Downeast Thunder Farm

Our Little Patch of Woods in Downeast Maine

A few weeks ago, Hannah and I went for a walk on the beach. Heading home, we were crossing the bridge when Hannah began yelling, “Stop the car! Stop the car! Get your camera!” When I didn’t stop fast enough (there was NO place to pull over) she hollered again, pointing to the water.

I stopped the car in the middle of the road and whipped out my camera, quickly trying to focus on the spot at which she was pointing. “It’s a whale, it’s a whale!” she screamed. With excitement, I zoomed in, focused, and began laughing.

Hannah’s whale was a large rock sitting just below the water line. Sure enough, the waves gently lapping over the rock did resemble a whale surfacing. Does this remind you a bit of my owl sighting?

Fast forward to this evening. We picked up Mexican takeout at Vazquez and were bringing it home to enjoy. Just as we hit the river and turned into our road Hannah began yelling, “Stop the car! Get your camera! There’s something in the water!”

“What? What?” I asked. “It’s a bird!” she said. “What kind of bird?” I asked. “A different bird!” she said.

great blue heron

She had no clue what she was looking at, but she was right. I think it’s the first time I’ve spied heron in our river.

great blue heron

I think I’m rubbing off on her. She’s developing quite the photographer’s eye!

great blue heron in maine