
My mom, AKA Granny Gadget, sent me a lovely new bird feeder this week. I filled it and set it out yesterday. This morning, as I was lingering over my morning coffee, I watched this little guy scurry across the porch.


I knew right away his destination.


It only took a few minutes before he began to explore this new banquet.


Back and forth he went from the porch post to the top of the feeder trying to figure it out.


Then he bravely reached out for the food.


Only to crash and burn from the slippery glass.


Not at all discouraged, he once again climbed the post.


Only to crash and burn once more.


For the next fifteen minutes he sat on this wrought iron hook contemplating another attempt, but finally gave up in defeat.

LOVE this bird feeder, Mom! It beats tainting the bird seed with cayenne.

Other squirrely posts:
3 March 2014: He’s Mocking Me
1 March 2014: Victory Over the Squirrel
16 July 2011: Squirrel Family: The Sequel6 June 2011: Our Resident Squirrel Family
14 September 2013: A Squirrely Sitation