The Colonel

The Colonel

My father is a U.S. Army Colonel (retired). Full-bird Colonel. Said Colonel thinks I’m off my rocker jumping into hobby farm life here in Maine. So in Dad’s honor, we’ve named our one and only rooster “The Colonel!” Love you, Dad!...
Empty Nest!

Empty Nest!

The girls left home today. Left our mudroom and moved into their new hen house. The Girls and The Colonel looked very happy in their new digs, running around and pecking wildly at the clover and deadheaded viola flowers we tossed in. Paul finished off the inside today...
The Cornish Rocks Get Evicted

The Cornish Rocks Get Evicted

Today was the big day for the Cornish Rock meat birds. They were evicted from the brooder in my mudroom. With only three to four more weeks before they see the freezer, they deserve a chance to enjoy the great...
Chicks at Week Four

Chicks at Week Four

We’ve had the baby chicks for four weeks now. This has been quite an exciting experience for our family. We’ve all fallen in love with “The Girls.” The meat chickens are not quite so lovable. At least to me. And it has to stay that way if these...
Paul has been busy…

Paul has been busy…

Thursday was a dry day. We haven’t had many of those lately and Paul said that he was going to work on the chicken coop doors. I inquired about how he was going to do this. He said that he was going to use the siding the he’d cut out for the door opening...
Week Three With the Chicks

Week Three With the Chicks

It’s been three weeks since the Peepsters came into our lives. “Peepsters” is my name for them or “The Girls.” They’re looking a bit scraggly at this point. They’re in this sort of adolescent stage. We’re pretty certain...
Chicken Coop Progress

Chicken Coop Progress

Today we finished the sheathing of the chicken coop. We’re pooped! Paul has to build the doors windows (and cut the holes out for the windows), the nesting box. Then comes the steel roof (left over from the house project) and painting. We’ve got just over...
I Spy…

I Spy…

I spy…  a crazy lady with a camera. 175 shots later and she felt compelled to post these six pics. The baby hens at two weeks old. Funny looking little things, aren’t...
Chicks – Week One at Downeast Thunder Farm

Chicks – Week One at Downeast Thunder Farm

We have had the baby chicks for one week today. It’s amazing how much they’ve grown in this short time! They’re developing their wing feathers and have just sprouted the beginnings of their tail feathers. What is really wild is how much bigger the...
Mail Order Baby Chicks are Here!

Mail Order Baby Chicks are Here!

We received notice on Tuesday that our baby chicks had been shipped. Today is Thursday and the telephone rang at 6:45 a.m. It was the post office calling to say that we had chicks waiting and to come on down and get them. Only in a small town will they tell you that...
Chicken Coop Dilemma

Chicken Coop Dilemma

Paul and I have finally settled on a chicken coop design and layout. This resolution did not come without a bit of frustration. We each had our own idea of how it ought to be built and where it should go. Turns out that we were pretty much on the same page all along,...
Chicks on Order!

Chicks on Order!

For about three years we have threatened to start a backyard flock of chickens. Paul took a class two summers ago where he learned how to butcher a chicken. It turns out that this is the year! Paul is finishing up a chick brooder and I have just placed an order for 25...