This incredible edible breakfast sandwich machine is brought to us by Granny Gadget. She sent Hannah this Hamilton Beach Breakfast Sandwich Maker. We’ve had fun testing it out.

Heat it up and then pop in an English muffin half. I opted for a slice of sour dough bread this morning. Add cheese to the top or your cooked ham or bacon.

Flip the egg ring down and pour your egg in – scrambled for me, topped with a sprinkle of bacon bits.
This little gadget is very fun. Hannah said that it makes “the best breakfast sandwich she’s ever had.” I’d like it if it had a timer built in. And the egg sticks to the non-stick surface a little, but all in all, Granny Gadget picked a winner! Thanks, Mom!
Looks great. Havent’t had a chance to try mine. How about putting a little oil on the egg cooker plate so the egg doesn’t stick. Can’t wait till you visit and Hannah can make sandwiches for me. Love you.
The instructions call for oil spray which I don’t use, so I used a little olive oil. It didn’t seem to make that much of a difference. However, it’s fairly easy to clean!
That looks yummy. I don’t eat heavy things for breakfast anymore, a bowl of shredded wheat is the norm for me. Love the card Hannah made, she is a really talented artist.