Downeast Thunder Farm

Our Little Patch of Woods in Downeast Maine

On this crystal clear Sunday, we went for a family hike. Usually it’s just Hannah and I, but Paul opted to tag along when I promised it wouldn’t be a forced march. We explored the Pike Lands in North Lubec.?Two main trails run from South Bay to Cobscook Bay.


The trail to South Bay was predominately wooded. Unfortunately, we forgot to bring bug juice. I felt as if I was the main course on the menu for every mosquito in the state of Maine. The decision to wear shorts today was not a good one.


The trail led to Huckins Beach a narrow, shale lined beach.


The trip to the beach and back was a little over a mile. I all but ran the return leg, abandoning Paul and Hannah. Sadly, my being a moving target did nothing to discourage the skeeters.


The Cove Trail started out with a field lined with old gnarled apple trees.


A short while later the trail ended at a salt march with views of Canada across the bay.


As lovely as the hike was, I’m happy to be home dabbing calamine on my skeeter bites.