The Ducks Have New Digs!

The Ducks Have New Digs!

The ducks have finally moved out of the garage brooder and into their permanent digs. One month old and they’ve left home. This little structure was the house and run for our first batch of meat chickens. We came to the realization that the meat chickens did not...
Oscar Got His Quack

Oscar Got His Quack

Oscar got his quack! Quackers is close and the other two have a little catching up to do. Exciting stuff. I harvested the rest of my garlic today so I was able to expand their temporary play area in my garden. This gave us room to set up a bigger swimming pool for...
Ducks on the Run

Ducks on the Run

One moment I’m refilling their bathing pool. The next I look up and see the ducks sitting in my garden – on the other side of the fence! Thankfully they seem to like traveling together so it wasn’t too tough for the three of us to herd them back...
Ducklings in the Garden

Ducklings in the Garden

Meet our ducklings! Today I harvested half of my garlic crop. In the empty space I erected a temporary enclosure for the ducks and covered it with deer netting so they would be safe from hawks. Now that they are out of the brooder we noticed that Dilly’s legs...
Shy Week Old Ducklings

Shy Week Old Ducklings

Our baby ducklings are one week old today! They are the silliest little things. When I stop by to take a peek at them they tend to huddle up together in the corner. They’re quite shy. Their favorite past time is chasing flies around their brooder. They have the...
Baby Ducklings!

Baby Ducklings!

Look who moved in today! Four baby Pekin ducklings have taken up temporary residence in our garage. These little babies are all Paul’s doing. He tells me that duck eggs are beyond wonderful. Growing up he had two Pekin ducks – Oscar and Susan. We’re...