Night Moves

Night Moves

One of the things I love about living in the Maine woods is that we see (and hear) lots of wildlife. You’ve seen my bird and deer photos, but here’s a recap of some of our nocturnal visitors over the years. Missing is a Moose (Paul didn’t snap a...
Mom’s Lilacs

Mom’s Lilacs

One of the most cherished gifts I’ve received from my mom are the tiny lilac transplants from her garden. They bring such joy when they bloom each June. Mom planted these Dwarf Korean Lilacs around a tree in her front yard. As they began to spread, she dug up...
A Bird Buddy

A Bird Buddy

Last year, when I was feeling particularly low and searching for a bit of joy, I splurged on a Bird Buddy. It’s a bird feeder with a solar-powered camera that captures backyard visitors. When it arrived, Paul reconfigure a pole for this little feeder. I went...
Two Months with Murphee

Two Months with Murphee

It’s hard to believe it’s been two months since Murphee (the little itty bitty tiny one) joined our family. She arrived from Texas, a six-month-old rescue puppy, so nervous and tentative about everything. She’s gotten used to us and seems to feel at...
A Colorful Day

A Colorful Day

Today, I had a fantastic experience when I spotted an Indigo Bunting and a Cardinal at my bird feeder. Sitting on the sofa enjoying my coffee, I noticed a flash of bright blue. I grabbed my camera and snapped a few pictures. I wasn’t sure about what I saw until...
The Eclipse from the Porch

The Eclipse from the Porch

Today’s eclipse was a once-in-a-lifetime event here in Maine. It was a picture-perfect day–the warmest day since October 28th. I lunched on the porch while waiting for the eclipse to begin. Gidget and Murphee kept me company, enjoying the sunshine. Gidget has...
Winter–At Long Last

Winter–At Long Last

This was the scene on Monday, a week into Spring. We had ice-out on the pond and one happy duck. Just three days later, on April 4th, we woke to this. Heavy wet snow fell all day long–more snow than all of our winter snows combined this year. It’s been a year of...
First Snow Day of the Season

First Snow Day of the Season

I felt a bit like a little kid on this first snow day of the season. Paul grumbles. Hannah waffles about working from home or heading into the office. And I’m out at first light filling feeders, snapping photos, and watching the snow fall. I spent much of last...
A Band of Blue Jays

A Band of Blue Jays

I’ve been home for a week, but yesterday was the first day I had a moment for myself. A gloomy but mild morning, I parked on the porch beneath a blanket with my book, coffee, and camera. A band of blue jays descended upon my freshly filled feeder. They dodged in...
Morning Greetings

Morning Greetings

Typically, when Doodle spies me at the French door to let Gidget out in the mornings, she’s honking with displeasure that she’s locked up and there’s a pond but feet away. But lately, Doodle has been broody. And as a lonely duck, I know her mission...
Small Pleasures

Small Pleasures

A Friday morning spent with Hannah on the porch was the first of today’s simple pleasures. She blew through town for work and stayed the night before taking off again. Then there’s the rabbit (or hare) who visits every morning. The milkweed is patiently...
Weekend Snapshots

Weekend Snapshots

After so many gloomy days, we deserved the beautiful weather the weekend brought. Here are a few of my weekend snapshots. This year’s only Pink Lupine in the morning dew. A critter’s eye view of White Columbine (I think!) Purple Lupine framed by my Asian...
Just Another Day

Just Another Day

I love where I live – my little spot in the woods. Even better are the days I can work from home, like today. When letting Gidget out this morning, I startled a turkey noodling about in my weedy flower bed. Gazing out the window while pouring my coffee, I...
A New View

A New View

This fir tree has brought lots of joy to our home. Shade. A place for birds to rest and frolic. Home to a squirrel family. However, it’s been years since it’s looked healthy. An oak sprouted in the shadow of the fir and has been growing strong. I’ve...
A Weekend Window into the Woods

A Weekend Window into the Woods

In the winter, my favorite spot for morning coffee is by the northern-facing facing window in the living room. I typically have my camera at the ready and take more photos than I ever share. I love capturing the birds in the trees waiting for their turn at the feeder....
Holy Grackle!

Holy Grackle!

Holy Grackle! There must have been 100 or more in the yard shortly after I filled the feeder. I now understand why they call a flock of grackles  “a plague!”
Birding from the Porch

Birding from the Porch

Mother nature has recently provided us several days in the upper 50s and lower 60s. While not porch weather right off the mark, by late morning, I’ve been able to migrate to the porch – even if it’s with a blanket. I love my house with big windows to...
Evening Dragonfly

Evening Dragonfly

Dragonflies – fascinating little flying machines that bring such delight. This one likes the volunteer cattails that sprouted in the pond this year.
Long-awaited Disappointment

Long-awaited Disappointment

When I was young, my maternal grandparents lived in Montgomery, Ohio. From my earliest visits to their home, I have snapshots of memories; no great detail but hazy pictures. My grandpa’s radio. Going to school with my grandmother. The Hadley potter plates she...