Downeast Thunder Farm

Our Little Patch of Woods in Downeast Maine

Do you know those Honey-do items that languish on the to-do list? This one has been languishing for about 15 years. In part because there have been so many projects on the list and in part because I didn’t nag.

Years ago, I refinished this old chest of draws that Paul brought to our marriage and used it as a dining room sideboard. I stored cloth napkins, placements, table cloths, and candles, and such in it. Until the bottom two drawers fell apart. Fifteen years ago. The bottom drawer has been unusable. The middle opened only after a struggle.

Lately, I’ve had a bee in my bonnet over this and started perusing the local Facebook Marketplace listings.

I showed Hannah no fewer than two-dozen chests, dressers, and commodes before spotting this vintage oak chest of drawers listed in Blue Hill for a steal. It came with the home when the current owners purchased it, and they were making room to bring in their own furniture. So last weekend, Hannah and I made the trip. We managed to stuff this into the back of my Kia Soul.

A good cleaning and a couple of coats of antique oil finish, and I’ve put it into use. And in the process of cleaning out the old one, I found tablecloths I didn’t even know I had because they’d been stuck in there since 2005.

It now stores all of my dining linens. I’ve told Hannah never to let me purchase another set of off-white napkins regardless of how good the deal – I must have four sets tucked away.

I love the oak grain and the old patina. It’s a happy addition to my home.