

Thanksgiving dawned wet and dreary in Downeast Maine. It was a quiet day filled with baking and birdwatching from the sofa. This Thanksgiving was particularly poignant for me because it was also Mom’s birthday—the second one we’ve spent without her. She...
Three Hundred Sixty-five Days

Three Hundred Sixty-five Days

  One Year. Three hundred sixty-five days since the most challenging time of my life ended. Only to usher in a new ache. Watching Mom deteriorate so quickly from cancer, caring for her for weeks with hospice’s guidance. She left us before she took her last...
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

This Christmas Eve, I find myself struggling to feel the Christmas spirit. I have the next week off from work (mostly). The tree is up and decorated with happy lights. We’ve delivered gifts to friends and family. Hannah and I have a loose plan for tasty treats...
The Little Lantern

The Little Lantern

Mom loved hospital gift shops. Well, gift shops of any sort, but she said hospital gift shops carried unusual things. On the last day of Hannah’s February visit, the month before Mom passed, we made our rounds to not one but three different hospital gift shops....
Nancy’s Tomatoes

Nancy’s Tomatoes

My mom often showed her love by sending surprises in the mail. Many times, the packages came from QVC. Leopard print slippers (I’m so not an animal print kind of girl), a pair of sandals, lavender plants, a Christmas centerpiece, garden lanterns, a kitchen tool,...


I spent the last two+ weeks in Pennsylvania with my dad. A long To-do list awaited me, with the biggest item on the list finishing the remediation of his study. In July, the dehumidifier in his study malfunctioned, leaving carpet, wallboard, and bookcases waterlogged...
Anniversary No. 26

Anniversary No. 26

Twenty-six years ago today, I married Paul. He didn’t need glasses back then. He couldn’t hold back the laughter and tears this morning as he gave me an anniversary. I have to post it here to hang onto this memory. Happy Anniversary, Paul!
Family Treasures Re-imagined

Family Treasures Re-imagined

I’m learning that when a loved one dies, there’s a stage of needing to hold on to their belongings – as if having those items close somehow strengthens our connection to them. I am finding this true with my mom. There are keepsakes she wanted me to...
Unexpected Gifts

Unexpected Gifts

Mom passed away two months ago, on March 17th. Today I received a gift from her – something ordered months ago before we knew cancer would rule the rest of her days. Shopping was mom’s favorite way to care for those she loved. Unexpected boxes would arrive...


Mom became ill in November 2021. She put off seeing a doctor for a bit, and when she did, the doctor took a wait-and-see approach. By Christmas week 2021, she was in the hospital for fluids and tests. Seven hundred miles away here in Maine, it was hard to find our...
Three Hundred Sixty-five Days


We first understood that my mom was seriously ill on Christmas Eve, 2021. In 2022 she experienced two hospital stays – one very long after which they sent her home without hope. Two months later, in March, during one of my frequent visits to Pennsylvania, we took mom...
Twenty-five Years With This Man

Twenty-five Years With This Man

Twenty-five years.A quarter of a century.The best years of my life have been with this man.Thank you, Paul, for your love, your patience, the adventures, the quiet times, the crazy times, and a wonderful child who is more like you every day.I love you! Other...
Happy Birthday, Dad!

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Today we celebrate my dad’s 86th birthday. It’s been a rough year for my family, with mom in the hospital twice. I’ve made four trips to Pennsylvania so far to visit with mom and dad, and I’ve treasured every one of them. The older I get, the...
Mother’s Day on the Porch

Mother’s Day on the Porch

Hannah arrived this morning with plans to spend the day doing whatever I wanted and cook dinner for me. She brought this beautiful bouquet. I think she was as excited to give it to me as I was to receive it. It was spectacular – created by our friend Christina...
Family and Tradition

Family and Tradition

My paternal grandfather, John Reynolds Bender, attended Wittenberg University in the early 1930s. My mom attended in the late 1950s, and the tradition continued when I graduated from Wittenberg in 1986. This picture of grandpa is from the 1934 WU yearbook. John Bender...
Denison University Graduation 2021

Denison University Graduation 2021

Denison Graduation 2021 was a whirlwind of a week. We arrived home last night, and I woke this morning so tired that I could barely think straight. The adventure started last Wednesday with Gidget in tow. She’s very attached to us, and we were hesitant to put...
Celebrating 23 Years

Celebrating 23 Years

This is a brave man. Twenty-three years ago, he married me; for better or worse. It hasn’t always been easy. But there’s nobody else I can imagine spending this life with. There are days he drives me bonkers, and I’m sure the likewise is true. Yet...