It was a gorgeous Sunday in our little corner of Maine today. I tried to spend as much time outside as possible. I helped Paul cut and stack wood, made bean soup, puttered with projects and parked myself by the pond or the porch every spare moment. Here are a few of the sights that caught my attention this weekend.
We have another broody duck. Quackers has made a nest for herself in the brush.
She staunchly defended her nest when I got too close. After the fiasco of Dilly the Broody Duck, I swiped Quackers’ five eggs as soon as she took a break.
I found this pretty Mourning Cloak butterfly fluttering about the yard.
Quackers caught herself a pond frog this morning – a big one. Here she is racing away from me with her catch. I wanted her to let him go, which eventually, she unintentionally did.
It appears everyone loves cucumbers.
Even the ducks. Good thing I already took all the good ones.
Our duck family. You can see how big the babies have gotten. Both are drakes – Puddles standing on the right and Gabby standing in the back. They’re so much bigger than the duck hens.
And finally, here’s the most popular guy on the farm. Paul looks a bit like the pied piper, doesn’t he?