Weekend Snapshots

Weekend Snapshots

After so many gloomy days, we deserved the beautiful weather the weekend brought. Here are a few of my weekend snapshots. This year’s only Pink Lupine in the morning dew. A critter’s eye view of White Columbine (I think!) Purple Lupine framed by my Asian...
Just Another Day

Just Another Day

I love where I live – my little spot in the woods. Even better are the days I can work from home, like today. When letting Gidget out this morning, I startled a turkey noodling about in my weedy flower bed. Gazing out the window while pouring my coffee, I...
A New View

A New View

This fir tree has brought lots of joy to our home. Shade. A place for birds to rest and frolic. Home to a squirrel family. However, it’s been years since it’s looked healthy. An oak sprouted in the shadow of the fir and has been growing strong. I’ve...
A Weekend Window into the Woods

A Weekend Window into the Woods

In the winter, my favorite spot for morning coffee is by the northern-facing facing window in the living room. I typically have my camera at the ready and take more photos than I ever share. I love capturing the birds in the trees waiting for their turn at the feeder....
Holy Grackle!

Holy Grackle!

Holy Grackle! There must have been 100 or more in the yard shortly after I filled the feeder. I now understand why they call a flock of grackles  “a plague!”
Birding from the Porch

Birding from the Porch

Mother nature has recently provided us several days in the upper 50s and lower 60s. While not porch weather right off the mark, by late morning, I’ve been able to migrate to the porch – even if it’s with a blanket. I love my house with big windows to...
Evening Dragonfly

Evening Dragonfly

Dragonflies – fascinating little flying machines that bring such delight. This one likes the volunteer cattails that sprouted in the pond this year.
Long-awaited Disappointment

Long-awaited Disappointment

When I was young, my maternal grandparents lived in Montgomery, Ohio. From my earliest visits to their home, I have snapshots of memories; no great detail but hazy pictures. My grandpa’s radio. Going to school with my grandmother. The Hadley potter plates she...
Magical Moments

Magical Moments

Early this morning, I was enjoying my coffee on the porch. A rustle in the woods put Gidget on alert. No barking, yet she was standing at attention at the edge of her fence. I looked up and caught the hint of a White-tail doe. And then a tiny “bleat”...
A Busy Day in the Garden

A Busy Day in the Garden

If you don’t look too closely at my garden, you won’t notice that the grass is as tall as my milkweed. While I love flowers, I’m not such a great gardener. Weeds and grass grow exponentially to the time I have to tend the garden. Thankfully, the...
What I Didn’t Miss

What I Didn’t Miss

The Broad-winged Hawk has been a frequent visitor to our yard all season long. This morning my work day started from home. Working from the porch, I heard the bird’s loud, high-pitched call. It took a few moments before I spotted him perched in a tree. I hustled...
The Lure of Chives

The Lure of Chives

The chive blossoms were the most popular flower in my yard this weekend. The lure of these dainty purple flowers is strong. ‘Tis pollinator...
The Hummer Boys Are Back!

The Hummer Boys Are Back!

Hopeful, I first put the hummingbird feeder up on May 1st. I’m not sure when they arrived, but I spotted my first hummer on Sunday – May 8th. At first, it was a lone male. Today the aerial shows began with the arrival of another male. I spent the morning...
River Otter on the Bear Cam

River Otter on the Bear Cam

A river otter (I think) briefly caught on the bear cam this morning. We’re .3 of a mile from the river. I can’t imagine the duck pond holds that much appeal, but who knows. This is a...
A Most Curious Experience

A Most Curious Experience

The snow had just started to fall this morning as I lounged on the sofa, sipping my coffee. A swoop outside the window caught my attention. A Red-tailed Hawk sat high in the branches of the birch tree. I ran for my camera, but he was gone when I returned to the...
Christmas Deer Friends

Christmas Deer Friends

One of my favorite things about living where we do is the wildlife that comes to visit. This weekend is was a quartet of Christmas deer grazing by the pond. Their arrival never fails to make us all pause what we’re doing and linger at the...
Judy Returns

Judy Returns

This summer, Hannah named our resident bunny “Judy” based on the Zootopia movie. She was befuddled when I showed her this photo one morning back in June. Are they all Judy? I spotted as many as four Judys at a time in our yard. It was a banner bunny year. Earlier this...
First Snowfall

First Snowfall

This morning was the season’s first snow. It’s perhaps the latest snowfall I can remember in the 17 years that we’ve lived Downeast. I delight in the first snow; I delight in almost every snow, even if I wish it away by March. Snow cover outside...