Bald Eagles have been out in large numbers by the river this week. I spotted at least eight adult and juvenile eagles dancing about in the sky. Watching them, I was reminded that I need a bigger lens!

I understand the acrobatics are part of their courtship, but there was also some posturing happening on the ground.

At times they seemed to be in flight for the pure joy.

I captured this Bald Eagle as it flew almost straight at me. The width of the wingspan is impressive.

She landed in the tree just above me but for a moment before taking off again.

Catching a fish, he flew off to enjoy his dinner in solitude.

This very soggy-looking eagle seemed alright with the audience.
I didn’t see any nests in the immediate vicinity, so maybe they’re just socializig in this happy little spot.
Great photos!
Dear Susan, my name is Sandy , I just wanted to let you know how much I LOVE and enjoy your messages, !! love your sites seeing pictures , patterns , i can go on and on you everything you do !!! just a suggestion:, could you come up with a male and female Gnome pattern ,as I love Gnomes ?? keep up the good site you have!!!
I’ll have to ponder what a female gnome looks like! 🙂