness on a Rainy Day

Happiness on a Rainy Day

I woke last night to the sound of pouring rain. Torrential rain. As I lay there listening, I dreaded morning. I organized the annual Elaine Hill Love a Nurse 5K scheduled for today – rain or shine. Ugh.   We had 73 folks pre-registered as of yesterday. I...
Happy to be Home

Happy to be Home

It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve spent any time here at Downeast Thunder Farm. Life has been a little too crazy. Hannah and I spent a week on the road visiting colleges she’d been admitted to but hadn’t yet visited. Denison University in Ohio was her top choice...
Coming Alive with Spring

Coming Alive with Spring

It was a glorious Easter Sunday here – rare 74 degrees and sunny for April. Since my partner in crime (Hannah) is off on a trip to New York, I recruited Paul and Gidget for this afternoon’s walk by the river. The water was high, roaring past the railroad...
The Joke’s on Me

The Joke’s on Me

Many mornings I take a short detour through Columbia Falls to study the river. It’s a beautiful spot. This morning I spotted a juvenile bald eagle chilling on the ice. As I looked around, I saw a large bird sitting atop a chimney. You can imagine my excitement...
Full-circle with Beauty and the Beast

Full-circle with Beauty and the Beast

The movie Beauty and the Beast has a special place in my heart and in our family. Hannah has never been an over the top girly-girl. As a kid, she enjoyed Legos more than dolls. She was never into princesses but rather thought she’d be a firefighter. Yet there...
In Search of Serenity

In Search of Serenity

In a week overloaded with challenges, stress, and entirely too much work, where the ordinary suddenly goes off track, I’ve been in search of a bit of serenity. Thankfully, I’ve found it in stolen moments. The sun rising over ice shacks on a quiet river....
Downeast Thunder Farm “Honey Do” List

Downeast Thunder Farm “Honey Do” List

I know I’ve mentioned before how fortunate I am to have such a handy husband. Paul, a marine engineer by training, describes himself as an engineer, designer, fabricator, and maker. We joke that he’s the idea guy. I, however, have veto power. I always seem...
The Morning After

The Morning After

We’ve had snowy winters before. It seems like every couple of years we get a doozy – snow up to the eaves. Yet, this last week has been one for the record books. Eighteen inches last Thursday and then yesterday, we got 30 inches in 30 hours. It...
With February Comes Winter

With February Comes Winter

We have had a very mild winter to date. With temps bouncing from frigid to moderate, the little snow we’ve had has quickly melted. Until today. It seems that with only 38 days until spring, winter has finally arrived. We woke with 18 inches of snow on the...
Christmas 2016

Christmas 2016

It occurs to me that Christmas 2016 is the last of an era in our house. This is likely the last Christmas with Hannah at home full-time and times are changing. It was 7:30 am before we were up and at ’em and even then, Hannah helped with breakfast preparation...
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

I sit here on a rainy Christmas Eve with my family watching Scrooge wondering where the time has gone. Didn’t I just put away last year’s Christmas decorations? The house smells yummy – cookies, cheesecake, munchies, bread, pineapple stuffing, and...
Fleeting Autumn

Fleeting Autumn

Winter has descended upon Maine. Today, our first snow day of the year, has me looking back at my camera roll wondering where past two months have gone. It seems that autumn was so fleeting, and but for the pictures, I may have missed it. There’s no doubt that...
The Giving Season

The Giving Season

It’s that time of year when the Women’s Health Resource Library in town hosts their Christmas Tree Festival. We pluck baby balsam fir trees from the woods, pot them up, and invite folks in the community to adopt one and decorate it. The decorated trees and...
In Denial

In Denial

I’ve been pretending that this school year is like any other. Going through the motions, trying to ignore the milestones that bring Hannah closer to going off to college. Take senior portraits for example. Since summer, I’ve watched portrait after portrait...
A First Last

A First Last

Hannah’s senior year started in September. At the beginning of the year, she spoke often about first “lasts”, marking somewhat inconsequential milestones in this final year of high school. Her “last” first day of school. Her...


Seventeen years ago, I welcomed this child into the world. Who knew then that this journey with Hannah would be the very best part of my life? She’s experienced so many milestones this last year that illustrate she’s not my little girl anymore, but an...