Hannah and I did a whirlwind trip to Grandma and Papa’s house in Pennsylvania. Paul stayed behind to manage critters and the wood boiler.


There’s no question that Paul was a busy man while I was away. He cut down the monster fir tree that loomed over our driveway blocking out lots of sun. A week later and he’s still cutting and cleaning up the debris from this tree.



He tore down the run from the hen house so we can update, paint, and then rebuild a new and improved run for the girls.


The old rotting compost bin structures are gone making way for more garden space.

Paul competed so many jobs while I was away – I may have to leave home more often.


The first signs of Spring (Hyacinths and chives) make the garden look alive again.


In the blink of an eye, weeds have started to grow in the greenhouse.


Just when I’m amazed at how much changed while I was away, Gidget and Cinder showed me that some things never change.

It’s good to be home!