This past week was challenging in a way that leaves you exhausted at the end. Every task a struggle, simple things were all but. One small example was my race to Bangor to have my car serviced on Friday – a 1:45 minute drive one way. Halfway home around dinner time, we paused so Hannah could take over driving. It was then that I discovered I didn’t have my phone – I’d left it in the shopping carriage at SAM’s Club. A quick call and I learned that they had the phone (thank you!) and we turned around and returned to Bangor. Let me just say that this is not the first time I’ve left my mobile behind in a cart.

A late night led to an early Saturday start at Milbridge Commons Wellness Park with an element of our play area being installed and I needed to be on-site. Needless to say, after my week, I didn’t want to be anywhere but my front porch with a cup of coffee.

Milbridge Commons Wellness Park

After days of hot and humid, it was a glorious cool day. Had it been hot or raining I’m sure I would have grumbled the day away. Instead, I embraced the beauty of this place and wandered with my camera.

Goldfinches on sunflower

Goldfinches provided endless entertainment.

Goldfinches on sunflowers

Dancing among the fading sunflowers dining on the seeds.

Goldfinch on sunflower

Goldfinch on Sunflower

Juvenile Goldfinch on Maine Sunflower

bumble bee coming in for a landing on maine sunflower

Bees were busy at every turn. This fellow was captured by accident, his legs so full of pollen it appeared as if he was wearing pants.

bee on coneflower

Flowers are beginning to fade feeling as if we are on the cusp of autumn.

bee on orange flower

The bees feel the urgency of late August, so intent on nourishment that they didn’t mind my stalking them.

heron on the narraguagus river bay

A Great Blue Heron passed by so quickly that if my camera hadn’t already been on, I would have missed it entirely.

heron at Milbridge Commons Wellness Park

Skimming low across the water the Heron’s wings almost touching.

Heron in the tidal zone

He came to land in a marshy spot on the water’s edge.

silhouette of heron flying

Monarch on orange flower

Monarchs fluttered about the pollinator garden.

Milbridge Commons vegetable garden

Visitors stopped to harvest from the veggie and herb gardens.

humming bird sipping from flower

And then hummers led me on a merry chase to photograph them.

maine hummingbird

Late in the day, the light was dim.

hummingbird in flight

This hummer may be my favorite shot of the day.

milbridge commons wellness park

What started as a bright sunny day ended overcast yet still beautiful. I was reminded of how restorative time outdoors can be. Camera in hand I often feel as if I have a purpose. And as I write this, I am happily sitting on my porch with a cup of coffee at hand. Happy Sunday.

CedarWorks playset at Milbridge Commons
