Downeast Thunder Farm

Our Little Patch of Woods in Downeast Maine

In an effort to salvage a tiny bit of summer before school begins next week, we took a couple of days and went to Portland.


We wandered downtown and enjoyed the scenery of Portland Harbor


and Casco Bay.

Hannah and Susan at Seadogs Game

We took in a Sea Dogs baseball game which was lots of fun.

Portland Head Light

I dragged everyone out of bed to catch sunrise at Portland Head Lighthouse.

Portland Head Lighthouse

Nobody seemed to mind the early hour as the hotel beds were miserable.

Portland Head Lighthouse

However, there was no sunrise to be seen – it was a gray, wet day. Yet, it was my first visit to the lighthouse and it was spectacular despite the weather.

Great Horned Owl at Maine Wildlife Park

We visited the Maine Wildlife Park in Gray. Of course I loved seeing the owls. This great horned was my best shot of the day.

We shopped our way home and never have I ever been so grateful to sleep in my bed. I love exploring Maine, but there’s no question that I’m a homebody at heart.