I love where I live – my little spot in the woods. Even better are the days I can work from home, like today. When letting Gidget out this morning, I startled a turkey noodling about in my weedy flower bed. Gazing out the window while pouring my coffee, I spotted a rabbit grazing in the grass. Next coffee round was a white-tailed deer in the drive.

Then, as I was sitting at my desk waiting for an online meeting to begin, I spotted this porcupine waddle past my window. I snapped pictures through the window and screen before heading outside to sneak up on her.

This little porcupine either didn’t see me – I understand that they have poor eyesight – or didn’t mind my spending some time.

They lingered behind the wood splitter nibbling on tender, new-growth branches.

In the distance, I could hear the chatter of a second porcupine.

It’s just another day in our little patch of woods.

Incredible photos! What a morning you had!
How wonderful! Thanks for the pictures.
A delightful creature! What a lovely morning you had!
Susan, Ty for sharing delightful photos