The long days filled with sunshine have flown by, leaving me wondering where the summer has gone. In some ways, I feel the summer has passed me by, busy with work and life, but visiting my photos reminds me of the wonderful moments had.

A June visit with Dad. My brother is visiting now, and I’ll return in a few weeks.

A birthday celebrated–number 25 here.

Too few beach visits happened as Hannah spends the bulk of summer in Brunswick working.

We fit in a couple of easy hikes as Hannah has been battling a chest cold for the last six weeks.

Murphee enjoyed her first hike. She’s one year old and has been with us for six months. I think she likes us.

We watched nature go by from the porch–my little spot of heaven.

Evenings listening to nature’s night music.

Visits to Milbridge Commons, where we donated a chair in Mom’s memory.

A summer of tending Hannah’s pumpkin patch, planted just before she left for two months.

A bit of creating for WHRL’s Summer Auction–Hannah’s first large collage here.

egret in tree

Unexpected visitors.

The dragonfly highlighted our yard this summer.

wet dragonfly in maine

Mornings were for admiring our visitors.

This “Judy” is here every morning.

Enjoying our deer friends.

Taking delight in the wonders of nature.

Enjoying the many varieties of butterflies who visited this year.

Taking pleasure in the late season lavender blooms.

The shorter days sneak up, and autumn tiptoes in before we are ready.