Since spotting what I think of as “Hannah’s Seal” in the bay last month, I knew I had to create a seal. Although this little guy is a fair bit cuter than our resident seal who looks like a grumpy old man. Have fun!

Jul 12, 2019 | Critter Patterns, Felt Patterns, Sea Life
Since spotting what I think of as “Hannah’s Seal” in the bay last month, I knew I had to create a seal. Although this little guy is a fair bit cuter than our resident seal who looks like a grumpy old man. Have fun!
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Oh. My. Word!!! They just keep getting cuter and cuter! I cannot wait to make this guy. <3 Is there any possible chance that you may be harboring (haha–unintentional pun) a plan to create a hippo? In time for Christmas perhaps? I've made several of your designs to give away and everyone is STUNNED with delight. I'm then forced to confess that the talent is all yours–all I do is trace the pattern and follow the instructions. LOL!! Thank you so much for sharing and giving the rest of us a chance to look good!
very sweet
What lovely words. Thank you! I’ll had a hippo to my list and we’ll see!