Monhegan Island

Monhegan Island

Monhegan island, ten miles from the mainland shore, ocean views galore. Weathered cottages, shingled and nestled in time, dirt roads winding through. Nature hikes, solace, time with my girl, new adventures, peaceful solitude. Five joyful days spent with women friends,...
Northern Lights Downeast

Northern Lights Downeast

News of a solar storm and the possibility of seeing the aurora borealis in Downeast Maine had me antsy. Last night, I slept through it. This evening, I stumbled across the Space Weather Prediction Center’s 30-minute forecast, which predicted the possibility of...
A Friday Afternoon Wander

A Friday Afternoon Wander

Hannah and I had an afternoon wander to shake off the craziness of my first week back in the office following my two-week visit with Dad in Pennsylvania. With temperature lows below freezing and daytime temps near 40, the river ice is beginning to melt. Lots of...
January Storms

January Storms

Two storms hit coastal Maine this week. Each brought unprecedented high water that devastated our coastline. This picture shows the river at the base of our road, almost cresting the bridge and road at high tide. We watched the news and heard the stories from friends...
November Heron

November Heron

I spotted this lone Heron wading in the shallows of our tiny little spit of riverfront. Discomfited with my presence, she took off across the river, sailing past the late autumn vista.
Morning on the River

Morning on the River

The first below-freezing morning of the fall dawned with sea smoke rising from the river. And in town over Narraguagus Bay. I’ve finally had to accept it’s time to tuck away my summer shoes. There’s no denying the calendar.
A Walk Through Scarborough Marsh

A Walk Through Scarborough Marsh

With Hannah working in Brunswick most of the summer, finding time for outings is hard. So I bought an air mattress, drove down Friday evening, and camped out in her temporary studio – essentially a dorm room. On Saturday, we made the 30-minute drive down to...
Lupins at Milbridge Commons

Lupins at Milbridge Commons

One of the highlights in June along the coast of Maine is the lupines blooming. The impressive purple, pink, and white spires dot the roadsides and fields. We enjoyed this delightful field of lupin on a rare sunny afternoon. They are too beautiful not to share.
A Lunchtime Beach Walk

A Lunchtime Beach Walk

It’s been a cloudy and cool June. I stopped waiting for the rain to go away and chanced a visit to the beach. An unscheduled outing, once there Hannah and I both realized how much we needed the meditative calm of the ocean. Mist rolled across the solitary beach...
Blustery April Beach Walk

Blustery April Beach Walk

It’s been over three months since my last beach walk, with the better part of February and March spent in Pennsylvania. While in suburbia PA, I felt oddly disconnected from nature. Today, I relished this interlude at the beach, sitting on the rocks, soaking in...
First Winter Walk in the Woods

First Winter Walk in the Woods

I’ve felt oddly disconnected from nature lately – likely due to the colder weather and my schedule keeping me indoors. With the storm debris blocking our road gone, and the electricity finally back on, Hannah and I headed out for a rare walk in the woods....
November Sunrise

November Sunrise

The river this morning was smooth as glass framed by low-lying fog. And, just down the road, autumn barrens in the mist. There’s a perk to getting up with the sun.
Southern Corea Heath Trail

Southern Corea Heath Trail

The weather this weekend has been glorious. Hannah’s been a bit under the weather and not up for a full-fledged hike, so we drove to the Southern Corea Heath Trail and simply enjoyed being outdoors with a beautiful view. We were the only ones at this Maine...
Sunflower Farm Adventure

Sunflower Farm Adventure

Our last day in Pennsylvania, we ventured down to Chambersburg for a peek at a sunflower farm. I’ve had my fingers crossed that the weather would cooperate after a mostly rainy week. From a mile away down the road, we could see the ocean of yellow. It was...