I love colors. Now and then, I pour over the felt color swatch book, dreaming about what new color to add to my bulk felt order. If I could afford them all—or had space for them—I’d be in trouble.
And then there are the hours I’ve spent in the craft store, under poor lighting, trying to match a swatch of felt with floss to find the perfect match. Or the uncertainty of sending a swatch along with Paul when he makes a Bangor run, hoping he’ll pick the best match. I finally treated myself to a DMC Color Card. Now, I can peruse and match colors to my heart’s content from home. It’s the little things, right?

As a result of this color play, I created a cheat sheet for myself, listing my best floss for each felt color. This list is for when I want the felt and floss to blend and become one in the design as best possible.
If I find this handy, I imagine you will, too!
Note: if you’re reading this post in your email, click “Continue Reading” at the bottom to download the Color Guide!
Printable PDF Color Guide
Thank youso much!!!
I didn’t have time to write this comment about your mother’s birthday. Grief is hard, especially if you were so close to your mom. My mom’s birthday is April 1. She has been gone for almost 7 years. It is all still raw. All of her favorite holidays still make me a bit weepy. I have lots of mementos she has given me of her work as an early American painting. Anytime a friend loses a mom, I feel it. It doesn’t last as long, but it is still with me. When I see a cardinal or a red-wing blackbird, I always say thanks for staying with me. It reminds me of what I cherish about my relationship with her. She was my mom and my friend.