Today we celebrate my dad’s 86th birthday. It’s been a rough year for my family, with mom in the hospital twice. I’ve made four trips to Pennsylvania so far to visit with mom and dad, and I’ve treasured every one of them. The older I get, the more I value my time with them. It’s not that I haven’t appreciated the time spent in the past. It’s knowing that time is finite.

For the past few days, I’ve had fun scouring images – snapshots of moments with my dad to commemorate this day. I share this blog with others, but for me, it’s a cross between a photo album and a diary. These pictures are no longer stuck in a cupboard but can be enjoyed. I know more moments are captured on film, and I’ll likely add to this gallery as I uncover them.

Happy Birthday, Dad! Congratulations on another trip around the sun! See you in September!

Dad, click on the image for a larger view and to open up the slideshow!