Here’s a new project for your post-holiday crafting. I’ve never spotted an opossum, but it has been one of the most requested critters over the years. I’ve dabbled with a design on and off for years, never quite happy with the result. I like the critters to look as realistic as possible. I think this girl comes close. Make her with or without the babies on her back. Enjoy!
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Thank you!! So many people dismiss the under appreciated Opossum- this so makes my day!! Have a lovely break and a Happy and Healthy New Year to you and yours.
Haha! Love her!! Down here in South Texas we have no shortage of possums, and believe me, your adorable rendition is orders of magnitude cuter than the real McCoy!
Therein lies the reason it took me so long to create this! The pictures of them can be sort of scary looking!
One baby opossum facing the other way is fun!
Thank you so much for the possum, I love them and the pattern!
An orphaned young oppossum appeared on our driveway one Halloween eve. As it was making a b-line for the street, we captured it and put it in a plastic bin with a towel. We gave it some sugar water with an eye dropper. The next day we took it to a local wildlife rescue center. It was adorable!
Thank you for the bodacious patterns!