Merry Christmas

The mad dash of Christmas preparations is over. My presents are wrapped – but don’t look in my office; the wrapping debris will wait for another day. After the debate of whether or not Die Hard is a Christmas movie, we’re settled in with a puzzle and a  mystery. Life couldn’t be better this Christmas Eve.

From my treasured collection of linoleum block print posters comes this year’s greeting from my great, great aunt Elizabeth Stroble.  Some of the Christmas posters I share she created on her own, others with the help of her students when she taught high school art in St.Paul, Minnesota (1940s-1960s). She sent these to family and friends each year as her Christmas card. This Christmas poster reads:

Yet in thy dark streets shineth everlasting Light.

Wishing you and yours a Happy Christmas and New Year filled with peace and joy.


Past Christmas linoleum block print posts:
24 Dec 2017
24 Dec 2016
24 Dec 2015
24 Dec 2014
24 Dec 2013
24 Dec 2012
24 Dec 2011
24 Dec 2010