by Susan | Jan 17, 2017 | Backyard Birds, On the Farm
My post-Christmas recycled bird tree crashed and burned in the first snow storm after I set it up. I rescued all of the orange cup feeders and sunflower heads and simply hung them on the birch tree in the background here. In the dark of night, all of the ornaments...
by Susan | Jan 7, 2017 | Backyard Birds, On the Farm
Despite the fact that my feeders are full, bird activity has been a little slow lately. The squirrels and the mourning doves have been my only regular visitors. With snow in the forecast for this afternoon, I spent the morning setting up bird tree. It’s been a...
by Susan | May 18, 2016 | Backyard Birds
It’s been a few years since we raised turkeys and I’ve missed having them around. They’re such funny creatures and have quite entertaining personalities. We often see wild turkeys around. A few years ago we spotted a mama and her seven babies...
by Susan | May 8, 2016 | Backyard Birds
After spying my first Goldfinch of the season, I treated myself to a new feeder and a ridiculously expensive bag of Nyjer seed. It appears the investment was worth it. I snapped this photo from the comfort of my living room sofa this afternoon.
by Susan | Apr 9, 2016 | Backyard Birds, On the Farm
Gidget gave me an early morning wake-up call. As I stood outside with her in my crocks and jammies, I spied what I first thought was a Mourning Dove in a tree. Too big for a Dove, I headed back inside for my camera. ‘Twas a Ruffed Grouse dancing along the...
by Susan | Jun 4, 2015 | Backyard Birds
My last few sneak peeks at the phoebe nest with my iPhone yielded nothing but those five eggs tucked away. Until today. Perched precariously on a ladder, I slid the iPhone over the nest and snapped. What appears to be a quintuplet of baby pheobes didn’t even...
by Susan | May 28, 2015 | Backyard Birds
This guy looks a tad bit disgruntled. I understand where the phrase “ruffled feathers” came from! I love the iridescent colors and the subtle patterns of their feathers. Different light, different moods of my favorite subject.
by Susan | May 26, 2015 | Backyard Birds
by Susan | May 15, 2015 | Backyard Birds
There’s been a flurry of bird activity under the lean-to this week. Curious, I ventured out back and discovered that the phoebe nest I left untouched in the rafters last summer has been re-purposed yet again. Each year the phoebes line the nest with more...
by Susan | May 10, 2015 | Backyard Birds
You know it’s going to be a good day when the hummingbirds return for the season. I’ve had the feeder filled and out for a week, ready for their arrival. This morning, I enjoyed my coffee and book on the porch, wrapped in a blanket in deference to the...
by Susan | Apr 21, 2015 | Backyard Birds
This week at my folks house in Pennsylvania has given me a new audience of birds to photograph. Each morning, this Carolina Wren (a first for me) perched on a branch outside my window three stories up and serenaded me awake. I don’t ever recall hearing a louder...
by Susan | Mar 14, 2015 | Backyard Birds
In search of bald eagles to photograph, I found only a crow on my latest outing. Common he may be, he’s beautiful all the same with his inky black feathers. Equally appealing to me is the way the light plays off the barren tree branches on this late winter...
by Susan | Mar 6, 2015 | Backyard Birds
It took a little time, but my new bird feeder that delivered so much amusement with the squirrels last month, is finally dinky birds. The chickadees are providing me a new source of entertainment. And photo ops. Thanks, Mom!
by Susan | Feb 19, 2015 | Backyard Birds
As I was lounging on the sofa working on my laptop when a flurry of activity on the porch distracted me. I looked up to see this misguided pair of downy woodpeckers checking out the porch post. I no sooner captured this one picture, and then they were gone –...
by Susan | Jan 9, 2015 | Backyard Birds, On the Farm
On New Year’s day, I discarded the Christmas tree on the front porch with plans to deal with it later. During some bitter cold days, it became a wind-break for the chickens who were brave enough to venture outdoors. In the hopes of encouraging the chickens to...
by Susan | Jan 5, 2015 | Backyard Birds, On the Farm
What do you suppose they’re waiting for?
by Susan | Dec 28, 2014 | Backyard Birds, On the Farm
It’s not often that I see gray squirrels. Typically it’s the little red ones who work at my bird feeders. This morning, the rain didn’t stop this guy from making an attempt at a free meal. Although he wasn’t entirely immune to the rain. He...
by Susan | Dec 1, 2014 | Backyard Birds
Someone looks a bit out of place.
by Susan | Nov 6, 2014 | Backyard Birds, On the Farm
Until the other day, I had never seen more than just a pair of goldfinches at my feeder. Last week a flock of these lovely little birds came to visit. Facebook friends helped to identify them as non-breeding goldfinches. I’m not certain if they’re males or...
by Susan | Oct 14, 2014 | Backyard Birds, On the Farm
My bird feeders were three-quarters full when I left in the morning. By afternoon, I was surprised to see that they were all but empty. Then I spied a band of blue jays – four in all that descended upon the yard. Now I understand who’s raiding the bird...