A few days ago Hannah mentioned that it was foggy on campus and it made her feel a bit homesick. Of all the things that could make her miss Maine – fog.

tree through the Maine fog

Fog is such and intrinsic part of living on the Maine coast.

Maine in the fog

There are days I relish the fog. Tucked in the woods, sound takes on a different quality – muffled with a hint of an echo.

fireweed in the fog

From pea soup,

Sea Smoke On Narraguagus Bay

to sea smoke,

mist on the barrens

to barrens in the mist, fog can provide a different lens on the landscape.

ribbons of fog on the barrens

My favorite fog formations are the low-lying ribbons that just skim the landscape.

barrens cloaked in fog

Sometimes eerie carpets of mist.

mount desert in the fog

Other times a cloak hiding the coast from view.

river in the fog

Fog always has me looking at the landscape anew.

So here’s a taste of home, Hannah.