Our Last Weekend

Our Last Weekend

What a whirlwind the last few days have been since Hannah finished work for the summer. Back-to-school shopping. Every outing with her seems like an adventure. We explored Cadillac Mountain – something we see from a distance on our end of the coast. Smoke from...


She’s 19 today. Hannah – the brightest star in my universe. There are so many things I love about this young woman. Her big heart.  Her willingness to stand up for what’s right.  Her work ethic.  Her wacky sense of humor. Her sharp mind.  Her fondness for crazy socks....
Our Happy Place

Our Happy Place

When your girl has had a miserable day and comes home feeling blue, there’s only one thing to do. Go to your happy place. A few minutes in the salty breeze, wading in the frigid tide and you could see her anxiety deflate just a little. I’d do just about...
Of Lilacs and Lupines

Of Lilacs and Lupines

June is the month of lilacs and lupines. Each year I eagerly await the arrival of the lilacs. They last only a week to ten days, but oh, how I enjoy them while they’re showing. And so does Squeak. They give him good cover in the yard. The Yellow Swallowtail...
First Beach Walk of the Season

First Beach Walk of the Season

The weather cooperated and delivered a fabulous day for our first beach walk of the season. Two beaches, two walks with lunch out sandwiched in between. The water was icy and tepid in turns. The incoming tide icy, the outgoing flow comfortable on our toes. By...
A Good Day

A Good Day

Another birthday has come. (Yay!)  Not having Hannah home has changed the dynamics for the day. For the first time ever, Paul made a birthday cake for me. Even BH (before Hannah) he would buy one from the market. Last night when I walked in the door I thought I...
Snow Day Aftermath

Snow Day Aftermath

Plan for the worst and hope for the best. That’s what we were thinking going into this snow storm. At moments it was wild with blizzardy snow whipping around. The wildlife was a bit nervous gathering food while they could. I haven’t seen Goldfinches at the...
I Love a Good Snow Day

I Love a Good Snow Day

Bombogenesis. The word alone sounds ominous. The forecast is enough to have us all planning for a snow day tomorrow. We’ve had storms with more snow accumulation than is expected with this one, but hurricane force winds along with heavy snow and an astronomical...


Just yesterday I talked about family treasures. Today I have been gifted with new treasures. A couple of years ago Paul and I took a class on carving and printmaking. He put those skills to use in his gift for me this Christmas. He created this wonderful woodblock owl...
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

All is right in my world today. Hannah is home from college. We sit snuggled on the sofa enjoying an afternoon of Patriot’s football. Cookies are baked. A Christmas eve dinner of yummy appetizers is underway. I’ve got a puppy warming my feet. It’s a...
A Late Start on Christmas

A Late Start on Christmas

This year has been a rush to plan for Christmas. With Hannah away at college, I had no interest in searching for a tree on my own. Last weekend I made the trip to Ohio run to bring her home for the holidays. With just days to go, Hannah and I made our annual trek...
Too Short a Visit

Too Short a Visit

At last! I finally got Hannah home from college for a glorious week. I made the three day round trip drive (13 hours of driving per day) to Ohio to pick her up and bring her home. We packed a lot into six days at home – shopping, movie theater, a hike, a beach...
A Cat In Need of Love

A Cat In Need of Love

When Hannah left for college in August, the toughest part of leaving home for her was leaving Snape, aka Boo, behind. While we have two cats and a dog, Hannah is Boo’s human. Since Hannah’s departure, Snape has moved into our room taking up permanent...
Mother and Daughter Memories

Mother and Daughter Memories

Hannah and I have a tradition of taking mother/daughter selfies on our outings. I love the memories that stir when looking back those pictures. It hardly seems possible that just a year ago we were launching into Hannah’s senior year. At the time, I was in...
I Get It

I Get It

I am very lucky to have a super mom. In all my adult years, we’ve only spent a few of those within easy travel distance of each other. Whether I lived near or far, she is always thinking of me – and the rest of her family. When she is out and about, it’s always with...
She’s Off!

She’s Off!

The day I’ve been counting down to and dreading finally arrived; Hannah is off to college at Denison University. And there’s a big fat hole in my heart. Snape (aka Boo) the cat delayed our 5:30 am start; he was determined to avoid the goodbye hug.  Hannah...


She’s 18 today. In the blink of an eye, she’s grown up. No longer is she the shy little girl who did her best not to stand out – all the while marching to her own tune. Hannah is a woman with young, yet strong convictions and ideals. I couldn’t...
The Dancing Moose

The Dancing Moose

The summer season is short here along the coast of Maine. For me, doesn’t feel as if summer is in full-swing until Milbridge Days, our community celebration. It’s a fun couple of days during which I seem to always be working – be it the the 5K, the...
No Bees

No Bees

My seasons of purple have been racing by without much notice on my part. I’ve been too busy to enjoy being at home. I’ve all but missed the lilac bushes that were in bloom for all of a week. The Lupin has come and gone. Today, I blissfully had a day to...
Stop the Car!

Stop the Car!

A few weeks ago, Hannah and I went for a walk on the beach. Heading home, we were crossing the bridge when Hannah began yelling, “Stop the car! Stop the car! Get your camera!” When I didn’t stop fast enough (there was NO place to pull over) she hollered again,...