Our WHRL Christmas Tree Festival is three weeks away. We’ve made the difficult decision, due to COVID-19, to have the event entirely online this year. A month ago, the plan was to have bidding online, but an extended window of time for folks to stop in and view the trees, wreaths, and gifts. As the COVID numbers begin to rise in Maine (we’ve had relatively low numbers until recently), we had to rethink our plans.
While I’m still trying to find my creative flow, I designed a companion Christmas stocking to go with my Moose Christmas Stocking. Made from the same snowflake cotton fabric with white corduroy lining as the Moose Stocking, a fawn rests in a forest on a snowy night.
Here’s the pattern for anyone who would like to make one. Enjoy!

A difficult but necessary decision. We keep watching the numbers increase and worry about all of our small regional hospitals handling it.